But with Lin Feng's methods, even if Ota Katsu knew his fate in advance, it would be useless....

Being able to die in ignorance!!!

This doesn't seem to be a bad thing......

About half an hour later, the police arrived.......

Lin Feng looked carefully and saw several familiar faces.

A fat police officer in an orange coat.

A handsome and thin errand boy.

And a heroic policewoman!!! There was no doubt that these three people were Officer Megure, Officer Takagi and Sato Miwako.......

However, since it was their first meeting, Lin Feng did not pay much attention to it.......

In addition, Xiaolan, an old friend of the police, was involved in this incident, so it was not that troublesome.......

After asking about the relevant matters, they took everyone away.

After all, this case involves the eldest daughter of the Suzuki Group and Lin Feng, an international friend.

So the follow-up of the case is still quite troublesome.......

As for the bandage man, he has been found by the police.

But when he was found, he was already a corpse.....

His true identity was naturally revealed!!!

Seeing this, Suzuki Ayako looked at Lin Feng with strange eyes.

She knew very well who killed Takahashi Ryoichi!!!

Although she didn't know who did it!!!

But the person who gave the order must be the harmless-looking boy in front of her......

Although Suzuki Ayako knew it clearly, she had no intention of reporting Lin Feng.......

After all, this was a way for him to vent his anger!!! In addition, Takahashi Ryoichi was really too much!!!

His sister was in danger twice because of him.......

Even if Lin Feng didn't take action,

Suzuki Ayako wouldn't let him go!!!

Lin Feng's move was also a favor to her........

Even if I want to report Lin Feng, I have no evidence!!! At that time , due to Lin Feng's identity, the police will not dare to torture him.

At that time, he will definitely be acquitted!!!

After all, he is my sister's boyfriend.

Maybe he will be my future brother-in-law!!!

Suzuki Ayako will not offend Lin Feng for such a small matter.......

So, in the end, the case was declared closed because it was committed by an outsider.......

As for who the outsider is, the police will naturally search for him.......

However, considering the level of the Neon Police in the world of Detective Conan, the final result will definitely be nothing.......

This point, for Lin Feng, a Conan fan, naturally believed it!!!

Days passed one by one.

After the bandage monster incident,

Lin Feng went out with Yuanzi twice.

Of course, this time, it was just the two of them!!!

Xiaolan, the light bulb, was not brought along.......

The relationship between the two also improved rapidly after several dates........

As for Lin Feng's life, it also returned to normal.......

Basically, if there is a beautiful girl to date, go out on a date!!!

If not, just stay at home and be a salted fish. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

As for the management of Heaven under his own company, Lin Feng has always handed it over to others.......

He fully demonstrated the style of a hands-off boss!!!

Fortunately, the system characters are absolutely loyal to Lin Feng!!!

In addition, some system characters have a strong desire for power!!!

So they are happy to see their boss become a hands-off boss.......

Altria was in charge of Great Britain.

Gurefia and Yakushiji Ryoko were in charge of Neon!

Everything was going on in such an orderly manner!

Lin Feng was just setting things up.......

Occasionally I would do some main quests and get some system rewards, which was very comfortable.......

As for the Death God Elementary School Student, Lin Feng was naturally concerned.

He was still doing his job as usual.

It brought disaster to many families!!!

But what surprised him was Maori Kogoro.......

According to the intelligence,

Maori Kogoro has been secretly investigating them recently!!!

From this, Lin Feng roughly guessed that this so-called confused uncle really has an extraordinary identity!!!

However, Lin Feng is not in a hurry to dig out his true identity. It is still quite interesting to keep a sense of mystery.......

Besides, the uncle's true identity must be similar to that of the working emperor Toru Amuro.......

It is definitely affiliated with the Japanese police!!!

As for which department it is, Lin Feng is too lazy to investigate!!!

A red team member, what is there to investigate?!!!

As for Ai-chan's experimental progress.

It's still the same.......

There is a little progress, but not much!!!

But Lin Feng is not in a hurry......

After all, in his previous life, Lin Feng knew how complicated APTX4869 was from watching anime!!!

Ai-chan has been researching for more than 20 years in anime.

Still, there is not much progress.......

Even in the story when Lin Feng traveled through time, he could only make a short-term special medicine.

It couldn't last long at all!!!

However, with the help of the underworld soul chaser in this life,

Ai-chan's progress is indeed much faster than in the anime....(Li Hao)...

But overall, it's still not big!!!

As for Miss Chris......

I won't mention it!!!

She is still elusive.

She appears for a while and disappears for a while.

Lin Feng has no good way to deal with her......Mai.

One more update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe to all!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

Sakamaki izayoi

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