Speaking of which, when Chikako Ikeda said this,

Ayako Suzuki knew that it was a bit disappointing to mention Atsuko's name at this time....

So I apologized to my classmates again and again......

Don't doubt it!!!

Don't be surprised!!!

It's just an apology!!!

As a rich girl, she actually apologized to an ordinary person?!!

If it happened to other people, it would be rare to see......

But for the two daughters of the Suzuki family, this is just basic literacy.......

Seeing this, Lin Feng turned back and glanced at Suzuki Sonoko, who was holding hands with him........

To be honest!!!

The Suzuki couple educated their two daughters very well!!!

There is no doubt about this......

This is also the reason why Lin Feng wants to take in all the sisters from the Suzuki family.......

It's not just because of feelings.

Another very important point is that the sisters in the Suzuki family have very good personalities!!!

The eldest is gentle and intellectual, a typical good wife and mother!!!

The second is carefree, lively, and nervous, a typical love trouble.....

For Lin Feng, the two sisters with completely different personalities naturally bring different enjoyments.......

How could Lin Feng refuse?!!!

Speaking of which, after Suzuki Ayako apologized,

Ikeda Chikako naturally forgave her.

Then she said hello, saying that she was tired and wanted to rest, and went upstairs alone.......

Lin Feng knew that this was the last side this woman left for the world.......

The next time I see her, I'm afraid it will be just a head.......

Taking a look at the instigator, Takahashi Ryoichi, Lin Feng could clearly sense that there was a vague murderous intent in his eyes.......

If I hadn't observed carefully, I'm afraid he would have fooled me.

But when Lin Feng noticed that Gao Qiao Liangyi had a bad look and glanced at Xiao Lan,......

Lin Feng's alarm bells immediately rang!!!!

If he remembered correctly, in the original novel, Takahashi Ryoichi not only wanted to kill Ikeda Chikako, but also wanted to kill Xiaolan!!!!

In the final analysis, it was because Xiaolan accidentally saw Takahashi Ryoichi's real body.......

In fact, Xiaolan didn't notice this.

But Takahashi Ryoichi didn't think so!

In his opinion, Xiaolan's survival would only increase his risk of exposure.......


Xiaolan must be eliminated!!!

Thinking about the screams he heard when he entered the villa just now, and Takahashi Ryoichi's vague murderous intentions,

Lin Feng finally figured out everything!!!


"You bastard, if you want to kill that villain Chikako Ikeda, no problem!!!"

"You can kill as you like......"

"But now, you actually want to kill Xiaolan?!!"

"Isn't this just an old man hanging himself, seeking death?!!"

"In this case, I can't forgive you......."

It's a pity!!!

Takahashi Ryoichi made a wrong decision.

Lin Feng, who originally didn't intend to get involved too much, is now ready to kill him because of Xiaolan!!!

Of course,

Lin Feng won't kill him directly.

He plans to be a hero and save Xiaolan when Takahashi Ryoichi attacks her!!!

Although this scene is very cliché......

But you can't help it!!!

Basically, every girl you hit will get it!!!

Especially now, it's still the background of the 1990s......

Many of the old-fashioned 100% things in the eyes of later generations are still very useful in this world.......

Especially the target is Xiaolan, an innocent angel.......

Lin Feng could foresee that Xiaolan would have absolutely no resistance to this move of Lin Feng!

Even though she and the drum washing machine had a deep childhood friendship,......

If Lin Feng cannot succeed for a while,......

But I think this time, the relationship between the two will definitely have a breakthrough.......

It is enough to achieve this goal.......


, if you want to be a hero and save the beauty, you must first protect her!

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens and Xiaolan gets into trouble, then Lin Feng will be in trouble.......

Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had a helper who had been in the dark all along!!!

That person was his eternal bodyguard, Ah Fu!!!

But now he was in the woods outside the villa.


Lin Feng sent a message to Ah Fu outside the villa.

Then he began to wait quietly.......

He knew that the good show was about to begin.......

