
"Why did you lie to me?"

Koizumi Hongzi came to the door and blocked Mu Ze Youyu directly in the underground parking lot.


Mr. Sakaki is dead.

She indirectly became the murderer.

Her magic is sacred, not for this kind of thing.


"Do you mean Sakaki?"

"I didn't lie to you!"

"Sakaki is indeed not a good person, what you are doing is to punish evil and promote good"

"From now on, you are not only a magician, but also a beautiful angel."

It did not surprise him that Koizumi Hongzi was here.

The news of the dock explosion had spread throughout Tokyo.

Everyone knew that a hapless president had been sent to heaven.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"This is clearly not an interrogation by the Metropolitan Police Department."

Koizumi Hongzi obviously disagreed with Kisawa Yuu's words.

Are you playing?

"Did I never say this was an interrogation by the Metropolitan Police Department?"

""You have always been so arrogant!"

Koizumi Hongzi was speechless.

Thinking about it carefully... this guy didn't seem to have said that this was the work of the Metropolitan Police Department.

He just told her that there are many different methods of criminal investigation!

"I want to call the police!"

"I will sue you for being a murderer."

Koizumi Hongzi's wine-red eyes sparkled.

I don't know if it was anger or excitement!

Very charming!

There seemed to be magic turning in her eyes.

"Sue me?"

"I didn't kill that person?"

"Don't forget!"

"It was you, the little witch, who pried open Sakaki's mouth the day before yesterday."

It's over!

This matter was probably a trap from the beginning.

They were just waiting for Koizumi Hongzi to slip into it!

She came to Mu Ze You Yu just to get to the bottom of the matter.

If she really dared to call the police, she would not be here.

Now it seems... things really developed in the worst direction she imagined.

She became an accomplice of the murderer.

Damn it!

"It’s getting late!"

"I have some other things to deal with today."

"Why don't you come to my house and sit down. I'll come back and give you a proper vent."No kidding! 24 As a criminal police officer in the third department of violence in the first investigation section, he has to be on standby 24 hours a day.

Always be ready!

""Dream on!"

Don't think she doesn't know what she's up to.

She's not a child anymore.

Will she be helpless after she enters the room?

Want her to have a baby?

No way!

"It seems that practicing magic can easily cause endocrine disorders."

You are so angry!

There must be something wrong with your menstruation.


"Who died again?"


"White-haired witch?"

After Mu Zeyou hung up the phone, he realized that Koizumi Hongzi had not left, but was still standing there.

"Why don’t you leave?"

"Don't worry!"

"The witch the Metropolitan Police Department is talking about is not you"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you."

He made careful arrangements for the Sakaki Shipping Company.

How could those idiots in the Metropolitan Police Department never suspect him?

Besides... he really didn't kill the person!

The next second!

Something magical happened

"Take me there!"

Koizumi Hongzi opened the door and sat in the passenger seat of the AE86.

What's going on?

Mu Ze Youyu was confused.

Reluctant to accept?

Is this the top thinking of a witch?

Logically speaking, it is definitely inappropriate for him to take a little girl to handle a case.

Again, you can't go against a woman's will.

"Don’t think too much!"

"I followed her because I heard about the White-haired Witch."

Koizumi Hongzi's explanation was also true.

Many people don't believe that there are magicians in this world.

But magic does exist!


On the way!


"Just a few speeding gangs?"

Kizawa Yuu lost most of his interest in an instant.

He thought it was really a white-haired witch.

Catch her and control her!

I can play with her later.


"The Silver-haired Witch on the Winter Mountains"

"I heard that the speed racers have been controlled by the police. Miwako and I are about to drive over."

"Come along too!"

"See you later!"

Yumi Miyamoto on the other end of the phone hung up and saw Miwako Sato who looked unhappy.


"That's my boyfriend, right?"

He used her phone to talk to her man in front of her.

He doesn't treat her as a human being, does he?


"What's the matter?"

"We are best friends."

Miyamoto Yumi smiled and put the phone back into Sato Miwako's shirt pocket.


"It turns out they were just a few racers"

"You pull over to the side of the road and let me down."

Koizumi Hongzi lost interest.

She thought she had met a fellow traveler, but it turned out to be just a trick played by a few bored people.

The AE86 slowly pulled over to the side of the road...

