Night has come quietly.

At a pier, a good show is about to begin...

When Lin Feng and Miss Chris slowly arrived at the scene, the scene in front of them immediately left Lin Feng speechless.......

Familiar docks, familiar containers, and familiar cranes......


This was the first thought in Lin Feng’s mind........

Isn't this the place where the full moon showdown took place in the original novel?!!

In this life, it was actually used by the FBI to fish?!!

And the person being fished was me?!!

Lin Feng just wanted to give a thumbs up to express his admiration!!!


Lin Feng was really convinced!!!

Who would have thought that the place where the FBI fished was the place where they had a showdown with Sister Bay in the original novel!!!

Lin Feng saw this scene and said to Miss Chris, who was holding a plate of food:

"Miss Chris 08......"

"Are you familiar with this scene?!!"

After saying this,

Miss Chris slightly wrinkled her beautiful forehead.

Then she shook her head and said unnaturally:

"What's wrong?!!"

"What's wrong with this scene?!!"

"I've never been here......."

As soon as these words came out,

Lin Feng remembered that

Miss Chris had never experienced the full moon duel.

Naturally, she didn't know all this.......



"But I always feel that this place is familiar......."

Hearing this,

Miss Chris thought for a moment.

After confirming that she had never been here, she could not help but say:


Then Miss Chris asked:


"This time, how many people have you prepared?!!"

Speaking of this, Miss Chris looked at the man who had been standing on the side since she met her husband today.......

Years of experience in the underground world made Miss Chris feel that this man was a master the moment she saw him!!!

If nothing unexpected happened, this man was also from Heaven.......

When she thought of this,

Miss Chris couldn't help but sigh:

"Heaven is so scary!!!"

"I see a random person who can be at the forefront of the organization!!!"

"Even Gin feels like he is no match for the man in front of him......."


This was Miss Chris’s first impression.

She originally thought that Heaven, the pervert, and Death Shooter were already very strong!!!

Unexpectedly, she still didn’t know Heaven well enough

, and she didn’t know her man well enough.......

If this kind of expert was in their organization, he would definitely be a hot ace-level core member!!!

But in Heaven, he can be seen everywhere.......

Speaking of which, after hearing Miss Chris's question,

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly:

"Miss Chris knew it immediately......."

"Please allow me to keep you in suspense here!!!"


Hearing this,

Miss Chris could not help but frown. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then she said dissatisfiedly:


"So mysterious!!!"

"I don't know what you are going to do?!!"

"I don’t want to watch it anymore!!!"

Although she said that, it was clear from Miss Chris’s increasingly puzzled look that what she said just now was just her angry words in a hurry.......

No reference value!!!

Lin Feng was naturally aware of this.

So he just smiled faintly and didn't say much.......

When all the actors are here, everything will be revealed!!!

On the other side, as the leader of this drama, the FBI has made full preparations.......

This drama basically sent all the FBI in the Japanese area to the scene!!!

Just to catch a few members of Heaven......

The fear that Ahfu brought to Judy not long ago was too strong!!!

So just in case.

This time, the FBI summoned its ace agent, Akai Shuichi, to Neon.......

Anyway, it won't be long before Shuichi Akai comes to Neon.......

So it is no big deal to call them in advance this time!!!

At this time, in a white car,

Judy looked at the pier not far away.

A confident smile appeared on her face.......

Especially when she saw the man in the knitted hat in the back seat, she was even more relieved!

As a former lover and colleague,

Judy knew Akai Shuichi's strength very well.......

In the past missions, anything that the FBI couldn't solve!!!

He would eventually do it himself.

The results were naturally gratifying.

He basically never failed!!!

Except for the time when he faced Gin a few years ago.

Because of Cameron's mistake , he failed in the end!!!

Shuichi Akai's undercover operation eventually failed!!!

But everyone knew that the failure of that mission had nothing to do with Shuichi Akai......

It's just that his teammates are too bad!!!

Akai 883 Shuichi's status in the eyes of FBI agents has not decreased at all......

It can be said that in the eyes of all the agents, facing Heaven's trolling behavior this time, it was precisely because of Shuichi Akai that they dared to act this way!!! After all, many agents had experienced Heaven's rubbing on the ground last time. If it weren't for Shuichi Akai, they probably wouldn't dare to take the initiative to cause trouble for Heaven.


And all these changes are caused by this man!!!

This man is called the absolute trump card in the FBI!!!

This super enemy is called the silver bullet by the boss of the Black Organization!!!

Second update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe by yourself, please subscribe to all!!! ps. This is the second book and the first fan fiction of the author. I hope all readers can support me. Thank you!!!

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