
"Who is this woman?"

I've never seen her before!"

Kuroba Kaito thought that there were only three of them on this trip to New York.

Unexpectedly, a woman suddenly appeared.

"A friend!"

Mu Ze You Yu did not reveal the identity of Vermouth.

For a witch with a thousand faces like this, perhaps Vermouth is not her real name.

"This must be another poor woman you dragged into this water."

Koizumi Hongzi sighed!

Her fate is so bleak and tragic.

This time she offended the FBI! She will probably become Interpol's most wanted criminal in the future.

"Where are those people?"

"You won't tell us that it has nothing to do with you."

This is the most exaggerated!

When the battle started, dozens of armed bandits suddenly appeared...

The most important thing is where did they come from?

Before this, he had never noticed that there were so many people around him.

What's even more amazing is that after the gunfight, this group of people seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth.

Where is it?

Koizumi Akako and Kuroba Kaito discussed it privately.

One said it was not magic, and the other said it was not magic!

Both were confused!

Kizawa Youyu ignored their questions.

Their top priority now is to leave here.

Police cars were coming one after another outside, and it was certain that the FBI and the police were looking for them like crazy.

Kizawa Youyu looked at Vermouth lying unconscious on the bed.

The palm moved horizontally... a magical scene happened!

Vermouth disappeared out of thin air in front of them.

Kuroba Kaito and Koizumi Akako's eyes suddenly widened.

"Where did you take her?"

It was amazing!

Kaito in black didn't see any tricks of 24, and Koizumi Hongzi didn't notice any magic.

At this moment!

Both the magician and the magician were silent.

"Want to learn?"

"If you want to learn, just follow me."

"When the time is right, I will tell you this secret."

Kuroba Kaito and Koizumi Akako were surprised and looked disdainful.

They are not fools!

Don't they understand what Kisawa Yuu said?

He just wants them to become free labor.

However... the phenomenon of making the silver-haired woman disappear out of thin air still aroused their curiosity.

Both of them thought they were the top in the world of magic and magic!

Could it be that... there is another more magical thing besides magic and magic?

"Stop the nonsense!"

"Let's get out of here quickly."

The three of them packed up and drove to the airport.

They encountered at least three checkpoints along the way!

A young man with a delicate high school student and a proud-looking girl.

It was hard for the American police to associate this combination with the gangster who shot the FBI.

They got on the plane to Tokyo with almost no problems.


"Look at what you have done."

When it really appeared over Tokyo, Koizumi Hongzi breathed a sigh of relief.


I am afraid it will leave a shadow on her in the future.


Tokyo Luxury Homes

"Are you sure you want her to stay here?"

"She's a member of the Black Organization!"

Huihara Ai was very worried.

Although her radar response was getting weaker and weaker, and she was not as afraid of the Black Organization as she imagined, she still felt uneasy about a woman from the Black Organization living here.

Once this woman discovered her secret... then there would be a disaster!

"do not forget!"

"I am also a member of the Black Organization."

If Vermouth is not allowed to live here, where else can she live?

Throwing away this woman who was shot and unconscious, there are only two possible outcomes for her.

One is death!

The other is being discovered by the Tokyo police.

"Are you so confident?"

"Just like I saved you back then!"

Huihara Ai's expression slightly changed. The scene of her fainting on the road outside the Black Organization emerged in her mind.

When she saw Kizawa Yuu at that time, her heart was completely desperate.

She thought her life was over.……


"At worst, we can die together."

She compromised!

But this does not mean that she accepted the woman named Vermouth. She put on a coat and went to her own room to do scientific research!

The fact that Kudo Shinichi lost the efficacy of the antidote in advance after taking it is her biggest concern at the moment.


Teitan High School.

Judy, an English teacher, was teaching a class when her phone suddenly started vibrating.

"Fellow students!"

"You should first understand what the teacher just said."

Judy hurried out of the classroom and found a corner where no one was around.

This phone was specially used by her to contact FBI agents.

She had to answer it!


Judy's slightly raised mouth corners suddenly froze.

In an instant!

She felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of her.

She could only stand with the support of the wall.

James on the other end of the phone only told her one piece of news.

The operation failed!

Senior agent Akai Shuichi died!

Akai Shuichi is dead!

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for her.

"Is the news... reliable?"

Akai Shuichi is the best agent in the FBI.

How could he die so easily?

