Beika Town!

Haibara Ai is very unhappy.

Kizawa Yuu uses her as a tool to find out what the FBI is doing. It's ok for her to pretend to be a fool who knows nothing in front of Conan.

But she has to pretend in front of a female FBI agent.

This is not the worst! It

's really tormenting for her to pretend not to understand English even though she is proficient in English.

"Mr. Police Officer!"

"If something like this happens again, please don't involve me."


The opponent is not an ordinary person, but a female FBI agent.

If you are not careful, you may be exposed.

It is very stressful!

"From the moment you escaped from the Black Organization, you should have known what your future life would be like."

"The Black Organization has never stopped hunting you."

Gray Hara was silent!

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that Mu Ze You Yu was right.

Didn't Piske, who died some time ago, know her identity!

The two stopped in front of a door!

Judy's name was written on the doorplate.

Mu Ze You Yu brought Gray Hara to learn English as promised.

"Ding Dong——!"

A few seconds after he pressed the doorbell, the door opened with a gentle sound.


"Little Ai!"

"I heard you attended an event yesterday."

"Did you have fun?"


Haibara Ai’s reaction was pretty quick:"Very good!"

There was indeed an activity yesterday!

"Come in quickly."

Judy's room is very clean.


It must have been cleaned carefully by Judy before they came.

"Officer Kizawa!"

"I may not be able to entertain you."

"Please help yourself!"

Judy apologetically poured him a cup of bitter coffee and placed a few magazines on the table.

"I just need to sit here."

Kizawa Yuu smiled and told Huihara Ai:"You must learn English well from teacher Judy."

"elder brother~~"

"I will definitely study hard."

Huihara Ai regretted claiming to be Kizawa Yuu's sister. Her current identity makes her feel embarrassed and awkward!


"Ding Dong——!"

The doorbell rang again.

Mu Ze Youyu walked over quickly, wanting to see if the sudden visitor would give him a surprise.



Conan's jaw almost dropped.

Hattori Heiji beside him also couldn't figure out the current situation.

Kudo said that the new English teacher at Teitan High School was very problematic.

They came over together to take a look.

They never expected... that the arrogant policeman Kizawa Ariyu was also here.

Is it necessary to be so chaotic?

Or is there some kind of connection between Kizawa Ariyu and this foreign female teacher?

"Officer Kizawa"

""Why are you here?"

Hattori Heiji said as he tiptoed to look inside.

It didn't matter why Kisawa Yuu was here.

He had originally planned to meet this arrogant guy after solving the problem of the foreign female teacher.

He would remember the last time he was disdainful of him in Kansai for the rest of his life.

"Fall in love!"

No extra explanation.

In the world of science, meeting Conan is usually not a good thing.

"In love?"


The two were shocked again.

Kizawa Yuu, an islander, actually hooked up with a foreign woman?

Wasn't he in love with Sonoko?

Conan soon realized that this guy must be lying, he just didn't want them to go in and see Judy.

"It was Sister Xiaolan who asked us to come."

"She has an English test question that she doesn't understand and needs to ask Judy."

Conan thinks of a solution!

He and Hattori Heiji have nothing to do with Judy.

At this time, they can only bring up Xiaolan from Teitan High School.

"Today's the weekend!"

"If you bother me again, I will knock your heads off."


Sometimes it is the most effective way to solve problems.

He was just about to use his fists to drive the two guys away when a scream came from downstairs.

"Someone jumped off the building!"

"Someone's dead!"

The screams outside the apartment were particularly harsh.

The originally quiet environment became noisy.

"It's you again, you unlucky bastard!"

Kizawa Yuu angrily knocked on Conan's head to vent his emotions.

I knew that where there are elementary school students of the God of Death, there will be murders!


" Hiss ~~Ha!"

Conan covered his head and jumped up and down.

Others jumped off the building!

What does it have to do with him?

"What happened?"

Judy and Huiyuan Ai also came out of the bedroom after hearing the noise.

""Collection of Haibara?!"

Conan was shocked again.

He never expected that his classmate Haibara Ai would be in Teacher Judy's house.

That's right!

