Kill the largest arms dealer in Africa.

Kill the second in command of a small country....

In addition to these two deeds, there are a lot of NB achievements!!!

Apart from other things, the 100% mission success rate of the dark web is enough to show that......

Thinking of this, Hei Tianbingwei couldn't help but reveal an extremely fearful look.......

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that

Heaven is just as dangerous as a winery. It's even more dangerous.......

Because the various countries, including the Japanese Public Security Bureau, have a certain understanding of the winery.......

But for Heaven......

To put it bluntly, I don't know anything, but it's almost the same.......

When I think of such a mysterious force, now in Japan, in Tokyo!!!

This time, they even came to Nagano Prefecture to fight with the FBI.

If Kuroda Bei didn't say he was nervous, it would be a lie!!!

"It seems that I have to report to the higher-ups......."

At this point, Black Heavenly Guard dialed a secret number and then had a series of exchanges with a mysterious person.......

On the other side.

Already left Nagano Prefectural Police���Judy, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at James and asked:

"James, why didn't you tell me that information?"

That's right!!!

It wasn't just Korotenbei who concealed the news.

James also concealed the news on the FBI side.

After hearing what Judy said, James adjusted his glasses and said:

"Some things are better not to tell them."

"After all, this is the intelligence obtained by the FBI. It is our right to tell others or not."

"Moreover, this information is really incredible......."

Hearing James' words,

Judy couldn't help but say:

"Yes, Not Bad!!!"

"Who would have thought that the devil girl would have a husband?......"

That's right!!!

The information that Judy and James concealed was about Alfu calling Vermouth"Madam".

That was the most direct evidence that made James and Judy sure that the other party was not a winery employee!!!

"So, who are they?"

"I don't know, I'll check it out later......."

Because of the Heaven incident, it is currently only circulated among the top brass of the Black Organization. The only

FBI undercover in the Black Organization, except for Shuichi Akai, are peripheral members.

Even if they ambush Vermouth this time, it was because the undercover accidentally learned the news. Otherwise, the FBI would not have known that Vermouth would be doing a mission in Nagano Prefecture, and would not have been able to set up an ambush.......

Therefore, the FBI is not aware of the friction with the Heaven organization.

Otherwise, they would easily know who the force that beat them today is?!!


""When Shuichi comes to Japan, we must teach them a lesson!!!"

Judy raised her fist and encouraged herself.

She was already imagining how to deal with this group of people today when Shuichi Akai came to Japan.

As for James, he still looked down in thought.

Judging from what he saw today, even if Akai came, it would probably be difficult to deal with him.......

Seeing Judy's excitement, James opened his mouth, but finally decided not to say anything.

While the Neon Police represented by Kuroda Heibei and the FBI represented by James were hiding something from each other,

Lin Feng had already run away with his wife.......

As for the tragic scene he had caused, Lin Feng was not aware of it at all.

In his opinion, this was the most normal thing.

After all, the nature of Heaven meant that there would be more such things in the future.

Conflicts with various departments were inevitable.

Moreover, he had Miss Chris, a dangerous person targeted by intelligence agencies of various countries, as his wife.

In the future, such days would inevitably be unavoidable.......

However, when Lin Feng decided to marry Miss Chris, he had already thought about the consequences.

It was nothing else.

Isn't it just a fight with the intelligence agencies of various countries?

What is he afraid of?

Sooner or later, sooner or later!!!

Looking at Miss Chris who was already exhausted and fell asleep.

Lin Feng gently stroked her cheek with his hand.

Beautiful, so beautiful!!!

Even in her sleeping state, Miss Chris still deeply attracted Lin Feng.

At the same time, Miss Chris's performance also made Lin Feng very happy.

Because as a killer, Miss Chris actually fell asleep without any precautions beside him.

This shows that she is not vigilant against him.

How can this not make Lin Feng excited?

As he touched, Lin Feng's hands became addicted.

As a result, Belmode was awakened by the long facial massage.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a bitch repeatedly touching his face!!!