Koizumi Hongzi just couldn't take the step of getting out of the car.

"Get off the bus!"

"Believe it or not, I will kick you off."

Koizumi Hongzi shook her head decisively:"Let's continue driving."

Consciously fasten the seat belt!

What a joke!

She didn't know how to get back after being left in the wilderness.

She doesn't know how to travel through space with advanced magic!


Mount Fuyuna!

One of the holy places for speed racers in the island country.

As soon as Yuu Kizawa drove the AE86 up the mountain, he attracted the attention of many speed racers.

Some people were even eager to try.

While stepping on the accelerator with his foot, he lowered the window and stretched out his hand to make a provocative gesture.

Yuu Kizawa also stretched out his hand...

What appeared in his hand was not an extremely insulting provocative gesture, but a pistol.

At this moment!

The whole Mount Fuyuna seemed to be quiet.

Yuu Kizawa said nothing, but it seemed that he said everything.

The next second!

The whole Mount Fuyuna was roaring with engines.

��Every driver wanted to put his foot into the gas tank.

Not to go up the mountain, but to escape!

"You guy?"

The amazing operation stunned Koizumi Hongzi.

A question arose in her mind!

Is this really a policeman?


If this guy Mu Ze You Yu was really a policeman, he would not have blown up the chairman of the shipping company, Sakaki.

But it must be said.

Mu Ze You Yu's style of doing things is quite to her taste


The thunderous sound of the AE86 engine seemed to tear the air above Mount Fuyu.

Along the way!

Mu Ze Youyu saw more than one unlucky guy who either put his car on the mountain wall or on the guardrail.

"Such bad driving skills!"

"I'm actually learning how to race cars from others"

"I really don't know how capable I am."

He loved to hear this!

Koizumi Hongzi inadvertently expressed his thoughts.

From a distance!

Mu Ze Youyu saw the four unlucky guys standing on both sides of the road


"I knew it was you again."

"The King of Hell is your second uncle, right?"

Conan was speechless.

He could only curse Kizawa Yuu in his heart.

Inspector Megure always complained about Uncle Mori. This guy always targeted him.

"Xiaolan is here too."

Politely, Xiaolan didn't say hello to him this time.

Family changes! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Her parents' sudden divorce made her feel a little suffocated by life.

A few days ago, she was taken out by her father and Conan to relax, but she didn't expect to encounter the witch drag racing incident.

The reason why her father wanted to catch this so-called silver-haired witch so badly was probably to vent his inner emotions.

She persuaded her father and her mother... but both of them were extremely opposed to taking the initiative to reconcile!


Xiaolan is not interested in the silver-haired witch at all.

She only has home in her heart!


"You look like that police officer, don't you?"

Fuyumei Mountain is near Gunma Prefecture.

The police officer in charge of this area is Yamamura Cao!

Although this police officer's ability to solve cases is not very good, his memory is still within the range of normal people.

"It is you"

"Officer Shancun!"

Yamamura Cao instantly felt that his status had been elevated to a higher level.

Criminal police and police officers are two different concepts!

"Go chase him!"

"The drag racer we blocked just now ran away again"

"They were two men driving a white FD."

Conan was the one who reacted the fastest!

Regardless of the previous grudge with Kizawa Yuu, the most important thing was to arrest the two speeding gang members.

That was the best proof of his successful reasoning!

They must not run away!


Yuu Kizawa stepped on the accelerator.

The AE86 rushed out like a cheetah.


"Zi - sniff——"

The friction sound that screams like a woman.

The reaction of pressing the accelerator to the maximum at high speed.

The unique engine sound of the gears driven by the motor running at high speed.


"Could it be that there are other speeding gangs coming from behind?"

Sato Miwako cleared her throat, preparing to send away the attackers behind her with the same energy she had used to cheer for Kisawa Yuu.


"Not a drag racer!"

"The person behind is Officer Kizawa."

Yumi Miyamoto, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw the car coming from behind through the rearview mirror.

She knew this car!

Although she was not very clear about the brand of the car, its unique appearance caught her attention in the Metropolitan Police Department.



Sato Miwako turned the steering wheel lightly to make way for Kisawa Yuu's AE86.

And she asked Miyamoto Yumi to convey the message to Kisawa Yuu with gestures.

