Chapter 170 Everyone’s deduction, Xia Jiang is full of bitterness!

Li Ze, in a faint tone.


Just as he said!

Just now, everyone’s eyes were basically focused on Ichiro Tsukmoto.

But Li Ze was different.

He was more interested in the harmless Tsukmoto Takeshi in the original work. After all, looking at the thousands of episodes of Conan, there are not many people like him who have blood feuds but finally choose to give up.

It can be said that he is the only one!

It was just such a casual glance that he found that Tsukmoto Takeshi’s eyes were wrong.

Although it was only a moment, the excitement of revenge full of resentment could not be hidden!

That’s right.

Li Ze reacted and realized that they were all the same kind of people, but this guy disguised himself well.

He is deep enough and has good abilities.

He is considered one of the few intelligent people in the world. He knows how to cheat a scapegoat to complete his revenge.

Almost, in an instant.

After seeing Tsukmoto Takeshi’s eyes, he probably guessed what the other party was thinking.

In order to get revenge, he came into contact with Xia Jiang. After the two had a good impression of each other, they found that Ichiro Tsukmoto also liked Xia Jiang.

Then, he started his own layout! He used this to instigate back and forth.

He said in front of Hatamoto Gozo that Hatamoto Ichiro was not ambitious and had his eyes on his girlfriend Xia Jiang, and then in front of Tsukie Ichiro, he said that he was willing to compete fairly, valued Tsukie Ichiro’s cowardly character, knew that he did not dare to confront Xia Jiang in person, and then took the initiative to instigate him to find Hatamoto Gozo.

In this way, given the personalities of Hatamoto Gozo and Hatamoto Ichiro, it is conceivable that their relationship would deteriorate.

Then, considering the situation in the original work, it seems that Tsukie Takeshi’s so-called revenge is only the beginning. The division of the Hatamoto family in the later period must have been inseparable from his promotion.

He occupied and played with the enemy’s granddaughter for a long time, sent the enemy’s grandson to prison, and finally bankrupted the enemy’s family…

I have to say, he is also a talent!

Originally, he was too lazy to talk about these things, but on the one hand, Sojiang was indeed a good woman, and Sonoko and Xiaolan wanted to help her very much, although the identities of the Suzuki family and Umbrella made it not suitable for him to do it himself.

But… just a few simple reminders, it’s still okay

“”Tsukimoto Takeshi, is there a problem?”

Ayako was stunned and asked:”Is this true?”

Miyano Shiho heard this and nodded:”From the perspective of interests, there is no problem, and it makes sense logically.”

“After all, if you really love Fu Jiang, you don’t need to hide his true identity. Honesty is the minimum requirement in a relationship.”

“Tsukumo Takeshi may have countless reasons to defend himself. He could have concealed his identity from everyone in the Hatamoto family, but he should not have concealed it from his beloved Miss Fujiang. However, he did not actually say it, but was directly investigated by the Hatamoto family.”

“From this point it can be seen that he doesn’t love as much as he says!”

“And his vision is sharp enough!”

“He fell in love with the most innocent and kind-hearted Fu Jiang, who was the most likely to inherit the Hatamoto family.”

“Something happened, it can be said to be a coincidence”

“But if there are too many coincidences, they can no longer be called coincidences.”

“So, Miss Fu Jiang”

“From my perspective, I advise you to be careful.”

Others were silent!

Obviously, they were all shocked by what Li Ze said.

Because, think about it carefully.

Although it was proved that the real murderer was Ichiro Tsukmoto, Tsukmoto Takeshi himself also had many problems.

Conan fell into deep thought after hearing this.

But, there is no solution!

Because he is just a detective, he can only use the existing clues to deduce the truth of the matter. In a confrontation like this behind the scenes, he uses human weaknesses to make a layout. Without the support of enough clues, he cannot really draw a conclusion.

However, he also thinks that Li Ze’s remarks are theoretically tenable.

At that time, he was hiding behind the garden and did not pay attention to Hatamoto Takeshi.

But, in the same way, since Li Ze said that Tsukmoto Takeshi’s eyes were wrong, and it seemed that Li Ze had no need to lie.

After all, there was no conflict of interest between the two.

So, hey!

After a helpless sigh, he didn’t know what to say.

This, there is no way!

After all, the murderer this time is Ichiro Hatamoto. No matter what Tsukmoto Takeshi thinks in his heart, at least in the case in front of him… he is innocent!


In addition to asking Fu Jiang to be careful, he has no other way

“How could this be possible?”

Fu Jiang was stunned and quickly retorted:”Xiao Wu is not that kind of person.”

“We have known each other since college, how could I be that kind of person?”

“Although he concealed his identity, he has been sincere to me over the years.”


Sou Jiang couldn’t continue.

It was obvious.

Many things she hadn’t thought about before, but now that Li Ze reminded her, she naturally noticed a lot of things wrong.

And there was one thing that made sense.

Chu Benwu did hide something!


Just like what Miyano Shiho said just now, if Takeshi Tsukumo really let go of his hatred, then why wouldn’t he be willing to be completely honest with her, the love of his life?

The two have been in love for such a long time, and Takeshi Tsukumo should know me very well.

As long as he is really willing to be honest with me, I will definitely be willing to understand him!

So, why?

And, in this regard.

Listening to Xia Jiang’s words, Li Ze was too lazy to say anything more.

After a little hesitation, he shrugged.

“Yeah, okay”

“Let’s end this matter here!”

“I am only reminding you kindly based on my own experience for the sake of Sonoko and Xiaolan.”

“How to say it specifically is your problem”

“Your life is your own!”

“How to choose, decide for yourself”


After finishing speaking,

Li Ze yawned and turned away.


Just as he said, the two of them had no conflicts of interest, it was just a reminder.

It doesn’t matter whether you listen or not!

With the departure of Li Ze, Miyano Shiho and Ayako also left here one after another.

After all, the only ones who had a good relationship with Xia Jiang were Xiaolan and Sonoko.

Ayako and Miyano Shiho, because of their growing environment, seemed more rational and practical, and they were not the same kind of people as Fu Jiang!

“Xia Jiangjie, Li Zejun……”

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then slowly said:”I still suggest you to think about it as much as possible.”

Hearing this, Yuanzi nodded:”Although Li Ze is a bit arrogant, his abilities and methods are very powerful. After all, he is not a simple person to be able to start a consortium single-handedly.”

“Although I don’t like him, I believe in his ability.”

“Since he thinks there is something wrong with Takeshi Tsukmoto, then there is a high probability that there is something wrong with your husband.”

“He is very good at judging people. At least, as far as I know, he has never made a mistake!”

Xia Jiang fell silent after hearing this.

She, of course, knew that

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were really doing it for her own good.

On the other hand

, although she had not had much contact with Ayako and Li Ze, she could see that they were truly capable people.

After all, ordinary people were not qualified to be valued by their grandfather.

Such people rarely speak, but if they dare to speak, they are basically right!

So, hey!

After a sigh, her mouth was full of bitterness.

Xiaowu… this husband, what should she do with him?

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