Lin Feng has secretly sworn in his heart!!!

When Heaven becomes stronger, he must teach the Lighthouse Nation a lesson!!!

However, in this joint statement, Great Britain, a solid ally of the Lighthouse Nation, is not included.

Lin Feng knows why?!!!

After all, Great Britain is actually under the control of that woman!!!

It must be because of her that they did not join the joint statement against Heaven this time.......

But Lin Feng could also imagine.........

What a huge pressure that woman will bear for this!!!!

After all, even though she is the actual controller of Great Britain now, the people under her will definitely agree to declare together with the Lighthouse Country! 11!!

As a ruler, that woman also needs to listen to the advice of the people below.........

Otherwise, it is very likely to cause some unnecessary turmoil!!!

It may even threaten her dominance!!!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a little guilty.........

He felt that he had let that woman down a bit.


Lin Feng picked up his phone and dialed the number he had never called since leaving Great Britain..........


After a few seconds of beeping, the phone was picked up..........

This scene made Lin feel very touched!!!

That woman was in a high position and had a lot of things to do every day!!!

But she still answered his call within a few seconds.

If nothing unexpected happened, his phone number must have been paid special attention by her..........

Otherwise it wouldn't be so fast!!!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt even more guilty towards that woman........

After the call was connected, neither party spoke.

Lin Feng did not speak, and the person on the other end of the phone did not speak either..........

This strange silence lasted for more than a minute.

Before that, there was only the irregular breathing sounds of both parties..........

From the breathing of the woman opposite, Lin Feng could also feel her inner restlessness!!!

After a long time,

Lin Feng was the first to surrender and said:

"well enough.........."

As soon as these words came out, a sniffling sound suddenly came from the other end of the phone. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then a charming voice sounded:


"Who is this rare guest?!!"

"You even knew to call me?!"

"It's rare........."

"I am truly honored!!!"

Lin Feng:...........

Hearing that the woman opposite started to tease him wantonly.

Lin Feng said: Give me back the emotion and guilt I just felt, bad woman!!!

Of course, these are all jokes..........

From the sound of the woman sniffling at first, Lin Feng naturally knew that the person on the other end of the phone must be crying..........

Otherwise, why would he suddenly sniffle?!!

Could it be because his nose was blocked?!!

Lin Feng would only believe such an outrageous thing if he was a fool...........

After all, a holy swordsman would have rhinitis?!!

Are you kidding me?!!

Coming back to his senses,

Lin Feng said to her:

"Stop it.........."

"It's my fault that I didn't call you for so long.........."

"But is this really worth it?!!"

"After all, you finally eliminated your political enemies and became the true ruler of Great Britain.........."

"Is it really necessary to bring unnecessary trouble to yourself because of such a small matter?!! 807"

After saying this, the woman opposite was silent..........

Second update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!.

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