Kisawa Yuu and Haibara Ai are siblings, so it makes sense for them to be here.

If that's the case...

Kisawa Yuu shouldn't be here to make any secret deals with Teacher Judy.

Conan doesn't have time to think about the relationship between the three.

He and Hattori Heiji are now focusing on the case of jumping off the building.

For detectives, corpses can stimulate their G-spots.

This produces an inexplicable climax!


"Irrelevant personnel stay behind"

"I'm talking about you...Conan!"

"And this non-African guy next to me!"

Damn it!

Another day of being forced to work overtime


"This police officer is really too much."

Hattori Heiji was furious.

A non-African???

This was the worst time he was bullied. Once the police officer's ID card was out!

No one dared to challenge him.

Kizawa Yuu took less than a minute to control the situation.

Small scene!

The deceased was a middle-aged man, and there was a broken mobile phone next to the body.

The phone was of good quality!

From the light on the screen, it can be confirmed that it can still be used.

"Who are you to the deceased?"

A woman with long hair sitting on the ground crying.

She is more or less related to the deceased!

"I am Mr. Takai's girlfriend."

After asking, I got to know the general situation.

The deceased, Takai!

He was Judy's next-door neighbor on the same floor.

He fell out of the window and died after getting drunk with a few friends at night.

Mu Ze Youyu picked up the mobile phone next to the body, and a newly recorded recording in it caught his attention.……

"Then Takai!"

"You should just go down and apologize to Pingwu."

The recording is very brief!

But it is enough to prove that this person did not commit suicide, but was killed by someone.

"Who is the person talking on the phone?"

"It's... Mr. Kawakami!"

Although the deceased's girlfriend was grieving, she did not lose her ability to think.

This recording has made her understand everything!


"Who is Kawakami?"

His sharp eyes only scanned the crowd and locked onto the suspect.


"You're called Kawakami!"

He went up and grabbed Kawakami and pinned him to the ground.

With just a slight force on his hand, the guy named Kawakami began to scream in pain.

"You are under arrest!"

Kizawa Yuu took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them directly.

During this period of time, he has already branded himself as a"policeman".

In addition, Haibara Ai has been accompanying him day and night to practice the correct use of handcuffs.

Now he is very skilled!

If he continues like this, maybe he will give Gin a pair of manganese steel bracelets next time he sees him.

At this moment!

Officer Megure and his men rushed to the scene of the crime.……

"Brother Mu Ze?"


Seeing the dead body on the ground and the middle-aged man handcuffed next to him,

Officer Megure couldn't do that!

When did the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division become so efficient?

He remembered that every time he solved a case, he would be led into the dark by clues, and it took a lot of effort to get out of it.

"nailed it!"

"The deceased was Takai, and the murderer was Kawakami"

"But this guy is not very cooperative, so he needs to be taken back for another interrogation."

Inspector Megure put his hand on his shoulder and whispered,"You should have solved this case alone, right?"

Conan, the little kid, was standing next to him, so he had to ask!


Inspector Megure let out a long sigh after receiving a positive answer from Kizawa Yuu.

The Investigation Division was finally proud!


"Are you enforcing the law violently again?"

Sato Miwako communicated with the only voice that the two of them could hear.

It was clear from the state of the suspect!

"You're two minutes late."

"I promise to make this suspect sign a confession."


He Mu Ze You Yu has a very clear understanding of his own methods.

"Is this case closed?"

"what the hell!"

"What is the modus operandi?"

"What about the process of committing the crime?"


Conan and Hattori Heiji could not accept this method of handling the case.

The most important process has not been restored in their minds.

Not being able to crack Kawakami's murder method is more uncomfortable than taking a half-shits.

They wanted to take the evidence from the police officers and deduce it again.

Under the tyranny of Inspector Megure, no one chose to cooperate with the two detectives.

Starting from today!

The Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division will no longer be led by a few unknown detectives.


PS: It has been more than ten days since the book was published and it is time to put it on the shelves!

Today, the chapters will be released on time at 00:00!

The requirements of the young author are not high. Readers who have read this can give a first order.

Please support with the first order!!!

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