
If he was not mistaken, this person should be a small leader among the FBI agents.

And the purpose of this James coming to Tokyo is also very clear.

It is the FBI's comprehensive action against the black organization!

At this time!

Mu Ze Youyu's mobile phone rang again.

In this case!

Why not have a head-on confrontation first.

Mu Ze Youyu stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, overtaking continuously on the wide road.


He saw a speeding police car on the road.

Mu Ze Youyu stepped on the accelerator again and approached the police car at almost lightning speed.

Through the glass!

He saw four men inside.

Three of them were not good people from their facial features.

Of course!

There was also a man sitting in the middle whose face could not be seen clearly.

But the killer's keen insight has made him feel that this police car is not simple.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

There are too many ways to verify his guess.

Mu Ze Youyu chose the simplest and most direct one!


"is it you?"

"If you are kidnapped, will you just blink?"

The four people in the police car were stunned.

The two gangsters sitting in the back who controlled James had loaded their pistols and pointed them at the car door.

The driver was also nervously gripping the steering wheel.

But at this moment!

The most nervous person was James himself.

He was not panicking just now.

As a senior agent of the FBI, he had already seen that these people were robbers.

But the reason why he was willing to be kidnapped by these three robbers was to verify some of the information Judy had recently fed back to him.

But now the situation has changed!

This reckless guy disrupted his overall plan.

If the gangsters were angered at this time, they might do something to die together.

He is a senior agent of the FBI. It would be too unfair if he died at the hands of such a small shrimp before taking any action here.

James was already thinking of a plan to get out!

But when he saw Cameron driving behind him, he felt more at ease.

Cameron looked a little fierce and didn't look like a good person, but his ability and driving skills were first-class in the FBI.

"Big brother!"

"What should we do?

24"Have we been discovered?"

Although the robbers were armed, their palms were sweating in this situation.

It was not difficult to kill this guy who suddenly appeared.

What they were afraid of was that the gunshot would attract the police!

"Don't panic!"

The robber boss rolled down the car window and said,"We are on a mission. If you need help, please call the Metropolitan Police Department.""

"I ask you!"

"Is there a foreigner kidnapped in the car?"

Mu Ze You Yu's words completely ignited the two sides.

The three robbers finally understood Mu Ze You Yu's purpose of approaching their car.

"Big brother!"

"We were discovered.

The robbers still don’t know how they were exposed.

It was clearly a police car!

The robber leader’s face instantly became ferocious, and the black muzzle of the gun stuck out of the window.……


"We kidnapped a foreign man."

"I don't care what kind of ninja you are!"

"Now I advise you to be honest and pull over quickly"

"Otherwise, I will shoot you to death!"

The real purpose is revealed!

When things developed to this point, the robbers knew that there was no need to pretend anymore.

But they did not intend to shoot Mu Ze You Yu to death!

The robbers were not stupid!

Killing Mu Ze You Yu would only increase their danger.

What they wanted was the ransom.

It was money!


"But before that, I have another gift for you."

Kizawa Yuu first observed the surrounding road conditions through the rearview mirror.

While the three robbers were stunned, he projected a black object from the car window.

When the object landed on the co-pilot of the police car, the robbers could see clearly what it was.


"It's a grenade!"

The robbers looked extremely panicked.

James, who was being held hostage, was not much better when he saw the bomb. He couldn't help but blurt out:"Fuck!"

The gangster!

This is a gangster!

James could only give such an evaluation.

He really couldn't understand who would throw a grenade into a police car in broad daylight.

"Throw the grenade out quickly!"

The FBI agent's psychological quality in a critical moment was fully demonstrated.

This is not comparable to the robbers!

At this moment!

There is no distinction between kidnappers and hostages.

The grenade exploded!

Their flesh and blood could not even be distinguished.

James obviously overestimated the ability of these robbers.

The moment he just said it, the driver of the police car had already collapsed.

A sudden brake!

The high-speed police car overturned because the tires were locked.

With a roar, it rolled over twice on the road before it stopped.

Mu Ze Youyu slowly parked the AE86 on the side of the road and got out of the car calmly.

He carefully checked the three robbers and one hostage in the car.

Good luck! None of the four people had fatal injuries.


"You have been arrested."


The four of them were stunned.

Is this the police?

James was furious, because a rookie police officer's operation almost cost him his life.

But he also understood one thing!

The bomb that the rookie police officer had just thrown into the police car was fake.

At this time!

Mu Ze Youyu's cell phone rang at the right time……


"We received the latest information"

"The foreign man is now sitting in a police car."

The voice of Sato Miwako is on the other end of the line.

But there is no need to guess!

This so-called information must have been provided by Conan's kid.

"I already know?"

"I have successfully stopped the police car in Saitama Prefecture"

"Come here and take care of it!"

Mu Ze You Yu pushed the three kidnappers against the railing on the roadside.

He lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely!

"Mr. Police Officer!"

"Should you help me call an ambulance?"

James' tone was emotional.

His head was broken!

The tumbling in the car just now may have caused him a concussion.

This police officer was still smoking leisurely here!

He saw that this rookie police officer wished he would die like this.


"Forgot it!"

Mu Ze You Yu handed the phone to James, and then continued to smoke by the roadside railing.

James was very angry!

But he also thought that arguing with a rookie police officer was like talking to a cow.


He could only use Mu Ze You Yu's phone to call an ambulance


The other side!

"Officer Sato!"


Sato Miwako raised her head slightly, and her confident smile made people feel that the matter was not simple.

Sato Miwako walked to the side of the police car and picked up the intercom:"The robbers have been stopped by Officer Kizawa on the way to Saitama Prefecture. Please go to support them as soon as possible."

