Nagano Prefecture.

Police Station



"What are you doing?"

After hearing Judy's explanation,

Yamato Gansuke who answered the phone wanted to hit someone!!! Is n't the FBI too crazy? In their jurisdiction, they openly fought with underground forces without even notifying them ? It's outrageous!!! Zhu Fushi Takaaki and Uehara Yui saw Yamato Gansuke going crazy and asked what happened. When they got the answer, they were also unhappy. After all, the FBI's action this time simply didn't take the Nagano police seriously.


Of course, they were angry.

For such a big matter, the Nagano police had to take action.

Just as Yamato Gansuke was greeting everyone and preparing to go to the location given by the FBI, a call came in.

When Yamato Gansuke saw the caller, he couldn't help but say:

"this...What does Manager Kuroda want to do?!!"

After answering the phone, before Yamato Gansuke could say anything,

Kuroda Heibei spoke first:

"Yamato, you don't need to go this time, I have called the special assault team."

Yamato Gansuke: ????????

Hearing this,

Yamato Gansuke suddenly felt as if he was being disliked.

He couldn't help but wonder:

"What do you mean, Admin?"

"This operation is very dangerous and cannot be handled by ordinary criminal police."

"You guys don't go......."

Hearing this, Yamato Gansuke was unhappy. 08

But he still nodded in response.

Because it is undeniable that although he was a little unhappy.

But compared with the lives of his colleagues, face is not worth mentioning.......

"Ah Gan, what's wrong?"

Uehara Yui, who was standing by, saw that her crush was in a bad mood and asked

"It's nothing. Manager Kuroda told us not to get involved in this matter."

"Ah, why?!!"

"I heard that this dangerous person is not simple, and it is not something that we ordinary detectives can handle."

At this point, although he didn't want to admit it, Yamato Gansuke still added:

"The administrator has handed it over to the special assault team to handle this matter......."

Hearing her childhood sweetheart say this,

Yui Uehara knew that he was in a bad mood, but she didn't know how to comfort him.......

Zhu Fu Gaoming frowned and thought about it when he heard this.

"It seems that a remarkable person has come to Nagano Prefecture......."

I don't know why.

Zhu Fu Gaoming always thinks of his brother who has been missing for several years.

"I don't know whether Jingguang is dead or alive now......."


On the other side, the battle was over.

Miss Chris's face was flushed, and she exuded a lazy atmosphere.......

As for Lin Feng, who was standing beside him, his face was slightly pale, and he seemed to be dozing off.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a bad field, only an ox that is worked to death. The ancients were right....."

Of course, complaints are complaints.

If it happens again, Lin Feng will definitely take on the role of a workhorse.......

Only hard work can bring rewards!!!

If it weren't for Lin Feng's lack of smoking habit, he would definitely have a cigarette at this time.......

"Mr. Lin, how is the battle going now?"

After tying up her golden and silver hair, Vermouth seemed to have just remembered something important.

She asked hurriedly.

Lin Feng:......


After all the trouble, I sent someone to rescue her.

In the end, not only did she fool me, but she even blamed me for it?!!

He shook his head helplessly.

There was nothing he could do!!! After all

, Miss Chris was his wife.

Even if Lin Feng suffered a loss, he could only bear it.

At most, he could get some interest back from her.......

"Let me ask......"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng quickly dialed the phone outside.

After all, there were still many Heaven-level members around.

These people were Lin Feng’s best eyes!!!

"What's the situation outside now?"

"Boss, the FBI is currently being crushed, but Lord Lawton just called and said that the Nagano police seem to have been dispatched......."

Hearing this, Lin Feng sneered


"Is this the so-called FBI?!!"

Lin Feng said he was about to laugh!!!

After all this time, do you still need to seek help from the Japanese police?

If so, why did you act on your own in the first place?

Don't you think you can handle it?

Acting arbitrarily on someone else's territory is simply a blatant disregard for the Japanese police.

Of course, due to historical reasons, this kind of thing is very common in Japan.

But no matter what.

Lin Feng has always had no good feelings towards the Lighthouse Country!!!

