Sakaki Shipping Co., Ltd.

"Big... Big Brother?!"

"You are back?"

Sakaki's subordinates were very surprised.

They were planning to re-elect the person in charge of the shipping company.

As expected!

Today, the two words Sakaki in front of the shipping company will be replaced with a new name.

As a result... the eldest brother came back by himself!


"What's the use of you guys?"

Sakaki slapped the face of the younger brother next to him.

He was carried away by a group of people like a dead pig.

The younger brothers around him were indifferent!

"" did you escape back?"

Sakaki was also confused by this question!

He thought that the mysterious people would kill him after asking where the guns were hidden.

But he didn't expect that the bastards didn't do that.

He even found a chance to escape.

"Are our goods still available?" Sakaki asked

"No…no more!"

The younger brother gritted his teeth and was ready to be beaten by the elder brother again.

What a waste!

Not even a hair is left.

It’s good enough for them to be alive.


"All gone!"

Sakaki angrily overturned the coffee table in front of him.

"try to find!"

"We must find out who did it."

A turtle crawling into a hot bed - holding his breath and getting angry!

Sakaki is about to explode!

""Do any of you know the person who entered the bathhouse that day?"

The younger brothers lowered their heads in silence. They were unfamiliar faces!

There were 20 or 30 people in total, and none of them had been seen before.

"Big brother!"

"Do you still remember the foreigner standing in the crowd that day?"

"We can start with him!"

It may be very difficult to find an islander among the islanders.

But it is much easier to find a blond and blue-eyed foreign man among the islanders.

"Do you remember what he looks like?"

I nodded!

How could they forget the enemy who beat them half to death?

"Go quickly!"

"I'll give you three days. I want this foreigner's information."


This day!

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

It is another good day for crime.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department received a report from Xiaolan.

Someone used a sea snake to attempt to kill someone!


Kizawa Yuu and Sato Miwako can only drive to the crime scene.

"There is no place for us this time."

"I heard that Conan has found the real murderer now."

Sato Miwako smiled slightly!

I wanted to see how Kizawa Yu solved the sea snake murder case this time.

Now there is no chance!

"Isn't this better?"

Bringing the criminal directly to the Metropolitan Police Department also saves him a lot of trouble.

Do you really think that he, Mu Ze You Yu, likes to solve those boring cases?


The two drove to the beach.

It must be said!

There is a reason why people yearn for the sea.

At a glance... all are sexy beauties in bikinis.

A group of LSPs wearing sunglasses seem to be enjoying the sea bath, but they are probably thinking about how to flirt with the beauties and successfully put their balls in them.

"Officer Sato!"

"You are finally here."

The three murderers walked out of a seaside restaurant.

Conan was in a good mood!

This feeling of solving a case independently was simply too wonderful for him.

Since Kizawa Yuu appeared, he had not experienced this feeling for a long time. After eliminating all the impossibilities, what remained was the truth.

"The murderer has been found by my sleeping Maori Kogoro"

"This person is Miss Koharu!"

The highlight of the moment of seeking credit is naturally inseparable from Maori Kogoro standing up and showing off in front of people. Conan has long been accustomed to it. His pleasure is to solve the case!

Although showing a confident smile in front of people is also an important part, it is completely impossible for him to do it with his current identity. At this time! A short-haired woman was sitting alone on the sofa in the restaurant. No escape! No extreme behavioral reaction. Admitted all the sins she had committed.



"Are you ready to leave?"

Xiaolan's words seemed to have changed the wind direction on the sea.

Hibiki Eri froze in place!

She wanted to leave quietly, but Xiaolan's words made her plan fall through.

The most embarrassing thing happened!

Kizawa Yuu knew that she came to the beach.

The two guys appearing in front of her at the same time was the scene she least wanted to see.


"What's wrong with you?"

Xiaolan could feel the embarrassment emanating from Fei Yingli's body.

It was as if she had seen something terrible that made her fidget.


