"Brother, the AE86 has circled several times downstairs."

On the top floor of a building near the Beihu Hotel.

Cohen and Chianti were holding sniper rifles and controlling every move below.

Gin saw that Kizawa Yu had not come out of the car for a long time, biting the cigarette butt and sneered:"This guy is really getting harder and harder to deal with."

"Aren't we going in?"

Huihara Ai also made some preparations on the way.

From clothing to appearance... everything is very different from her previous style.

Kizawa Yuu said no!

But it can give her great psychological comfort.

"Come in?"

"Where to go?"

"We just need to wait here."

He's not stupid! He

's been reminding himself in his dreams recently: He's a policeman!

Following this group of people to kill people openly?

Does he still want to continue as an undercover agent?


"I'll take you to a romantic place."

Kizawa Yuu slowly parked the car at a western restaurant near the Beihu Hotel.

He had been communicating with Huiyuan Ai for so long, but he seemed to have never treated this little Lolita to a proper meal.

Even the last trip to New York was delayed by something.


""Excuse me, what would you like to order?"

A waitress came over politely and bowed slightly.

This waitress must have treated Haibara Ai as a little kid. Otherwise, how could a couple come to eat and ask the man first?

"Come on."

Kizawa Yuu brought the menu to Haibara Ai.

Come on! I have plenty of money.

The funds he has are now measured in 100 million.

Haibara Ai ordered two cups of coffee casually, and after the waiter left, he couldn't help laughing:"You don't know what to order?"


This western restaurant is a bit high-end.

For a country bumpkin like him who doesn't speak English, it's harder than killing someone.

Until now... what impressed him most was Haibara Ai's words: ohyesohnoohmy!


Twenty minutes later,

Kizawa Yuu's cell phone rang again.

This time... it was really the policeman's girlfriend!

"Where are you?"

"I just received a report while on duty that a murder occurred at the Beihu Hotel."

A low and desperate voice.

There is no way!

For the police officers of the Investigation Section, today is another night of overtime.


There was a loud explosion on the other end of the line.

"There is Yu-kun!"

"Kizawa Yuu!"

"are u there?"

"Can you still hear me?"

Sato Miwako's voice became extremely frightened and nervous.

Just now!

A violent explosion suddenly occurred in the building opposite the Metropolitan Police Department.

Smoke rose above the entire building.

She felt the tremor even in the Metropolitan Police Department opposite the building.

Mu Ze Youyu is now……

"I'm fine!"

"I'm having dinner outside with my...sister."

"There was an explosion just now"


If my guess is correct, the explosion should be opposite the Metropolitan Police Department.

His home!

"You Yujun"

"Your home is gone."

Sato Miwako was not sad or upset, but was thankful and happy.

Fortunately, Mu Ze Youyu went out to eat!

If he was in the building at this time, would he still be alive?

"You Yujun"

"You come back first!"

Compared with the bombing case, the murder case at the Haido Hotel is nothing.

This is right across from the Metropolitan Police Department!

Creating such a bombing case is equivalent to a provocation to the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The phone was hung up!

Kizawa Yu looked at Haibara Ai opposite:"You heard it all."

Haibara Ai nodded in shock.

She was glad that she followed Kizawa Yu out.

If Kizawa Yu had not arranged it this way, then now... she might have been facing the members of the Black Organization alone.

"Big brother!"


"All our brothers who entered the apartment are dead."

The panicked voice of the organization members came from the phone.

Gin hung up the phone.

His eyes gradually became cold.

Then he dialed the phone again:"Retreat!"

The roar of the Porsche 356A engine sounded on the roadside.


The explosion site.

The amount of gunpowder used by Kizawa Yuu was just right.

The powerful explosion flattened the entire floor, making it impossible to investigate the cause of the explosion. It is even unknown whether there are people on the entire floor or how many people there are.

The strong heat and air waves generated by the explosion have torn all the people inside to pieces.

Superintendents Matsumoto Kiyonaga and Chaki Shintaro. Jusan Megure of the First Investigation Section, Ginzo Nakamori of the Second Investigation Section, and almost all the detectives of the Metropolitan Police Department have arrived at the crime scene.

Everyone's face is solemn and serious!

The shocking explosion has made it impossible to investigate the cause of the explosion, but everyone present knows it.

This is a provocation to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department!


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