The next day,

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at Miyano Shiho who was like a sleeping beauty beside him.

Lin Feng pecked her cheek gently like a dragonfly touching the water.

Then he got up to wash up.

As for Miyano Shiho, she felt a little itchy on her face.

She scratched it subconsciously.

Maybe because she was too tired last night, Miyano Shiho had no intention of waking up until now.

In the hall.

Miyano Akemi and Gurefia had already prepared lunch.

After seeing Lin Feng coming downstairs, Miyano Akemi couldn't help asking:

"How is my sister now?"

"Mingmei, don't worry, Xiaoai is fine now."

After saying this, Lin Feng added:

"Oh, Mingmei."

"Don't forget to prepare children's clothes. If my prediction is correct, Shiho will soon turn back into Ai.~~~"

Since Lin Feng had told everyone last night that Lao Baigan was only a temporary antidote,

Miyano Akemi just nodded after hearing this. She did not show any disappointment.

Perhaps she was mentally prepared.

Or in her opinion, it was safer for her sister to be in the form of a child.

About half an hour later, Miyano Shiho turned back into Haibara Ai amidst a wailing. Looking at the sweat stains on Ai's forehead that had not yet dried, Lin Feng wiped them carefully over and over again with a wet towel!!!

"973 Xiao Ai, how do you feel now?"

I don't know whether Lin Feng's feeling refers to losing his virginity or shrinking.

Huiyuan Ai nodded lightly, then shook her head and said weakly:

"It was painful when my body was just shrinking, and my bones seemed to be melting, but it got better later."

At this point, Huiyuan Ai added:

"This is not the first time I have experienced shrinkage, so I am mentally prepared......."

Hearing that Xiao Ai didn't seem to be lying, Lin Feng just nodded:

"Well, take a good rest. You can do the experiment anytime......."

"Anyway, there is no rush, right?"

Hearing her cheap boyfriend comforting her, Huiyuan Ai couldn't help but laugh:


"I will take good care of myself"

"Well, that's good.~~"

Then Lin Feng hugged Huiyuan Ai into his arms.

The man and the woman fell into silence.

Miyano Akemi, who was sitting on the table, saw this and left tactfully.

After all, when her sister just transformed, a lot of stuff had flowed onto her clothes.

She had to wash it herself.

Well, that's it.......

It's not because (aidg) that I feel like a light bulb, so I deliberately left!!!


A warm and harmonious scene appeared.

Lin Feng and Huihara Ai, such a pair of newly promoted lovers, hugged each other like this.

Seeing this scene, Ah Fu and others couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It's so rare that their boss can be so gentle to a girl.

Everyone looked at Huihara Ai with envy.

Because they knew that from today on, Huihara Ai, this girl, will become the safest and happiest person in the world.......

On the other side.

Suzuki's house.

After Suzuki Sonoko came back last night.

Suzuki Tomoko went straight to Sonoko and asked about Lin Feng.

Suzuki Sonoko obviously knew that her bodyguards had been protecting her in secret.

So she didn't make a fuss about it.

She immediately told her mother the basic information she knew about Lin Feng.

I have to say. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Suzuki Sonoko didn't know until she said it, and she was confused when she said it.......

After a long time, Suzuki Sonoko only knew the most basic things such as Lin Feng's real name and nationality.......

Suzuki Sonoko didn't even know what Lin Feng did!!!

This really pissed off Suzuki Tomoko!!!

You're dating, looking for a partner, but you don't even know what the other person does?

What's the point of playing with hammers?

But she knew the name and other basic information.

The most important thing was that Suzuki Tomoko got a photo of Lin Feng and Suzuki Sonoko.

After knowing their appearance, with the ability of the Suzuki Group, it was naturally easy to find out Lin Feng's identity.

"Earl of Great Britain?"

"Executive director and second largest shareholder of Wofeng Group?"

"Amazon’s largest shareholder and boss?"


It must be said that this series of NB identities directly blinded Suzuki Shiro and Suzuki Tomoko's eyes!!!

The two sisters Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Ayako were also stunned by Lin Feng's identity.......

Logically speaking, if any of these three identities were taken out individually, the Suzuki Group would have to take them seriously.

What's more, these three identities were combined into one person?!!

"Sonoko, your boyfriend is not an ordinary person......."

After a long while,

Suzuki Tomoko spoke softly.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't respond immediately after hearing this.

Because at this moment, she was still in a daze.

She didn't even notice what her mother was saying just now?!!


"Mom, what did you just say?"

Suzuki Tomoko held her forehead helplessly, then said faintly:

"My mother said that your boyfriend is not an ordinary person......."

"Oh, hahahaha, of course, this is my boyfriend!!!"

"How can my Suzuki Sonoko's man be simple?"

After hearing the answer of her second daughter,

Suzuki Tomoko was completely speechless.

Unlike Suzuki Sonoko's carefree attitude,

Suzuki Ayako, as her elder sister, obviously thought more:

"Dad, Mom, are you suspecting that Yuanzi's boyfriend has other intentions by getting close to Yuanzi?"

"Well, that's a possibility......."

Shiro Suzuki did not shy away from the question. Everyone present was his family, so he said it directly.

"Ah, Dad, I don’t allow you to say that about Lin Jun, Lin Jun is a good person!!!"

"It's not like what you said......."

Unfortunately, facing Sonoko's defense, both the Suzuki couple and Suzuki Ayako chose to ignore it.

After all, a woman who is in love has a negative IQ.

Not to mention Suzuki Sonoko, who is obsessed with love.......

Their IQ will only be lower than that of ordinary girls......

"According to the intelligence, Lin Feng seems to have a close relationship with the British Princess Altria."

"This can be inferred from his behavior in London half a year ago."

Hearing this, Suzuki Tomoko's expression became more solemn.

This is linked to the royal family?

Although it is the British royal family, its network of relationships can also be seen.......

Second update, please subscribe, please first order, please subscribe, please subscribe to all!!! ps. This is the author's second book and the first fan fiction, I hope all readers can give me some support, thank you!!!. Thank you!

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