ps. The author seems to be a sheep, and I feel weak all over, so I will update randomly these days. I am sorry to all the readers.~~~

The scene in front of me was so shocking that everyone was shocked..........

Wow!!! How could this steel container collapse?!!

Then Gin looked at the place where the attack was launched.

He saw a 175cm tall European-looking muscular man wearing tight clothes and showing a bloodthirsty smile........

"Someone from Heaven?!!"

Although he had never seen this person before,

Gin still guessed his identity right away........

In his opinion, there is no other possibility except Heaven........


"Very clever!!!"


"You know, so what?!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the captain of the boomerang raised his hand.

The boomerang that had been stuck in the container was immediately sensed and flew back out!!!

"Get down!!!"

I heard the sound of a whirring voice coming from behind.————The sound of the wind.

Gin immediately told everyone to lie down!!!


Captain Boomerang went forward and prepared to fight with the winery.

"I'm coming!!!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

It turned out to be Curacao who received Gin's order.



"I never hit a woman!!!"

""Get out of my way, or don't blame me for being ruthless!!!"

The moment he saw Curacao,

Captain Boomerang couldn't help but smile disdainfully.

In his opinion, beating a woman is a very lowly thing.

Of course, this is also because he looks down on women.

This looks down refers to fighting.

If it's on the bed, that's another matter........

After being despised by Captain Boomerang, Curacao was not angry, but said calmly:



"Then let me see how much you weigh?!!"

"I wonder if your strength can match your words?!!"

Seeing Curacao's ungrateful look,

Captain Boomerang sneered.

Then he shook his head helplessly.

Good words can't persuade the damned ghost!!!

In this case, don't blame him!!!

But let's be honest........

In terms of skills alone,

Captain Boomerang was still a little worse than Ah Fu.

So in the early stage of the fight with Curacao, he did not gain a big advantage!!!

Unlike Ah Fu, who had beaten Curacao to the point where he could only dodge and was completely unable to fight back from the very beginning!!!


"Is this the level?!!"

"How dare you speak so arrogantly here?!!"

"I'm embarrassed for you......."

After hearing what Curacao said,

Captain Boomerang immediately became furious!!!

"Dead Woman.......You are looking for death!!!"

Then the furious Captain Boomerang suddenly increased the frequency of his attacks. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

For a moment,

Curacao suddenly felt a little overwhelmed........


"I just let you go!!!"

"Otherwise, do you think that with your mediocre skills, you can compete with me?!!"

Although he said so,

Captain Boomerang was already very shocked!!!

Because he found that the skills of the white-haired woman in front of him were indeed terrifying!!!

If it weren't for his natural strength and physical advantages as a man, he might not be able to defeat her!!!

Facing the ridicule of Captain Boomerang,

Curacao, who was already exhausted from dealing with it, had no time to retort!!!

At this moment, she was thinking about a question:

"Why is there another pervert?!!"

"There are too many experts in Heaven, aren't there?!!"

"Although this person is not as powerful as Ah Fu!!!"

"But in the organization, it is also the best......"

"Damn it!!!"

Seeing Curacao and Captain Boomerang start fighting,

Vodka wanted to help, but was stopped by Gin........

"Leave them alone!!!"

"Let’s eliminate the FBI first!!!"

"The people in Heaven are in the dark, since they haven't shown up, just ignore them!!!"

"Otherwise you will be in trouble........"

Vodka nodded subconsciously when he heard this.

But he always felt that his elder brother's words were a bit cowardly!!!

It was because the FBI was a soft persimmon, easy to squeeze!!!

That's why he chose to destroy the FBI with all his heart!!!

Gin: Why do you keep telling the truth?!!

Am I a coward?!!


That's a tactical transfer!!!

Do you understand?!!

No wonder you are just a driver for a lifetime.......

Just as the winery was concentrating all its firepower on the FBI, a police helicopter, under the cover of night, slowly flew not far away........

On the police helicopter, there was a little girl with blue hair.

She looked at the sparks below and heard the endless gunshots.

She couldn't help but show an expression of enjoyment.



"What a pleasant sound!!!"

"What a beautiful picture!~~~~~~"

"How can I be missing from such a wonderful scene?!!!"

"Oh hahahahahahahahahahaha——————"

As she laughed, the voice of the loli became more and more crazy!!!

It gave people a neurotic feeling.

This person was none other than the one who was ready to use heavy weapons to clear the area: the runaway loli——Jinx.......

First update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

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