"I just feel a little unwell"

"I want to go back!"

Fei Yingli now just wants to escape from this sea area

"Physical discomfort?"

"Then you can't leave now."

"I'll find a doctor to help you take a look!"

Xiao Lan spent a lot of time to bring her parents together.


She didn't allow either of her parents to leave the hotel.


"Mom, just take a rest."

"There is no need for a doctor at all!"

Hiki Eri hurriedly stopped Xiaolan's impulse.

She didn't expect that the lie she told would almost expose her.

Don't say she is not sick!

Even if she is sick, she can't see a doctor in front of Xiaolan.

She didn't want anyone except Mu Ze Youyu to know that she had just given birth.


"If she feels bad, let her go back."

"Her presence here will only make all of us feel uncomfortable."

Mouri Kogoro was beside him, making a sarcastic comment.

Originally, I came to the beach to see the bikini beauties, but I didn't expect to see this woman here.

It's all Xiaolan's fault!


"You think I want to stay here?"

"If it weren't for the sea snake incident, I would have already turned around and left."

Hisagi Eri was not at all inferior.

The relationship between the two seemed to have reached a freezing point because of this incident.

"You think I'm here because of you?"

"I'm not here because of you!"

The two quarreled more and more fiercely, and even reached the point of divorce.

"Lawyer Eri Kisaki!"

"The typhoon is coming soon"

"I think you can only stay here for one night."

The weather was not good!

Kisawa Yuu and Sato Miwako could only book a room in the hotel temporarily.

In front of acquaintances!

Sato Miwako specifically asked for two rooms.

She didn't want others to know that she was Kisawa Yuu.

Besides, it was during the mission.

Openly firing paid cannons... It's not appropriate!

"Get me a room too."

Hibiki Eri knew what Xiaolan's purpose was.

She wanted her to sleep in the same room with Maori Kogoro?

Absolutely impossible!


Xiaolan stamped her feet in anger.

This was not her original plan.

It seemed that her actions had accelerated the death of her parents' marriage.


"You don't have to say anything."

Fei Yingli took the room key and turned to get on the hotel elevator.


"Don't do these childish tricks again."

Maori Kogoro reprimanded Xiaolan.

A good seaside trip was ruined.




The waves hit the rocks, splashing white and crystal waves several feet high. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Gently caressing the soft sand, and then reluctantly retreating, drawing silver flowers on the beach.

The sky is dotted with stars!

The reflection on the sea adds a bit of mystery.

In the hotel!

Kizawa Yu knocked on the door of Kisaki Eri's room and rushed in

"How did you get here?"

""No one has discovered it, has it?"

Hibiki opened the door a crack and observed the situation in the entire corridor.

Fortunately, no one noticed her.

Seeing Kizawa Yuu standing in front of her, Hibiki felt panic and nervousness, but more of it was excitement.

This feeling made her heart beat faster and faster!

It seemed as if it was about to jump out of her body.

"I still want to ask you"

"Why are you here?"

"Where's the child?"

This stinky woman is really playful.

She actually left his child behind and went to play at the beach.

"I put the child in a professional institution that specializes in taking care of infants."

She didn't want to come! She was deceived by Xiaolan.

She called again and again to say that she had problems in life. She even cried on the last call!

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh!

Hearing the aggrieved voice of her baby daughter on the phone, she had to come.


The first thing she saw when she came was Maori Kogoro staring at other people's buttocks.

Everything was a trap!

"What are you doing?"

Hiki Eri was suddenly pressed against the door.


Why is it so sudden?

Xiaolan is in the next room.

The arrow is on the string and has to be shot!

Kizawa Yuu has already opened the safety, waiting to aim and pull the trigger frantically.

It doesn't make any sense at all!

A set of unexplained combos, the two successfully established a connection.

This is also due to the good connection of Hiiki Eri's skills.


"Don't be angry."

Please give me flowers 0

"Dad still has you in his heart."

