Chapter 155: The deal is done, and everyone is awake!

The night breeze caresses the body, and the sound of the sea waves is still there.

All around, there is peace.

But who could have imagined that a bloody battle took place on an island not far from here tonight, and more than 500 people died?

Conan was speechless for a long time.

Back to his familiar world again, he was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“I told you a long time ago that the dark world is too bloody and not suitable for people like you”

“Go back and have a good sleep, and treat all this as a dream.”

“Anyway, Ayako and the others will play for another day, so you have enough time to catch up on your sleep.”

Li Ze said lightly.

After he finished speaking, he yawned and walked towards the B&B.

Conan was silent about this.

For a moment, looking at Li Ze’s back, he didn’t know what to say.

Hey! He could only sigh and then catch up with Li Ze.

Back to the guest room, the two did not go to bed directly, but took a bath first, and then lay down on the bed after they were refreshed.

Almost instantly,

Li Ze fell asleep, but unlike him, Conan couldn’t fall asleep no matter what.

After pondering for a long time, he asked

“Li Ze……”

“Your methods are too lawless.”

“Aren’t you afraid of being discovered?”

“Aren’t you afraid of being suppressed?”


He couldn’t figure it out!

Everything that happened tonight made it hard for him to let go.

It can even be said that it overturned his three views.

Although he was shocked by the blood and fighting at first, he thought too much later.

Can this level of fighting really be allowed?

And, in response to this.

Li Ze, who almost fell asleep, didn’t even raise his eyes when he heard the words, and immediately said casually

“Kudo, you think too much”

“Gin has done all sorts of bad things, but doesn’t he still wander around the streets every day?”

“If what you said is true, all the chaebols must die!”

“And I can also tell you that the dark organization you hate the most may actually be a philanthropist in public!”

“I still say that you are not suitable for the dark world, just stay in the sun.”

“I’m going to sleep, do whatever you want.”

After saying that,

Li Ze was too lazy to pay attention to Conan, and just turned his head and fell asleep.

After all, he was really tired.

Because he died suddenly from overtime in his previous life, he paid attention to his work and rest in this life.

Basically, he never stayed up all night.

The first time he stayed up all night, he really couldn’t stand it.

But, on the other hand, watching Li Ze fall asleep, Conan crossed his hands and supported his head.

He fell into deep thought.

Everything that happened tonight was really hard for him to let go.

Obviously, he was protected too well and lived in the sun every day.

Although he often came into contact with criminal cases, his experience tonight was completely different.

At this moment, he was a little confused.

After all,

Li Ze said it very clearly. Unless he could kill all the chaebols, his justice would never be achieved.

But the problem is that he is just a detective and does not have that kind of ability.

So, after pondering for a long time, he couldn’t help but start thinking, what would his father choose?

Conan’s heart began to get confused.

While thinking about it, he fell asleep in a daze.


Meanwhile, the deal between Umbrella and the organization was also completed happily.

An old servant in his seventies, wearing a neat tuxedo, looked like a butler.

Behind him followed more than 20 people, all dressed in suits and polite.

Each of them exuded a fierce aura.

“”Okay, let’s go.”

The old butler said softly, and he walked off the ship with a suitcase under the escort of everyone.

He looked up and saw seventeen beds not far away.

Gin and others were still in a coma, and even on the shelf next to the bed, there were anesthetics and relaxants hanging.

And beside them was an elite special operations team.

All of them were fully armed, holding assault rifles, and even had night vision goggles on their helmets.

And, the same thing was.

Everyone had a red and white umbrella logo on their arms.

This represented their identity, Umbrella armed employees.

The leader was Natasha.

She was wearing a capable combat uniform. After seeing the old butler in the lead, she naturally smiled and walked up to him and said

“Hello, Natasha”

“Miss Natasha, just call me Songshan!”

The two shook hands with a smile, and then the butler handed the suitcase to Natasha without any nonsense. Then he slowly said:”All the technical information you need is here!”


“Three armed helicopters and three cruise ships, you can take over later.”

Natasha nodded.

He did not open the suitcase because she did not understand the information.

So, he called someone at random and asked him to send the suitcase back to the base.

About ten minutes later, the voice of the Red Queen came from her headset.

“The data has been checked and there are no problems”

“Natasha, we can trade now!”

Hearing this, Natasha took a step back:”Happy trade, retreat!”

Then, the group left instantly.

As for the three cruise ships and three armed helicopters, naturally there were other people to take over, and Natasha did not need to be in charge personally.

On the other side, watching Natasha and others leave, the old butler narrowed his eyes slightly.

He smiled.

He still said nothing, just watching Natasha leave.

After a long time, he coughed and said lightly


“Send Gin and others to Main Base No. 9 and make sure they can’t see your faces.”

“Let’s go, go back!”

After saying that, he turned around and left without any nonsense.

The others didn’t say anything either.

After picking up Gin and the others on the cruise ship, the group returned to Tokyo as quickly as possible and placed them at Tokyo Base No. 9. They didn’t even take out the relaxants and anesthetics, and left here like the wind.

Obviously, they were the real confidants of the BOSS, and they were not in the same system as Gin and the others.

Therefore, naturally, Gin and the others could not see their true faces.

Main Base No. 9, twenty minutes later.

With the ineffectiveness of the relaxants and anesthetics, Gin jumped up from the bed first, and directly took a defensive posture, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

However, after confirming that this was the organization’s base, although there was a flash of doubt in his eyes, he still pulled out the needle in his arm first, and then looked around in confusion. Then, as time passed, the others woke up one after another.

They also made similar movements to Gin.

Five minutes later, after the seventeen people present woke up at the same time, the projector behind them suddenly turned on. In the familiar medieval European style living room, the electronic synthesized sound of the organization’s BOSS also came slowly……


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