There was a sense of confidence and boastfulness in her tone!

"Got stopped?"

Officer Takagi was still thinking that this kind of easy-to-think thing could make him a meritorious service.

He didn't expect that Kisawa Yuu was so fast!


At this rate, Kisawa Yuu will soon be the chief inspector.

"Officer Sato!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You mean... the police car was stopped by Officer Kizawa?"

Conan was shocked!


He just deduced from the information left by James that it was in the police car.

Kizawa Yuu has already completed the operation?

Conan thought of the scene where Kizawa Yuu confidently turned the steering wheel and chased in the direction of Saitama Prefecture...


This guy didn't know what kind of code James left.

How did he know it?

Conan fell into confusion again.

He couldn't figure it out at all!

Could it be that solving the case can really skip the reasoning that detectives are proud of?


"Officer Mu Ze has subdued all three robbers."

"I won’t talk to you anymore!"

"I'm going to support Officer Kizawa."

"Takagi, you are responsible for sending these children back."

Sato Miwako smiled and patted Conan on the shoulder.

Now I don't think there is anything mysterious about this child.

Although Conan's brain is indeed better than before, the Metropolitan Police Department no longer needs to rely on a few children to solve cases in the future.

"That big brother is so awesome!"


"He had already deduced that the robbers were riding in a police car before Conan."

"He is a very good criminal police!"


Conan couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing what his stupid teammate said.


Reasoning without any clues is just a blind guess.

Although I don't know how Kizawa Yuu knew that the robber was in the police car, it was definitely not based on reasoning.

Absolutely not!


"Children, I will take you home."

Takagi Shige looked at Sato Miwako's graceful back and sighed.

It's over!

Both his career and love were harvested by that guy Kizawa Yu.


Crime scene!

When Megure Jusan and the detectives from the First Investigation Division arrived, they were stunned.

Overturned police car, injured hostages, terrified robbers……

"Brother Mu Ze!"

"What on earth happened?"

If he hadn't received the news in advance, he would have thought it was the shooting scene of a police and gangster movie.

Even so!

The scene at the scene has restored the tragic situation in his mind.

"Three robbers fled with hostages"

"I had no choice but to use force to stop it."


"The hostages suffered some minor injuries during the operation."

He... was forced to do it!"

Megure Jusan glanced at the criminals, then at the hostage James:"Brother Mu Ze, you did a good job!"

It's a small matter if the people are not dead! It's not a big deal if the people are dead.

For the detectives of the Investigation Division, if they don't see a few corpses every day, they will be sorry for the uniforms on their bodies.

"Clean up the scene!"


"You and brother Mu Ze are responsible for taking the three robbers back."

Megure Jusan's orders for post-event handling are becoming more and more skillful.

Even he himself is very satisfied with his current work status!

At least it is a thousand times better than letting a few detectives lead him by the nose.

"What's your name?"

Megure Jusan walked up to James and spoke frantically in pretentious English.


"I can speak Japanese."

The poor English made James' hair stand on end.

He quickly spoke in Japanese to interrupt this terrible exchange.

"So you can speak Japanese!"

"We need to leave your information"

"After treating the injury, go to the Metropolitan Police Department to record a statement. After explaining the matter,

Officer Megure sent James to the ambulance before giving the order to withdraw the team.

"James has been taken to the ambulance."

"It's just a minor injury, nothing serious!"

Not far away,

Cameron was monitoring every move at the crime scene.


On the other side,

Miwako Sato and Yuu Kizawa drove the three robbers back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Another successful case!

Both of them were in a good mood.

The only regret for Yuu Kizawa was that he failed to send James away.

There was no other way!

At that time, he had already noticed that there were FBI agents watching around.

In that situation, he couldn't just kick the old man James off the bridge.

"I say you!"

"There is no need to risk your life to stop these robbers."

It's because of my girlfriend!

Although I admire Kisawa Yu's ability, I always feel that it's too aggressive.

If I'm not careful, I might be the one who suffers.

"no way!"

"These robbers are very brutal."

"They had a gun pointed at my head."

"If I hadn't done that, I would be the one dead now."

The robbers in the back seat looked helpless! They were already too uncomfortable to listen any more.

"Mr. Police Officer!"


It seems like you were the first one to throw a grenade into our car.���Years!

I've only seen robbers confuse right and wrong to evade the law.

I've never seen a police officer who lies all the time! Did they start it first?

They had clearly asked Kizawa Yuu to pull over.


"You threw a grenade into their car?"

The car shook violently.

Sato Miwako looked at Kizawa Yuu in the passenger seat with a surprised look.

Where did the grenade come from?

They are just criminal police, not the Self-Defense Force.

They would not be equipped with grenades when performing normal tasks.


"If I don't do this, how can I stop the robber's car?"

He's not stupid! He would never do something like exposing his identity by using a real grenade.

"You're using violent law enforcement this time."

"I'm afraid I won't be as lucky this time."

Kizawa Yuu has used violent law enforcement more than once or twice.

In the past, he always used heavy blows against criminals.

But this time is different! A hostage has been hurt in this operation.

The robbers agree with this!


This hateful guy is violent law enforcement.

I have never seen a criminal policeman throw a grenade at a hostage.


It's better to send this reckless guy to prison together.


Things were not as bad as Miwako Sato imagined.

James just made a simple confession at the Metropolitan Police Department and left.

There was no investigation into the grenade thrown by Kizawa Yu.


"Why don't you teach that reckless policeman a lesson?"

Cameron, who was in the driver's seat, still had some lingering fear.

At that time, he really thought it was a real grenade.

"No need!"

"Don't forget why we came to Tokyo this time"

"Our identity is kept strictly confidential!"


I said: I will die in 88

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