Xiaolan appeared in front of the door at an inopportune time.

For her parents' marriage life!

She endured pressure that she shouldn't have to endure at this age.

But her appearance was like a catalyst!

It sent Kizawa Yuu and Kisaki Eri to a height that didn't belong to them.

It was like sitting on a rocket!

Soaring into the sky!


"I know you're in the room."

"Please open the door for me!"

"Just stop pretending!"

"I've been watching you, you didn't even go downstairs for dinner"

"Mom, open the door!"

Hiki Eri wanted to pretend and let Xiaolan say a few nonsense words and go back to sleep. But her daughter's confident attitude made her unable to pretend!

"Xiao... Xiaolan"

"Mom is asleep, come back tomorrow."

Open the door?

It's impossible to open the door!

She can barely communicate with Xiaolan now, which is her limit.

It can't go any deeper!

"Mom, are you still not feeling well?"

"I'm going to call a doctor for you!"

Xiaolan asked worriedly.

"Need not!"

"Mom...Mom has finished her bath."

"I feel much better now. I just need to rest for a night."

"You too... too... too too too too too too too too too too quickly go back and rest."

Hiki Eri finally persuaded Xiaolan to leave with her words of reason and emotion.


"Then you should have a good rest."

"Dad doesn't really want to quarrel with you, don't take it personally."

Xiao Lan frowned in confusion outside the door.

Why does it feel like mom is leaning on the door to communicate with her?


Half an hour later, just like the weather outside the hotel, the strong wind dissipated!

The surging waves crashed on the beach and then gradually receded.

After the sea vented its howling and emotions, it gradually calmed down.

Hibiki Eri drank a bottle of drink to replenish some of the lost water

"I am leaving!"

"I will leave tomorrow morning."

He is very busy tonight!

There is also a Sato Miwako waiting to be beaten mercilessly by him.


Early in the morning!

Kisaki Eri and Maori Kogoro quarreled again in the hotel lobby.

No matter how hard Xiaolan tried to mediate, she couldn't calm the two of them down.

In fact, the quarrel got even more intense!

"Maori Kogoro!"

"I've had enough of you."

Fei Yingli crossed her arms in front of her chest.

The appearance of the tsundere legal queen has been revealed.

"I've had enough of you."

It's inexplicable!

Maori Kogoro felt that Kisaki Eri had changed.

She became unreasonable!

"From now on, I have nothing to do with you."

"We have no relationship for a long time!"

The quarrel became more and more intense.

It escalated to the point of divorce again.

This time it was not just a quarrel. The two angry people took out their car keys and prepared to meet in Tokyo to go through the divorce procedures.



Xiaolan stamped her feet in anger. She had long been accustomed to this situation.

Her parents had been arguing like this for a long time, which was why her mother had to move out.

She thought that after moving out for a while, the two would calm down and reconcile.

But she didn't expect that... this move out lasted for several years!

Every time the two met, they either quarreled or argued.



Xiaolan is numb!


"Why are you divorcing your mom?"

She thought it was just another failed argument, but they actually got divorced.

She couldn't believe it! She didn't even think their argument was real from the beginning, but the fact did teach her a lesson.


"It was that woman who insisted on divorcing me."

Mouri Kogoro didn't expect this to be the outcome.

Things were like a flood and a beast, which brought the emotions of the two of them to this point. They divorced naturally!

It's just a matter of slapping a few college students!

Why is it so!

The stinky woman really divorced him


"Do you really not want your mother?"

Xiaolan cried!

The good family has now been torn apart.

Maori Kogoro took a sip of beer.

He didn't know it himself!


After returning to her residence, Hibiki Eri stood on the balcony, already disheveled in the wind.

She also didn't understand why they suddenly divorced!

Just like when she moved out.


It made her relationship with Maori Kogoro even further apart.


Now they have no relationship.

She herself had not expected this result before, and only after calming down could she sober up.


I said: I will die in 88

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