
"How come they haven't come back for so long?"

Kizawa Yuu was instantly awakened by Dr. Agasa next to him.


He ignored Conan's bad constitution.

Even in this deep forest, this kid can successfully kill a living person.


""Beep, beep!"

Such a slight sound might be ignored by women and elderly people like Huiyuan and Agasa.

But it would never escape his ears!

He successfully found the detective badge that Dr. Agasa had distributed to several people in Huiyuan's bag.

"Damn it!

This guy must be looking at my privacy again.

Just as Huiyuan Ai was about to walk over and swear that she was also a woman with dignity, she heard Conan's voice coming from the detective badge.


""Can you hear me?"

Conan's voice was not good.

It could be heard that he must have encountered something in the forest.

Maybe he was attacked by a wild boar.


Hearing the response,

Conan on the other side felt relieved.

"Officer Kizawa!"

"We encountered several armed robbers in the stalactite cave near the camp."

"Please call the police immediately!"

Although Conan hated Kisawa Yuu, he suddenly felt particularly friendly and safe when he heard Kisawa Yuu's voice.

This guy... is a policeman!

It's impossible to ignore such a thing.

"I'll call the police right away!"

"Officer Kizawa!"

"Please go to the stalactite cave Conan mentioned to save the children immediately."

The arrow is on the string and must be shot!

The police's responsibility does not seem to allow him to retreat at this time.

He also wanted to let Conan drink the antidote and test the effect.

"I'll go with you!"

Huiyuan Ai made the right decision.

Although the road ahead was extremely dangerous, she always thought that it was safest to follow Mu Ze You Yu.


According to the information given by Conan, he soon found a cave nearby.

The neatly arranged firewood next to the cave entrance proved that they had found the right place.

"Are those bandits still inside?"

Mu Ze Youyu nodded!

The killer's keen perception made him feel the dangerous atmosphere in the cave.

At some point, a dagger appeared in his hand. He walked leisurely towards the depths of the cave!

The professional killer's business ability made him confident in facing a few minions.

This confidence came from the gap in hard power!


"Come out"

"Uncle won't hurt you."

There were three gangsters in total!

Each of them was carrying a gun.

The murderous aura emanating from their bodies indicated that there was only one outcome for Conan and the others after they were found.

Their bodies would be left exposed in the wilderness!


Mu Ze You Yu was very fast.

In the cave, it was felt that there was a whirlwind.

The next second, two of the three bandits had their necks cut.

The only one left alive was also hit on the head by him.

"You… who are you?"

The gangster peed!

No one could have imagined that someone would point a gun at his head in such a remote place.

The most outrageous thing was that the gun was just snatched from him.

"That’s exactly the question I want to ask you!"

"What are you doing professionally?"Every profession has its own specialty!

Assassination, extortion, robbery, theft, counterfeit money...

Every gang has its own strengths and expertise.

If you want to make a name for yourself in the circle, you have to endure hardships that others cannot endure.

Anyone who says that bad guys don't work hard is really wrong!

"If you don't want to be like them, I advise you to tell the truth."

Under the fear of death, even the strongest gangsters can't bear this pressure.

"We are bank robbers!"


From this strong and fierce bandit, I learned that these three people were the bank robbers reported on TV some time ago.

He knew about this!

Takagi and Shiratori were responsible for this case.

"Where is the 80 million yen hidden now?"

"Hidden in the trunk of a red Honda in the underground parking lot of Beihu Shopping Mall"


After learning the hiding place of the stolen money, Mu Ze You Yu pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Living people often have hidden dangers.

Only dead people are the safest!


After dealing with the three robbers, Kizawa Yuu found Conan and the Baigai trio behind a rock wall.


Kizawa Yu pressed it gently.

Conan's wail of pain gave the answer.

"Do not worry"

"He can't die!"

He has always been professional in judging injuries.


This guy.

Conan seriously suspected that Mu Ze You Yu did it on purpose.

