Chapter 166: Helpless Inspector Megure, Detective Sonoko is online!

Takeshi Tsukumo struggled madly.

Although he was handcuffed, he still kept shouting injustice.

And, in response to this.

Inspector Megure, who saw this scene, hesitated for a moment before asking

“Ahem, everyone”

“If anyone of you has evidence of Takeshi Tsukmoto’s murder, just bring it out right away!”

“”Let this guy give up completely!”

He said with a serious face.

However, facing Megure Jusan’s questioning, everyone present was silent.


There was no detective among the people present, where could they find the so-called evidence?

Therefore, they could only remain silent. Seeing this scene, Inspector Megure’s forehead was instantly black.

“Hello, I said”

“You don’t have any evidence, do you?”

Everyone just laughed awkwardly.

Then, everyone started to explain.

About Tsukumo Takeshi’s identity and his quarrel with Hatamoto Gozo at night.

“So, Takeshi Tsukmoto is highly suspicious!”

After hearing this, Inspector Megure nodded, but then he sighed:”But the problem is that this is just disdain. If you want to catch Takeshi Tsukmoto, you need evidence!”

“Moreover, the ship’s warehouse can only be opened from the outside, and the person who opened the door has not been found yet.”

“There are indeed many doubts.”

“It seems there is no other way but to investigate again!”

“Forensic Science Department, check the scene.”

Megure Jusan was helpless.

To be honest, he thought he could take a break tonight, but he couldn’t get away with it!

Really… Oh!

However, although he was helpless, he still took his work seriously.

Under his command, everyone rushed to the scene.

As for Hatamoto Takeshi, the handcuffs that were originally put on him had to be removed again at this time.

There was no other way.

Since there was no conclusive evidence, Takeshi Tsukmoto was just a suspect.

At the crime scene, the Forensic Science Department began to take various photos and examine the scene.

Although the Forensic Science Department of Jiaobenji is very bad, if a more rigorous autopsy is to be conducted, it can only be transferred to the University of Tokyo.

But, obviously, it can’t be used in this case. Hatamoto Gozo was stabbed to death!

Basic footprints and traces in the murder weapon can still be barely done.

Half an hour later, the forensic science personnel stepped forward and said respectfully

“Report, Officer Megure”

“The scene has been initially investigated and not many clues have been found.”

“The murder weapon has disappeared. Considering the special circumstances at the scene, it can be inferred that it has been thrown into the sea.”

“However, some residues were found in the bloodstains, which were suspected to be bread crumbs!”


Following the report of the forensic personnel, everyone present was again in a state of confusion.

Are there bread crumbs in the blood?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but look at Hatamoto Shoji.


He was the one who prepared all the food tonight.

“Hey, why are you looking at me?”

“I admit that my father gave me the money to open the store, and I have a little resentment towards the old man, but I wouldn’t kill him for this, right?”

“on the contrary……”

“Mariko, Beilang, you are even more angry at the old man.”

“And you, Qiu Jiang!”

“Your financial situation doesn’t seem to be good either, so you also have a motive to kill the old man.”

“And don’t think I don’t know that you have other lovers outside, so you also have a motive to kill Long Nan, right?”

Hatamoto Shoji, sweat on his forehead.

He panicked.


He couldn’t explain why there were those bread crumbs in the blood.

But, damn it.

In order not to become a suspect, he had to drag everyone down.

He succeeded!

After his words, although everyone present was unhappy and wanted to bite him to death, he succeeded in making everyone a suspect.

“This is even more troublesome!”

Megure Jusan was very troubled:”They all have motives to kill.”

“And there is no detective on the scene for today’s case, so it looks like I’ll have to stay up late again tonight!”

“But, forget it!”

“Let’s continue investigating the case!”

Megure Jusan was very unhappy.

Obviously, he didn’t want to work hard without the possibility of promotion.

He just wanted to live a stable life and wait for retirement to go home and raise fish.

Therefore, he was basically not interested in solving the case. He just did his job as he pleased.

But, at the same time

, his moral sentiment was pretty good, so even though he was unhappy, he continued the investigation after taking a deep breath.

On the other side, in a corner that no one noticed, Li Ze watched Conan jumping up and down.

About an hour later, at 1:30 in the morning…

Just when everyone started yawning, Megure Jusan was ready to stop the investigation and let everyone go back to rest and continue the investigation tomorrow. In the eyes of Li Ze, Ayako, and Miyano Shiho, an anesthetic needle was shot directly into Sonoko’s neck.


Detective Sonoko went online directly

“Wait, Officer Megure”

“I finally figured out this case.”

“Now I would like to ask everyone to recall the very beginning.”


Behind Sonoko, Conan looked serious. He just held the voice-changing bow and started his reasoning show.

He didn’t notice it at all.

The corners of Li Ze, Ayako, and Shiho’s mouths twitched when they looked at him.

“”Kudo, this bastard!”

Ayako frowned and gritted her teeth:”How dare he do this to Sonoko, it’s so abominable!”

Miyano Shiho, the corners of her mouth curled up:”Li Ze’s evaluation of this guy is really right, this behavior is simply too reckless, is he treating everyone as fools?”

Li Ze sighed softly.

There is no way.

It would be better if Conan’s reckless character was not discovered.

Just like Xiaolan and Megure Jusan, it seems that they are directly blocked by the will of the world.


Only if you really pay attention to Conan, you will know how hot it is!

“Okay, Ayako.”

“The anesthetic needle used by Conan was specially made by Dr. Agasa and is harmless to the human body.”

“Kogoro Mouri gets stabbed almost every day, so isn’t that a problem?”

“Just remind this guy from now on not to attack Yuanzi.”


Li Ze advised.

Although the original book also showed a scene where Maori Kogoro was admitted to the hospital and the anesthetic injection did not work, Maori was being pricked with the anesthetic needle for a long time. For someone like Sonoko, it is not a big problem if it happens once or twice occasionally.

Of course.

As a member of the protagonist group, there is no way anything will go wrong.

On the contrary.

If Ayako really targets Conan, then it would be more worrying if something goes wrong.

The reason is simple.

Conan is the protagonist!

If you attack him, you will most likely become a villain.

Going against the will of the world, how can you think of it!


Li Ze cannot prove the existence of the will of the world, it is still better to be cautious in such matters.

Conan, the son of the god of death, and Xiaolan, the daughter of the goddess of luck.

It is best not to mess with these two people!


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