Mika Apartment!

After not seeing you for a while, Miyano Akemi's belly is visibly bigger.

I guess!

His second baby is not far away

"Little...Little Ai"

"Is she okay?"

For her!

Now, apart from giving birth to a child, nothing is more important than knowing her sister's situation.


This name is still not familiar to her.

But she also knows that Miyano Shiho has disappeared from this world.

If she wants her sister to live well, she must accept the name of Huiyuan Ai.

"She's fine!" said Kisawa Yuu. Miyano

Akemi pursed her lips:"Last time I heard her on the phone, she said that you two live very close to each other."

"Sometimes close, sometimes far!"

"It all depends on my will."

Miyano Akemi was relieved!

She was worried that her sister would be unsafe after escaping from the organization.

Having Kizawa Yuu by her side was at least an extra insurance.

"I will arrange a meeting for you this weekend."

Huihara Ai's daily question finally paid off.

He decided to let the two sisters of the Miyano family meet before the birth of the second baby.

Share the joy in your heart!


"This week?"

Miyano Akemi obviously didn't expect it to be so sudden. She was caught off guard!

She was pregnant.

She didn't know how to explain to her sister.

Last time on the phone, she didn't have time to explain the relationship between her and Kisawa Yuu.

A sudden meeting... would it be too hasty?

Although she had always wanted to meet her sister, she was at a loss when it really came to her.

"You didn't tell her about our relationship, did you?"

"Then she will be very surprised to see that I am pregnant with your child."

Although she was reluctant at first!

But now she has regarded Mu Ze You Yu as her man.


A man!

Ever since she became pregnant, her thoughts have slowly changed.

Now she has accepted the child in her belly.

Accepted her current life!

She used to think about leaving the organization and living a carefree life with her sister.

Although she is not completely carefree now, at least she has successfully left the organization.

Isn't it?!


"She will definitely do it."

It's better to see it sooner rather than later. Sooner or later, the two sisters of the Miyano family will cry with joy.

"Jingle Bell——"

The cell phone rang at an inopportune time.

Content of the message: The transaction time and location of the drug trafficking organization have been found.

Sender: Kuroba Kaito!

After returning from Kansai last time, he has been working hard to investigate this hateful drug trafficking organization.

Today, there is finally a result!

This is all thanks to Kuroba Kaito, his right-hand man.

At first, this kid didn't intend to cooperate with his work.

But against the magician under the moonlight, his method is like a sow wearing a bra.

"I gotta go"

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs at 10am this weekend."

Miyano Akemi is already looking forward to it.

By then!

She will be dressed up beautifully and appear in front of her sister.

To be honest... the two sisters haven't seen each other for a while.

After the bank robbery, she had despaired of life.

To have the opportunity now is something she dared not dream of!



Kizawa Yuu parked the white AE86 in front of the door.

Kuroba Kaito ordered a cup of coffee and sat in the corner waiting for him.

"They have a deal this weekend night"

"The transaction took place in a scrap car repair shop in the suburbs of Edogawa."

Damn it!

It's getting easier and easier.

Kuroba Kaito felt that he was getting more and more adept at doing these illegal and criminal things.

Even smoother than the magic he was proud of!

He was forced to go further and further on the road of crime.……

"Did you tell me about the buyer of the transaction?"

All we know now is that the buyer is likely a member of a black organization.


"Buyers are very vigilant"

"He didn't give any chance at all."

Kuroba Kaito had suspected that Kisawa Yuu was not a proper policeman before.

Now he was sure!

This guy was actually targeting drug trafficking organizations.

It was reasonable for the police to target drug trafficking organizations, but this guy's purpose did not seem to be to crush criminal organizations.

"You just leave."

"Coffee is on me!"

Helplessness burst out from Kuroba Kaito's eyes.

Does he need a cup of coffee?

This will only make him more like Kizawa Yuu's criminal teammate.

"How did you know about the Pandora's Stone of Destiny?"

"How did you know about my father, Kuroba Toichi?"

When Mu Ze Youyu found him and told him the secrets of the first and second generations of Kaito Kid, he was surprised!

Mu Ze Youyu seemed to have installed a radar on his head.

He knew his past and present!

He also knew that he stole the gems for the Pandora's Stone of Destiny.’

"Do you think I will tell you?"

It is not easy to find such a capable assistant as Kuroba Kaito.

He should cherish it!


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