After returning home,

Huiyuan Ai did not ask Lin Feng what he did last night. As usual

, she would know what she should know.

She would not ask what she should not know!!!

This is Huiyuan Ai's current style of doing things....

"came back~~"

"Well, I'm back.~~"

"that...Do you have anything to do today?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then asked:

"It's ok, what's wrong?!!"


Seeing Huiyuan Ai's inconsistent expression,

Lin Feng thought for a moment and asked:

"Does Xiaoai want to go out and play?"

"If you want, I'll accompany you!!!"

Huiyuan Ai:......


"Could it be that Mr. Lin has the ability to read minds? Otherwise, why did he speak out my inner thoughts so easily?

Seeing Huiyuan Ai's embarrassed look,

Lin Feng curled his lips and thought:

"Looks like I guessed it right!!!"

"This little arrogant, ah~~~"

After sighing in his heart,

Lin Feng said:

"Then pack up and go!!!"

"Huh? What?!!"

"I said let's pack up and leave soon. It just so happens that we haven't had a date since we got together......."

As soon as these words came out,

Huiyuan Ai's face suddenly turned as red as an apple.

She looked so cute!!!

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a bite!!!

""Ah, what are you doing!!!" Huiyuan Ai yelled when Lin Feng suddenly bit her. Then she wiped her face repeatedly with her hands in disgust. It was as if Lin Feng's saliva was very dirty.


"Nothing, it’s mainly because you’re so cute, I couldn’t help it, so I took a bite!!!"

Huihara Ai:......

After hearing this, what else could Huihara Ai do?!!

Who made her have such a LSP boyfriend?

After rolling her eyes cutely, Huihara Ai went straight upstairs to clean up.

Women are always slow to clean up.

Even Huihara Ai, who is now only a 7-year-old child, is no exception.

It took about half an hour.

Lin Feng went out with Huihara Ai.

"Where to go?"

"Um...Let’s go to the department store!"


Lin Feng was not surprised by Huiyuan Ai's answer.

After all, shopping is a girl's nature.

Although Lin Feng has no interest in shopping, it does not prevent him from risking his life to accompany Xiao Ai.......

"Ah Fu, let's go to the department store"

""Yes, BOSS!!!"

As Lin Feng's bodyguard, Ah Fu naturally had to come out with him.

Huiyuan Ai was no longer surprised by this.

This freak would always follow Lin Jun.

But Huiyuan Ai didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, there was such a pervert protecting him.

Apart from anything else, the sense of security alone was indeed full!!!

About twenty minutes later, the car drove to the department store closest to Lin Feng's home.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly saw a few little guys.

At a glance, Lin Feng secretly said:

"Bad luck!!!"

"I didn't check the almanac when I went out today......."

Needless to say, the only person who could make Lin Feng complain like this was the BaiGai detective team headed by the Grim Reaper.......

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Ai Huiyuan saw her boyfriend's face suddenly turned bad.

She couldn't help asking

"Nothing, just saw a bad god......"

Hearing this, Huiyuan Ai seemed to remember something. She quickly got up and looked in the direction of Lin Feng's sight.


Now she knew what her boyfriend was worried about.

It turned out to be that short Conan.......

That's not surprising.......

My husband always hated that short Conan.

Last time he said he was a bad luck god, but I didn't believe him.

But he was slapped in the face in seconds!!!

I just entered my sister's professor's house.

The police came right after.......(To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Even Huiyuan Ai thought it was unreliable to say that he was not the God of Misfortune.

Now, like Lin Feng, she also avoided this God of Death.......

Unfortunately, sometimes fate is just a coincidence.

Lin Feng obviously didn't deliberately contact the Death God Elementary School Student.

But he just bumped into him all the time!!!

Where can Lin Feng go to make sense?!!

On the other side,

Conan, who was being stared at by Lin Feng, suddenly shuddered and looked around.

"Conan, what's wrong with you?

Seeing Conan's strangeness, Ayumi asked kindly.


Although he said that

, Conan's alarm bells had already been sounded.......

"Who is it?!!"

"Who was looking at me just now?!!"

Since being knocked unconscious by Gin, and being teased by the ugly uncle,

Conan's alertness has become much stronger than before.......

Not to mention that it is better than Huiyuan Ai's humanoid radar with an alcohol detector.

But at least it is much better than before!!!

He is sure that someone must have been looking at him just now.

It's not a random glance.

Instead, the focus is on him!!!

On the other side,

Lin Feng, who hastily hid, couldn't help but take a deep breath and said:

"I didn’t expect this brat to become so much more alert?"

"Could it be that he evolved after being repeatedly taught by Gin and Fuku?!!"

Huihara Ai ignored Lin Feng's nonsense and continued to secretly watch the short Conan.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was so jealous that he almost flipped over!!!

"Hello, Ms. Xiaoai, please pay attention......"

"You know, you have a boyfriend now......."

"Is it okay to openly stare at another man in front of your boyfriend?!!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words,

Huiyuan Ai immediately showed an expression as if she had seen a ghost!!!

What did she just see?!!

Lin Jun, this guy, was actually jealous in front of her?!!

This was the first time Huiyuan Ai saw......

"'What's wrong? Miss Ai, is there a problem?!! '

Huihara Ai:......


It seems that I have to re-evaluate Lin Jun.

After taking a deep breath, Huiyuan Ai said:

"no problem!!!"

"But I didn't expect that this older man would be jealous......."

Lin Feng: ?????

"What's the meaning?"

"It's nothing, but I didn't expect you to be jealous......."

"hehe......That's because you don't know me well enough, otherwise you would never say such a thing"

"? Are you a jealous person?!!"

"hehe......Just ask Chi Tong and you will know~~"

Hearing this, Huiyuan Ai turned around and glanced at Akahime.

She naturally knew the relationship between Akahime and her boyfriend.

But she didn't say anything.

After all, she was the latecomer.......

Plus the identity of her man is very special!!!

Huiyuan Ai never expected that he could focus on her alone.

That's unrealistic!!!

After hearing what the boss said, Akame rolled her eyes and complained:

"Well, the boss is a jealous person!!!"

"Xiao Ai, you must remember this~~~"

As expected of Akame.

She didn't say anything bad about the boss Lin Feng.

Instead, she told Huiyuan Ai to keep it in mind.......

Lin Feng: Summoning a character means you understand me.......

When Huiyuan Ai heard this, she didn't know what to say, so she could only reply:

"okay, I get it~~~"

First update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe all!! Fu! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

Sakamaki izayoi

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