Especially the so-called FBI, which is even more disgusting!!!

Under the banner of justice, disgusting things are actually happening one after another.......

Maybe the FBI in the Detective Conan world is much better than in reality.

But it still can't change its disgusting nature.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng decided to teach the FBI a lesson this time.

"I got it, tell Lawton to beat him to death!!!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


After hanging up the phone,

Lin Feng found that Miss Chris was looking at him with strange eyes.

After Lin Feng found this, he couldn't help asking:

"What's wrong, Miss Chris, is there a problem?!!"

"without...It's nothing, I just suddenly feel like I don't know you very well."

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled and said:


"What’s the big deal?!!"

"In the days ahead, we will have many more opportunities to get to know each other."

"When the time comes, we will have a deeper exchange, which will surely allow you to understand me better......."


As expected, it was still that lecher!!!

Ignoring her cheap husband, Vermouth picked up her phone and started looking at it.

"What are you looking at?"

I found that Miss Chris was actually focusing on her phone.

Lin Feng was still a little unhappy.

So he hurried forward and asked

"Nothing, I'm looking at this mission to see where the problem is......."

Lin Feng knew that Miss Chris was probably talking about the ambush.

"Could it be that the FBI has placed an undercover agent in your organization?"

Lin Feng, who had watched"Detective Conan" countless times in his previous life, naturally knew what a winery was?!!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a global spy gathering place.......

Although in the original book, it is only written that Shuichi Akai is an FBI undercover agent.

But who knows if there are others?!!

Lin Feng doesn't believe that an organization like the FBI, which is nosy, only sent a member like Akai to infiltrate the organization.

Even if Shuichi Akai is the trump card of the FBI, he is not used in this way!!!

If no one cooperates, it is very likely that he will not be able to get out.

Speaking of which

, after hearing what her cheap husband said, Vermouth frowned.

Because she felt that although her husband was usually unreliable, he was still very reliable at critical moments.

To be honest......

She thinks so too!!!

"Probably, but it's not easy to catch the mouse......."

"Hey, it's not that difficult, just leave it to your husband, me?"

After saying this,

Vermouth glanced at Lin Feng and said:


This word contained doubt and disbelief.

There was even a hint of teasing in it.

Just like that, Lin Feng was enraged.

If it weren't for the fact that his vitality had been severely damaged and had not yet recovered,

Lin Feng would at least have to suppress Miss Chris right here!!!

"Why, Miss Chris doesn't believe it?"

"Um......No, I believe it!!!"

Lin Feng:......

It must be said that every time Miss Chris answered, it was beyond Lin Feng's expectations.

It felt like she had anticipated what he would say to her next.

She took the initiative to attack directly, leaving him speechless.......


After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Feng said:

"Ms. Chris, you should know that we have a world-class hacker in Heaven."

"As long as she hacks into the FBI's internal intelligence network, she should be able to find 490, the rat hiding in your organization.

Hearing this, Vermouth nodded, indicating that all this was within her expectations.......

She just thought of this, so she said her letter without hesitation.

But just when she thought that the matter was over,

Lin Feng said:

"but......There are rats in your organization, what does it have to do with us, Heaven?"

"Why should I help your organization?!!"


Hearing this, Vermouth guessed that this stingy man must be angry because of what happened just now.......

"Hello, Mr. Lin, your wife is in danger because she was betrayed."

"Don't you know how to vent your anger for your wife?!!"

After hearing Miss Chris's shameless words,

Lin Feng laughed.......

Who was playing tricks on me just now?

Besides, isn't it happening now?

If it weren't for Miss Chris, Lin Feng would have asked everyone to retreat long ago.

Why would he fight with the other party here?!!

"Miss Chris, please be clear."

"Everything I do is because of you"

"If it's just to help you, that's fine, that's what I should do as a husband."

"But if it is linked to your organization"

""I'm so sorry for refusing to help!!!"

After hearing the firm words of her little man,

Vermouth no longer insisted.

Anyway, she was safe now.

There was no need to pursue it so much.

As for the rat, Vermouth was confident!!!

Even if it was her, she could catch it.......

First update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

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