Lin Feng:......

Seeing Miss Chris suddenly wake up.

Lin Feng said: Embarrassing......

"Have you touched enough?"

"touch...No, I haven't touched her enough!!!"

Lin Feng suddenly changed his words, not knowing where he got the courage from.

Then he continued to caress Miss Chris's pretty face with his hands.


Oh, the little man is so brave?

After being surprised for a while,

Belmode decided to wait and see.

She stared at her husband for a long time.

Lin Feng was not to be outdone and stared at Miss Chris.......


In the end, Vermouth took a deep breath and gave up.......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Lin Feng couldn't help but make a"yeah" gesture when he saw Miss Chris retreating!!!


This childish scene really left Vermouth speechless.......

What a naive man.......

After a long time,

Vermouth suddenly said:

"Go home to stay at night."

Lin Feng:???????


"What? I said go home and live!!!"

"Uh, this......"

If Miss Chris said this in the past, Lin Feng would definitely agree with it.

Especially when Miss Chris was talking about going home.

It is conceivable that she regarded herself and her residence as her home.

But now, there are other people at home.......

Queen Ai is still in the dark for the time being.

If I take Miss Chris back now, wouldn't it be.........

Originally, Lin Feng was going to find a reason to hide it from Miss Chris.......


Lin Feng's reaction was not up to standard.

Almost instantly, Miss Chris noticed something unusual.........

"What? Is Mr. Lin hiding a woman at home?"

"Afraid of being seen by me?!!"

Lin Feng:......

What an accurate sixth sense, holy shit!!!

"cough cough————"

He coughed twice to ease the embarrassment.

Then Lin Feng quickly started making up excuses:

"No, Miss Chris misunderstood....."

"The main reason is that it is too late now, and I am afraid of disturbing others' rest after I go back, so......"

Before he could finish his words, Vermouth interrupted:


"Does Mr. Lin need other people’s permission to return to his home?"

"Oh, that's miserable......."

Lin Feng:......

"No, I'm afraid of disturbing others' rest......."

"Mr. Lin returned to his own home, but was afraid of disturbing others' rest. I would like to ask, Mr. Lin, is that your home or someone else's home?"

"Of course it's mine......"

"That's it. As the master, you can go back to your home whenever you want. Do you need to consider other people's feelings?"

After hearing Miss Chris's extremely arrogant words,

Lin Feng was speechless.

In his opinion, this kind of quality still needs to be paid attention to.

Of course, it is obvious that Miss Chris did not take this kind of thing seriously.......

"Miss Chris, could you please talk about quality, OK?"

"Quality? What is that? Can you eat it?"

Lin Feng:......

That's all!!!

Wanting a murderous female devil to talk about quality, isn't this a joke?

Helplessly, Lin Feng was about to nod his head and agree.

As for how to face Queen Ai next, this is a problem that Lin Feng needs to think about.

But now, he has to take care of his wife first.

However, before Lin Feng reluctantly decided to go home,

Belmode took the lead and said:


"No need, just find a hotel to stay in."

Lin Feng: ????????

Seeing the puzzled look of her little man, Belmode showed a proud smile.

Well, it's quite fun to tease her husband occasionally.......

Lin Feng: Are you polite?! 5.2!

Although Lin Feng was very upset!!!

But when he thought that he didn't have to face the Shura Field and Queen Ai's tears for the time being,

Lin Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Faced with Miss Chris's decision, he naturally agreed to it.

"hehe......Seeing Mr. Lin so excited, it seems that what I said was right......."

Lin Feng:......

"Let me guess, it’s Shirley, right?!!"

Lin Feng:......

Seeing her husband's dull expression, Vermouth showed an expression of"as expected".

Then she looked at Lin Feng with a perverted look and said:

"Ugh, so perverted~~~"

"A 7-year-old kid, can do that?"

Lin Feng:......

What should I do if I have a wife who deserves a beating?


First update, please subscribe, please subscribe first, please subscribe, please subscribe all!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!.

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