Late at night!

Dark clouds covered the sky, and there were no stars or moon.

In front of him was a dilapidated unfinished building, overgrown with weeds and broken walls.

Mu Ze Youyu's gun was pointed at a woman's head.

As long as he pulled the trigger lightly, the woman's head would shatter like a watermelon.

Brains would fly everywhere!

"Silver Fox...right?"

The woman in front of him who was subdued by him was none other than the team leader who made counterfeit money in the police station newspaper office. She was also the only suspect who escaped from his hands in the case at that time.

"You… who are you?"

How could Silver Fox not recognize Mu Ze You Yu?

It was this guy in front of her who destroyed the team she had worked so hard to build with his own strength.

He turned her into a wandering ghost!

"This is not something you need to know."

Mu Ze You Yu used his palm as a knife and chopped at Silver Fox's throat at lightning speed.

When Silver Fox subconsciously opened her mouth, he shot something into her.

"cough cough——"

"What did you give me to eat?"

"What on earth is this?"

Silver Fox bent her body and vomited frantically.

But because she hadn't eaten for several days, no matter how hard she retched, nothing came up from her throat.


"A poison rich in heavy metals"

"It can accumulate in your bones and spinal cord, causing long-term toxicity"

"But it won't kill you right away!"

He remembered that Huiyuan Ai said this.

But it doesn't matter!

The effect of frightening the silver fox has been achieved.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The woman's face was filled with unprecedented fear.

It would be better to give her a quick death!

"Can't you make counterfeit money?"

"If you want to stay alive, work for me from now on"

"You should be thankful for your ability, otherwise you would be dead by now."

This is the truth!

If he hadn't been impressed by the woman's ability to make counterfeit money, he would not have just shot the woman's gun when he broke into the room through the window.

"I can not do it!"

"Making counterfeit banknotes requires professional teamwork"

"I need a printing press, color-changing ink, and three-leaf pulp... I don't have any of these things now."

"You should know this better than us!"

She finally understood the purpose of the man in front of her.

This was a trap!

It had been planned since she was let go from the newspaper office.

"It is your thing!"

"If you do well, you can get the antidote."

"You can also choose to ignore me and go to the hospital directly. If you are lucky, you may be able to save half your life.

Before Mu Ze You Yu left, Silver Fox gave the answer.


"I promise you."

She had fought with the police for many years and had gained experience.

Going to the hospital for treatment?

For a wanted criminal like her, it was like walking into a trap.

It was very likely that she would fall into the hands of the police before the diagnosis was made.


"You only have one month."

He is a man with little patience.

This is the deadline he gave Silver Fox!

"How did you find me?

She asked herself, already hidden enough.

"This is not what you should ask!"

What a joke!

It's too easy for the Black Organization to find a daughter with a name and appearance.

Going downstairs!

Mu Ze Youyu drove his AE86 at full speed.

The roar of the engine seemed to tear this rainy night apart.

"Is this what you mean by giving her a new place?"

"Make counterfeit money!"

"You really have big ambitions."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Huiyuan Ai finally understood why Kisawa Yuu wanted to let this woman go.

"We are… short of money to buy a house now."

Kizawa Yuu used to think he was quite rich.

Ten billion yen plus one hundred million dollars.

As he got to know Suzuki Sonoko better, he found that he was still a poor guy.

The Suzuki Group was really rich!

Just like the explosion a few days ago.

With a thunder, the luxury suite worth tens of millions was gone.

"So you're going to use this approach?"

"Mr. Police Officer!"

Huihara Ai's helpless look has exposed her true thoughts.

If I remember correctly... Kizawa Yuu should still have the $100 million he earned from selling the Emerald Emperor.

What kind of mansion in Tokyo can't be bought with $100 million?

"Call me Xuehua!"

When he did something bad, he preferred this title.

He didn't feel any guilt!


"A big devil who will do anything for wealth."

After the AE86 drove into the unfinished building, Haibara Ai dared to sit up straight from the passenger seat.

Although she had changed from Miyano Shiho to Haibara Ai, she still didn't want those mixed people to see her face.

Especially criminals!

"do not forget!"

"You were the one who made the poison that Silver Fox took."

"Little witch!"


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