ps. The author is almost well, and will resume normal updates from tomorrow.~~~~~~

Thank you all for your support!!!!

Because of your support, the author has the motivation to update!!!

Seeing the embarrassed figure in front of her,

Judy couldn't help but look surprised!!!

How long has it been?!!

How long has it been since I saw Akai Shuichi in such an embarrassed state?!!!

I have to say.

Akai Shuichi's embarrassed state at this time really surprised Judy.....

Since both parties were in the water,

Judy couldn't speak.

But through her expression and eyes,

Akai Shuichi could also read her meaning........

But Akai Shuichi didn't respond!!!

How to respond?!!!

Damn, it's not embarrassing enough, right?!!!

It was embarrassing because I underestimated Heaven........

Do you want to deliberately rub salt into the scar?!!

Isn't this just being hard on yourself?!!

James, who was standing by, saw this scene and knew that Akai Shuichi must be in a bad mood at the moment, so he didn't say anything........

Today's action is considered a failure........

There is nothing much to say!!!

I can only say that it is his responsibility as a commander. He underestimated Heaven.

I didn't expect their fishing plan to be exposed from the beginning........

"Be careful when facing Heaven in the future......."

"From this incident, it can be seen that they are more dangerous than the winery........"

After a brief summary in his mind,

James's attention to Heaven was raised to the same level as that of the winery........

Even higher!!!

On the other side, the situation of the winery and others was not good either!!!

Although they dodged in time,

Jinx's gift was too strong!!!

They were a little overwhelmed.......

It can be said that in this operation, almost all the peripheral members of the winery died........

Even the core members with wine names were injured!!!

Even the hardworking Gin was slightly injured........

Only the winery's Wolongfengchu, who was responsible for the outer security, was intact........

Right now

"Big Brother!!.!"

"Are you okay?!!"

Vodka looked at the man with burnt hair in front of him and couldn't help asking.

In his memory, this was the first time his elder brother was so embarrassed!

Even the two times he faced the red-haired freak Heaven, he was not so embarrassed........

The two things that my brother loves most in his life are his Porsche 356A and his long flowing hair!

This time, my brother's flowing blond hair was blurred........

As you can imagine.......(To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

How angry must my eldest brother be?!!

This is exactly the case........

After hearing what Vodka said, Gin couldn't help but take a look at his hair.

Just this one look almost made Gin die on the spot!!!


A very harsh grinding sound could not help but come out of Gin's mouth.

Seeing this, Vodka asked worriedly:

"Big brother?!!"


After shouting several times,

Gin looked at Vodka with murderous eyes........

Just this one glance made Vodka feel like he was falling into an icy cave........

It's so scary!!!

Vodka knows his big brother's personality very well........

The look in his eyes just now shows that his eldest brother wants to kill someone again........

And it's not just a desire to kill people!!!

It's a very urgent desire to kill people.......

This usually happens when the eldest brother is in a very bad mood!

Without a doubt.......

At this moment, the eldest brother was in a very bad mood!!!

Gin: Isn’t this nonsense?!!!

My favorite hair was burned, how can I not be in a bad mood?!!!

Damn it!!!

If it weren’t for you, Vodka, who works hard.

Although you don’t have any ability!!!

But you are absolutely loyal and a good driver who works hard.

I’m afraid I would have killed you long ago!!!

These words are what Gin really thinks.

Fortunately, he didn’t say it out loud.

Otherwise, Vodka would be in a bad mood........

Oh my god!!!

I almost died just now?!!!


Curacao, which was with Gin, was not in a good situation either.

Since Curacao was a certain distance away from Gin at that time, it was not greatly affected.........

A beautiful silver hair, still saved.......

However, in order to dodge, Curacao's body was directly pushed onto the container by the shock wave of the bomb.

His entire left arm was pressed directly onto it!!! The shock wave of the explosion plus Curacao's entire strength caused Curacao's left arm to be broken on the spot........

It can be said

((Wang Zhao) Curacao saved its image, but suffered considerable internal damage.......

As for the core members such as Tequila, they all suffered different degrees of injuries.

In short, in one word!!!

The winery is really miserable........

First update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

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