But he no longer had the energy to think about this matter. His gradual loss of consciousness made him fall into a coma.



Inspector Megure and the detectives from the Investigation Division arrived at the crime scene.

First, a police car was sent to take Conan to the Beika General Hospital.

Seeing that the three gangsters had been shot dead...

I didn't know what to say except to praise Brother Kizawa.

Kizawa Yuu did the right thing!

Facing a gangster with a gun, shooting to death is the best solution.


"Next time you encounter such a thing, don't be so aggressive, okay?"

After hearing this, Sato Miwako was still frightened.

Those were three armed bandits, and Mu Ze Youyu only had a dagger.

Although it was pretentious for the gods to come down to earth, it was not advisable!


"What are you going to do?" asked Miwako Sato.

"Beihu Shopping Mall!"

There is 80 million in cash waiting for him to collect.


Beika General Hospital!

With a heart-wrenching scream...

Conan completed a successful transformation!

He changed!

He changed from Conan to Kudo Shinichi.

He didn't know how long he had been waiting these few days.

The joy in his heart made his heart beat faster and faster.

The only regret was that he couldn't share this good mood with anyone around him.

The hurried footsteps in the corridor brought his thoughts back.

Oh no!

The fact that he changed from Conan to Kudo Shinichi must not be known to others.

Otherwise, once it gets out... he will become a target of the dark organization!

Although his body has become bigger, his mind is still the same.

Not affected!

Kudo Shinichi was quick-witted, took a set of clothes from the bed next to him and changed into them, then walked out of the ward calmly.

"The experiment was successful!"

Kizawa Yuu was hiding in the dark and observing everything.

Until he saw Kudo Shinichi walk out of the ward.

To be honest!

He was already looking forward to seeing Haibara Ai switch back and forth between the big and small modes.

"Aren't you afraid that he will die?"

Huihara Ai's eyes were full of helplessness.

I give up! He is indeed a killer trained by the organization.

He showed his cruel side to her vividly.

She never thought that Kizawa Yuu would replace the saline solution delivered by Kudo Shinichi with an antidote.

"When did you become so kind?"

"I'm helping you!"

How many mice died from the injuries of Huiyuan Ai?

In order to conduct scientific research, the organization has sent countless people to the laboratories of the scientific research base.

"Do you think I am willing to do that?"When you are in the organization, you have no choice! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She didn't want Kudo Shinichi to die, and she was also worried that his death would attract the attention of the Black Organization.

It can be inferred that she also became smaller!

"Let's go!"

He couldn't wait to go back and let Huiyuan Ai take an ATPX4869 antidote.

Enjoy the blow from Miyano Shiho!


"I still need to observe how this guy changes next."

Becoming bigger is just the first step!

What's more important is whether Kudo Shinichi will have serious side effects after taking the antidote.


The moment Kudo Shinichi walked out of the Beika General Hospital, he felt a sense of rebirth.

The excitement did not make him lose his mind!

In order to avoid being seen by others in Tokyo and revealing his identity, he found a hat in the ward when he walked out of the hospital.

The wide brim of the hat gave him an inexplicable sense of security!

The first thing Kudo Shinichi did when he walked out of the Beika Hospital was to find a public telephone booth on the side of the road. The first call he made was to Mao Lilan as Kudo Shinichi.



"I am Shinichi!"

"I'm solving a tough case in New York."

"I will be back soon!"

It feels so good to talk to Xiaolan on the phone without a voice changer.

For him, the current problem is to destroy the Black Organization. Only in this way can he stand in the sun again as Kudo Shinichi.

After hanging up the phone with Xiaolan, he immediately called his parents who were far away abroad.

In this world, his parents are the few people who can share his joy of growing bigger.


"I've grown bigger."

After the parents, it was Dr. Agasa and his good friend Abdomen Heiji.

Although he was restraining himself, the excitement still made him temporarily lose his mind.

He wanted to let the whole world know that the high school detective Kudo Shinichi is back.

"Got bigger?"

