"Ms. Chris!!!"

"How about this big show led by your husband?!!"

"Still quite interesting, right?!!"

Looking at the smug man,

Vermouth couldn't help but hold her forehead.

Forget it, forget it.........

This childish guy!!!

I should get used to it.........

After giving him a charming roll of the eyes, Vermouth decided to ignore him......-......

This is very embarrassing, isn't it?!!

Looking at Miss Chris who didn't give him any face at all,

Lin Feng touched his nose and was speechless........

"let's go!!!"

"The police are probably coming......."

In the end,

Lin Feng changed the subject very stiffly and asked the driver to take them away from the scene.

As for how to deal with the follow-up, what does it have to do with him?!!

No one died in Heaven...........

That night, the Japanese police were destined to be sleepless.

The huge explosion at the Shinjuku dock caused a shock to the entire society!!!

Countless people were awakened by the noise and fire at that time.........

It can't be covered up at all!!!

The whole of Tokyo is in a state of panic.........

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was also under great pressure!!!

After all, so many people died at once........

And there was an explosion!!!

Especially after investigating the bodies, we found that a lot of people were illegal residents........

As soon as this result came out, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department felt uneasy.........

Something is wrong!!!

This is so wrong!!!

If the part-time worker Toru Amuro hadn’t reported the situation to the Japanese police,

I’m afraid the top management of Japan would be worried.........

Of course, this matter is not only the Japanese police.

Even the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department has relevant personnel to investigate........

Neon Tokyo.

Metropolitan Police Department.

Maori Kogoro looks at the middle-aged man in front of him and reports the relevant situation.

"So, Maori......."

"This matter is related to Heaven Brewery, right?!!"

Superintendent Baima looked at the mustache in front of him and asked his own question.

"That's right!!!"

"According to the intelligence provided by the undercover in the organization, this is exactly the case........"

"It is said that the FBI wants to fish out the Heaven man through fishing!!!"

"But the other party knew about it in advance."

"So Heaven used the same trick against them!!!"

"Directly leaked this information to the winery"

"Then attract the people from the winery"

"Finally, a new type of bomb was used to clear the area........"

"That’s why what happened now!!!"

Upon hearing this,

Superintendent Baima raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion:

"A new type of bomb?!!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is this Heaven's latest bomb?!!"

"That's right!!!"

"According to intelligence, that seems to be the case........."

After these words were spoken, the White Horse Police Chief was silent.........

Because the White Horse Police Chief knows exactly what this information means.........

The Heaven people actually have the ability to develop weapons on their own.

The danger will only be increased!!!

You know, underground organizations like Heaven usually don’t have the ability to develop weapons on their own!!!

Their weapons are usually purchased through arms dealers.

But now, Heaven has found out!!!

And they are not manufacturing existing weapons, but new weapons that have not yet been released!!!

This danger is too great........

However, the White Horse Superintendent knew that this had nothing to do with him.

He only needed to report the information.

As for how to deal with it, that was the business of the top leaders.........

It has nothing to do with me.........

"gross profit!!!"

"Find out where Heaven makes weapons."

"After all, this is an event in Tokyo."

"If nothing unexpected happens, there is a weapons research institute in Heaven Tokyo."

"Found it!!!"

Hearing this,

Maori Kogoro immediately stood up and saluted, then left.........

Looking at Maori Kogoro's back, the Hakuba Superintendent rubbed his brows helplessly........


Today, the competition between the Metropolitan Police Department and the National Police Agency is still very fierce.

Although the National Police Agency is nominally the superior of the Metropolitan Police Department, there is still a competitive relationship between the two.........

This time, the information came from the National Police Agency.

But there was nothing we could do about it..........

After all, the National Police Agency does a better job than the Metropolitan Police Department in undercover work for large criminal organizations like this.........

If they didn't have the hidden trump card of Maori Kogoro, they would have been blinded to the organization long ago.........

Now, another Heaven has appeared in Tokyo.

At present, this guy is more dangerous than the winery!!!

This undoubtedly further increases the difficulty of the Metropolitan Police Department's work........

Even the head of the Metropolitan Police Department, Superintendent Hakuba, was confused about his future work.........

Second update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe by yourself, please subscribe to all books!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction. I hope all readers can support me. Thank you!!! Yi!.

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