Chapter 168 Xia Jiang’s distress, Li Ze looked confused!

Li Ze, telling the story.

After hearing this, Ayako couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

After a long time.

She couldn’t help but nod slowly, because it seemed to be true.

Since her family and the Kudo family became friends, her family didn’t seem to have any troubles or accidents in work or life.

Everything went smoothly!

After a little hesitation, she slowly spoke.

“Yes, that’s right!”

“From this point of view, the Kudo family is indeed weird.”

“I see!”

“I will not attack the Kudo family. Let’s maintain the current situation for the time being!”

Li Ze nodded after hearing this.


There is no need to get too involved in the affairs of the Kudo family.

He thinks the Suzuki family in the original book is very good!

Never get involved in dangerous things.

Occasionally, they come to him for help, just a small matter, and I will help a little.

But, then what?


The Suzuki family also gained the halo of Conan’s protagonist group, and both business and family are very happy.

Beika Town, Tokyo, and even the whole country.

They are trembling under the cover of Conan, and there are a lot of strange death cases every day.

Even those public President Tsukasa and even the chaebols could not escape, but the Suzuki family never encountered any accidents. At most, they had a few encounters with Kaito Kid, but in the end, not only did they not suffer any losses, but they also took this opportunity to gain huge traffic.

In short, they won everything!

On the other side,

Miyano Shiho remained silent.

She didn’t understand this kind of thing, so she was too lazy to get involved.

More importantly, although what Li Ze said made sense, and even gave examples for this.

But for this kind of metaphysical thing, she, a”science” worker, still didn’t believe it.

She believed in science!


Meanwhile, on the other side, while Li Ze and the other two were chatting, Conan also started his reasoning show.

Under Conan’s reasoning, Ichiro Tsukmoto’s face changed drastically.

Hatamoto Akiyo even picked up his paintings, which were densely packed with paintings of Fujiang.

Ichiro Tsukmoto knelt on the ground and tried to snatch the drawings.

Almost in an instant, he didn’t hold the drawing board properly, and all the drawings were scattered all over the floor.

“Blame it on him……!”

“Long before Fu Jiang and Xiao Wu got engaged, I told my father that I wanted to marry Xia Jiang.”

“But that guy rejected me mercilessly!”

“Especially what he said just now……”

“He deserves to die!”

Ichiro Tsukmoto was full of anger.

The others were silent.


Officer Megure sighed, waved his hand and said,”Takagi, take him away!”

Takagi Shigeru nodded.

He handcuffed Ichiro Tsukmoto and patted him comfortingly.

The matter ended here!

Then, the Metropolitan Police Department took Ichiro Tsukmoto and took a helicopter to Tokyo.

The others continued to stay on the ship. After all, the helicopter was too small and could not carry too many people.

Most people went back to sleep with mixed feelings, while Fukie Tsukmoto stayed on the deck alone, just staring at the dark sea in a daze.

Her face was full of tears, thinking about Ichiro Tsukmoto.

Her mood was very complicated.

Obviously, even until now, she still didn’t understand.

How could Ichiro Tsukmoto like herself?

He even killed his grandfather for this!

In addition, there is Xiaowu!

Although the two have not shared a room yet, they have already held a wedding ceremony.

In a sense, , he was her husband!

But, what about now?

He suddenly became the child of her enemy, and his original intention of approaching her was also bad.

What to do?

Facing her husband Xiao Wu, she didn’t know how to face him.

And, grandpa… he has left this world now, and handed the Hatamoto family to her.

Whether it is the sudden death of a relative, or the behemoth of the Hatamoto family.

She has no confidence to take over!

There is nothing she can do about it!

In a sense, she is a very simple person.

The life she imagined was to spend the rest of her life in peace with the person she loved.

She really couldn’t support the huge Hatamoto family.

And… her relatives with different thoughts, they each have their own plans, and they all want to bite off a piece of meat from the Hatamoto family.

She is not Hatamoto Gozo and can’t handle these things

“Fu Jiang……”

“Everything is over, please accept my condolences!”

“I believe that things will get better in the future, and Mr. Tsukmoto Takeshi was wronged.”

“As long as you can understand each other, I believe you will be happy in the future”

“So, keep working hard!”

Xiaolan came over and smiled gently.


Xiaolan, who was also simple and kind, would not think about complicated things at all.

Although Fu Jiang’s grandfather passed away, Chu Benwu was wronged, so in Xiaolan’s imagination, as long as the two could support each other, the future would definitely be better.

Seeing this, Yuanzi nodded repeatedly.

“Yes, Fu Jiang!”

“I believe you will be happy. Never lose faith in life.”

“”Xiaolan and I will help you!”

But it’s a pity.

She could only shake her head bitterly at the kindness of Xiaolan and Sonoko.

She didn’t want to say more.

Because for such complicated things, Xiaolan and Sonoko were too young and they wouldn’t understand her troubles.

But… seeing Xia Jiang shaking his head, the two of them also got excited.


, under the joint urging of the two women, Xia Jiang looked at the serious two women and reluctantly started talking.

Hatamoto Ichiro, Xiaowu, the Hatamoto family, all relatives.

And the longing for grandpa, etc.

After speaking.

Xia Jiang’s face was full of bitterness and he sighed.

“To be honest, I feel very confused!”

“I feel so confused, I can’t make sense of it.”

“I don’t know what to do, and I’m confused about the future.”

“So, sorry!”

“Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I appreciate your kindness.”

“But you are too young, you can’t handle this kind of thing!”


After hearing what Xia Jiang said, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were silent for a moment.


They really can’t help with these complicated things.

However, after a little hesitation,

Yuanzi couldn’t help but turned her head and looked at Li Ze.

“Hello, Li Ze!”

“You founded Umbrella from scratch.”

“For this kind of thing, you must know in your heart what to do, right?”

“Sister Xia Jiang is so pitiful, do you still have any sympathy?”

“Hurry up and find a way to help!”

Yuanzi looked unhappy at this time.

It seemed that in her opinion,

Suojiang was such a good girl, but now that she was in trouble, Li Ze didn’t know how to take the initiative to help.

It was simply, stupid!

And, in response to this,

Li Ze, who was blowing the night wind, was at a loss!


Fujiang and I are not related, why should I, Li Ze, help her?

And, to be honest.

Giving up on the flag family is already very face-saving, right?

You know, if the flag family is a little stronger, I will definitely annex the other party!

“Garden, you……”

Li Ze’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t help but want to refute.

But, unfortunately, before Li Ze could finish, he was interrupted by Ayako.

“Shut up, Yuanzi.���”


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