Sato Miwako's red FD and Kisawa Yuu's white AE86 were running side by side for less than three seconds before being overtaken.

Not long after...

Kisawa Yuu saw the taillights of the white FD in front.

"An AE86 is coming up!"

"I hope it’s not the police!"

"The policeman just now was confused. How could a middle-aged man and two children be our opponents?"

"Play with them!"

Survived the catastrophe!

The two men showed a playful smile.

The provocation was instantly full!


Before Kisawa Yuu could respond, the co-pilot, Koizumi Hongzi, could no longer sit still.

Koizumi Hongzi spread her hands!

The fog within 30 meters ahead disappeared instantly, and Kisawa Yuu was assisted in upgrading the resolution from standard definition to blue-ray.


Yuu Kizawa stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

At this moment, the AE86 has been pushed to its limit.


"The car behind is speeding like crazy"

"Could this be... the real silver-haired witch changing her car?"

"have no idea!"

"But this person's driving skills are definitely not inferior to the real White-haired Witch"

"Turn ahead!"

"Get rid of him!"


The two speeding gang members have already started to behave badly.

Fortunately, they are not police officers!

Otherwise, they will be in trouble.

"Chi Chi Chi——!"

The friction between the tires and the ground left a long rut.

The white FD passed the bend smoothly!

One of the men put away the taillight on the fishing rod.

If nothing goes wrong!

In three seconds, you can hear the sound of the AE86 falling off the cliff behind you.

The next second!


"This guy doesn't even slow down?"

"His car……"

The weird scene scared the two of them.

After so many years of racing, this is the first time they see a car that does not slow down on a curve.

That’s not all!

They watched the AE86 hang in the air, then glide out a perfect arc and land steadily. 993

They wanted to ask Newton now.

How... did they do it?


The one behind must be the legendary silver-haired witch of Fuyuna Mountain.

No one else can do it except the witch!

Ten seconds later!

The white FD was successfully forced to stop.

There was no real witch on Fuyuna Mountain before.

Those are all legends!

But starting today... there is one!

Just now, Koizumi Akako used magic to grab the mountain wall, relying on the powerful traction to make his AE86 draw a perfect arc in the air.

"That's enough!"

He admitted that the two of them had just cooperated perfectly.

They could be said to be the male and female demons of the island country!

But... he was not so excited that he held his Kunba

��It can't be considered touching anymore!

If he didn't have a body of steel, it would have been broken by now.



Koizumi Hongzi let go as if she had been electrocuted.

She thought she had just held the handbrake on the central control.


She already felt her demon heart was in turmoil.

It was gathering and accelerating uncontrollably!

""Get out of here."

The two speeding gang members were stunned.

Where was the silver-haired witch?

Why did a man get out of here?

Although a burgundy-dressed girl who looked a little different got out of the car, she didn't get out of the main driver's seat.

Who is the witch?

"You're the one pretending to be the silver-haired witch, right?"

"You drive a Mazda, no wonder you can't outrun me."

Mu Ze You Yu went up and gave everyone a big slap.

And you dare to mock him!

"Racing is racing"

"How could you hit someone like that?"

It's inexplicable!

Two big men could be bullied by Mu Ze You Yu and a little girl? They went up to fight back!

Before their fists landed, the two were thrown heavily to the ground.


"You are under arrest."

If Sato hadn't arrived quickly, he would have had a good discussion with these two little bastards about life.

The two speeding gangs were like eggplants hit by frost!

I thought I had met the legendary silver-haired witch, but it turned out to be the police.


"Who is this girl?"

The long burgundy hair and burgundy eyes instantly attracted Sato Miwako's attention.

I've never seen her before!

"A little girl who was picked up along the way."

Kizawa Yuu didn't say much.

The two handcuffed the speeding gang and waited for Gunma County Detective Yamamura Sou to take over.


"Why do you say I was brought along along the way?"

Koizumi Hongzi was very dissatisfied with this reason.

For a witch who has always been the center of attention, this made her feel like she had no presence.

"if not?"

"You don't admit that you are my woman now."

"If you need anything later, you can contact me at any time."

It's better not to say it!

Instantly, Koizumi Hongzi's palm felt an inexplicable sense of thickness.



I said: I will die in 88

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