"You take care of Tokyo first."

"Cameron has returned to assist you."

"It may take some time for me to return to Tokyo."

James seemed to have said nothing, but he said everything.

More than 20 FBI agents were killed or injured at one time!

Among them was a senior agent who knew the Black Organization very well.

Such a failure has made him lose the right and fantasy to look forward to the future.

Whether he can see the sun in Tokyo again is an unknown!

Hang up the phone!

Tears have already flowed down Judy's cheeks involuntarily.

She stood outside for a long time before returning to the classroom

"Fellow students!"

"The teacher is feeling a little uncomfortable today." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I have to go back first!"

Judy turned around and burst into tears.

The students were stunned!

What happened to Judy, who always liked to show off her flirtiness?

Although her clothes were still revealing, her flirtiness suddenly disappeared.

"Why is the teacher crying?"

"Is it that something happened?"

"Maybe she was dumped by her boyfriend?"


"The teacher doesn't have a boyfriend here."


"Classmate Mao Lilan!"

"You usually have a good relationship with Teacher Judy. Do you know what happened to her recently?"

"Maori-san? ?"

Xiaolan slowly raised her head, then shook her head blankly...

She didn't even listen to what others said now.

Kudo Shinichi is dead!

Maori Ran is like a walking corpse.


Judy ran all the way to a roadside bar.

She walked to the counter and ordered two bottles of wine and drank them.

She wanted to use alcohol to numb herself!


Judy sat on the chair in front of the bar, holding a glass of wine.

It seemed that she drank both the tears and the wine together.

She didn't expect that the New York ward would be their last meeting.

That one glance... turned out to be a farewell forever!

Now she couldn't even go back to New York to see Shuichi Akai off for the last time.


"I'm drinking here alone."

"Did something sad happen to you?"

Several young men with tattoos and earrings came over.

Judy was so pretty and slim!

She caught their attention as soon as she entered the bar.

Bringing this big horse to the hotel and carrying her long legs on your shoulders...

You can experience the exotic style in Tokyo!

"Don't mess with me!"

"Get out of here right now."

Judy remembered her mission in Tokyo.

She didn't want to cause any trouble!

But if these little bastards insisted on running into her gun, she would have no choice.

""Little girl, you are so angry!"

The little bastards got angry!

What kind of women have they not seen in the bar?

Just when they were about to make a move to make the woman behave herself in the bar and then take her to the hotel to let the woman call them daddy, a big hand suddenly grabbed one of them from behind.

"what you up to?"

"Get out of here!"

There is also a first come first served rule for picking up corpses in the bar.

This is the rule!

Only after they have finished, it will be the next group's turn.

Mu Ze Youyu will not give them a chance to laugh.

He went up and punched him!

Then another punch followed!

The punches hit the flesh and in the blink of an eye, these little bastards had no power to resist.


Just as the little bastards were about to fight back, a police ID was slapped in their faces.

Are you crazy?

If you are a police officer, don't do it. If you are a gangster, don't show your ID.

After seeing this, the little bastards dared not do anything else.

They dropped their weapons and fled out of the bar without looking back.

"Teacher Judy!"

"What a coincidence, you are here too?"

Kizawa Yuu sat at the bar and ordered two glasses of Shirley.

One for him!

One for Judy.

"Thank you for helping me out."

Although Judy had drunk a little too much, her mind was still clear.

She could tell who the man standing in front of her was!

"You're welcome!"

"You seem unhappy today."

"Did something happen to you?"

Mu Ze You Yu picked up his glass and gently clinked it with Judy's.

He drank it, you can do whatever you want!


"I just wanted to get some fresh air."

Judy turned around and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Suddenly someone came out to chat with her, which made her feel better.

After three rounds of drinks... under Kizawa Yu's warm hospitality, the two of them couldn't remember how much they drank.

Judy was even on the verge of blacking out!

"Teacher Judy!"

"It's getting late, I think I'd better take you home."

After leaving the bar,

I happened to run into Xiaolan who was walking towards me.

Xiaolan looked at the two people supporting each other with a surprised look.

""Want to go together?"

Xiaolan was surprised!

Thinking of what Mu Ze You Yu did, she had to speculate a little more about this sentence.

Teacher Judy?

Officer Mu Ze?

It was hard to imagine why a teacher and a police officer would go to a bar together.


I said: I will die in 88

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