And he just needs to wait and see!!!

An hour later.

Ikeda Chikako's body was found......

At this time,

Xiaolan also encountered her first attack.......

That was after everyone was attracted by the puppet.

When Lin Feng, Yuan Zi, and Xiao Lan were helping to find someone......


A guy wearing a black cape and a bandage on his face came out from the darkness!!!

He swung an axe at Xiaolan!!! (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Facing the sudden attack,

Xiaolan dodged it in time with her reaction!!!

But when Xiaolan was about to fight back, the image of the bandaged monster stunned her.......

Then there was a scream!!!

There was no way......

Angel Lan is afraid of these things.

Basically, any guy with an ugly face can scare Xiao Lan.......

The consequence of scaring Xiaolan is that Xiaolan instantly loses her fighting ability.......

Seeing that the girl in front of him had become a lamb to be slaughtered,

Takahashi Ryoichi showed a ferocious smile.......

"Almost there, almost there......"

"As long as this woman in front of me dies, I will be completely safe!!!"

"Ho Ho......"

"Don't blame me if you go to hell. Who let you see my secret?!!"

"If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for your bad luck......."

Thinking this in his heart, the axe in his hand did not stop at all.

He chopped straight down!!!


At the critical moment, Lin Feng made a move!!!


Before he finished speaking,

Lin Feng kicked the bandage monster's axe away with a flying kick.

Then he kicked the bandage monster down with a series of kicks!!!

Yuanzi on the side seemed to react a little slower than usual.......

Only then did I react!!!

Then a voice:


It attracted all the people around.

After being kicked down, the bandaged man looked at Lin Feng with a look of hatred.

Then, after hearing the footsteps around him, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.......

There is no other way!!!

Now that everyone is here, I can only look for another opportunity.......

Anyway, the suspension bridge leading to the outside world has been cut by myself.

From now on, it is just a game of cat and mouse.......

Lin Feng: Well, I think so too, but I am the cat and you are the mouse......

Speaking of which, after Lin Feng defeated the bandaged monster, he immediately squatted beside Xiaolan and said in a very gentle tone:

"Xiaolan, how are you? Are you okay?"


"Thank you Lin Jun......"

Xiaolan, who was originally in a daze, immediately woke up after hearing Lin Jun's greetings!!! However, from her intermittent speech, it can be seen that Xiaolan's mood has not yet calmed down.......

As Xiaolan's best friend, Yuanzi naturally stepped forward to take care of her.

After comforting her for a while, Xiaolan finally came out of her panic.......

"Lan, who was the guy who attacked you just now?!!"

Seeing that her best friend was much better,

Suzuki Sonoko started to question.

She was very angry!!!

Such a thing happened on her own territory!!!

Isn't this a slap in the face of Suzuki Sonoko?!!

This piece of land, including the forest and the villa, belongs to her Suzuki family.

So Suzuki Sonoko was naturally very annoyed that her best friend was almost fatally attacked on her own territory.......

She saw the scene clearly.

If it wasn’t for her boyfriend’s intervention, her bestie would have been in big trouble!!! She might even have died!!!

After all, if the axe hit her hard, it would have killed her!!!

Thinking of this, Suzuki Sonoko looked at her boyfriend with a look of gratitude and tenderness.......

In her opinion, the reason why Lin Jun risked his life to save Xiaolan must be for her sake!!!

Lin Feng:......

I'm sorry, this is not the case.......

Speaking of which.

Xiaolan didn't want to recall the past after hearing this.

But the matter was of great importance, and she couldn't afford to be petty.

After a little thought, Xiaolan said tremblingly:

"Yuanzi, the weird guy we met on the bridge on the way here......"

"It's him!!!"

After hearing this,

Sonoko suddenly realized!!!

"It turned out to be that weirdo!!!"

"I originally thought he was a mountain hunter......."

"But now it seems that I was naive."

Second update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me support, thank you!!!.

Tagged: Sakamaki izayoi

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