"Are you saying that you have now changed from Conan to Kudo Shinichi?"

"Did you drink that kind of liquor called Baigan again?"

Last time, it was because he brought a bottle of Baigan liquor that made Kudo Shinichi grow bigger.

Please give me flowers 0

Afterwards, this guy got drunk but couldn't regain his glory!

"of course not!"

"This time I woke up and suddenly became bigger"

"I think the effect of the drug has worn off."

"I now……"


Before he could feel happy for too long, his body began to convulse violently.

This feeling... he was too familiar with it.

He had a bad feeling!

In order not to attract the attention of the people around him, he put down the phone and ran madly to the public toilet nearby.

"Too small!"

"It seems that your medicine can only make people strong for two hours."

Very short!

Many things may end before they even begin.


"It's 24 hours"

"I just reduced the dosage of the medicine."

Because this was the first experiment, and it was injected into Kudo Shinichi's body.

She was also worried that she would kill the mice that had finally appeared.

"Let's go back and give it a try!"

One day and one night is more than enough time.

It's great!


Habara Ai never dreamed that the semi-finished drug she developed would be used by Kizawa Yuu to satisfy his quirks.

I'm afraid the organization would not have thought of it either!


Public toilets


Conan sat on the toilet in a mess.


Why did he suddenly grow bigger?

And why did he suddenly become smaller?

He clearly didn't drink the liquor called Baigan.

He thought he was a famous detective, but now he was confused about his current situation.

What happened to him now could not be explained by science.

"Jingle Bell——"

"Hello, Kudo"

"Why did you hang up the phone so suddenly just now?"

The voice on the phone was Hattori Heiji's anxious, angry and concerned voice.


"I am Conan!"

"My body has turned into a child again."

Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was already there!

Fortunately, he prepared for the rainy day and brought Conan's belongings with him when he came out of the hospital.

Otherwise, he could only wait until late at night and escape from the public toilet in disgrace.


"I knew you wouldn't be able to keep being so arrogant for long.

Although he should be sympathetic at this time, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but laugh.

"Hattori, don't laugh!"

"Please help me analyze why this is happening."

His brain is not enough!

These waves of crazy pulling have made his mentality explode.

"Did you eat something unclean?"

"Similar to the wine called Baigan?"

"Or maybe you have experienced some strange things recently."

Conan suddenly realized!


He was in the hospital just now.

If it was the effect of external objects that allowed him to recover temporarily, the most likely thing was the medicine injected by Beika Hospital.

After figuring this out!

He decisively hung up the phone call with Hattori Heiji and ran towards Beika Hospital despite his weak body.


Mihua Hospital!

A police car was parked in front of the hospital.

Two policemen in police uniforms were checking the situation at the hospital's outpatient counter.

"Hello, police officer"

"What happened?"

Conan's detective occupational disease came back.

When he saw the police, he thought of murders in closed rooms, explosions, bank robberies, etc.


"where did you go?"

"We couldn't find you."

The worry on Xiaolan's face gradually disappeared the moment she saw Conan.

"Are you Conan?"

"Don't run around anymore, okay?"

There was no murder!

Conan didn't expect that it was his own disappearance that alerted the police this time.

"Police uncle"

"I won't run around anymore."


He almost forgot the most important thing because of a small incident.

When he returned to the ward, he was stunned!

Where is the thing?

Where did the medicine he hadn't finished injecting go?

"Nurse sister!"

"What drugs did you inject me with just now?"

Conan learned the name of the drug from the nurse and wrote it down.

This... is likely to be the key to his transformation into Kudo Shinichi again.


"Where did you go just now?"

"I think it must be a child who likes to play."

Mouri Kogoro said sarcastically.

If Conan's mother hadn't paid a high fee, he would not have bothered to take care of such a kid.


"I just went out to play."

Conan made up an excuse.

The most urgent task now is to buy all these medicines and see if he can turn into Kudo Shinichi again.


I said: I will die in 88

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