
"You mean Kaoru Kusano and Yoko Okino asked me for help."

Sato Miwako took the autographed photos of the two female stars.

As for the sexy photo of Hoshino Terumi, he kept it for himself as a souvenir.

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Just help submit a letter of forgiveness before the verdict is announced."

Sato Miwako accepted it!

As long as it does not violate the regulations of the Metropolitan Police Department, even if she does not give an autographed photo, she can still help with this small favor.

Some time passed!

The relationship between the two gradually warmed up...

The entire Metropolitan Police Department knew that he, Kizawa Yu, and Sato Miwako were dating.

The little bastards in the Investigation Section could only watch and feel pain in their hearts.

Even the number of social gatherings recently has been pitifully small!


The vibration of the phone made Mu Ze You Yu look subconsciously

‘There is danger, come quickly!'

Huiyuan Ai sent him a message with the current address noted below.

This woman...did she really regard him as a bodyguard?

"what are you going to do?"

"have���Get out, we'll meet again some other day."

Mu Ze You Yu went downstairs as fast as he could, and the AE86 sped away with the roar of the engine and the sound waves covering it.



Based on the information sent by Huiyuan Ai, Muze Youyu quickly found a newspaper office next to the police station.

As soon as he stepped in here!

He felt the breath of danger coming towards him


It's time to show real skills.

Yuu Muze used his agility to enter the third floor of the building through the window and saw a burly man pointing a gun at the back of Conan's head.


The flame from the lighter lit the cigarette in Kizawa Yu's mouth. He took a light puff and blew out a smoke ring.……

"Who are you?"

The burly man's hair stood on end with nervousness.

He held Conan's thin body in his arms with his big arms. He appeared behind him without making any sound and lit a cigarette so calmly.

The guy in front of him must be extraordinary!

Conan was the most miserable!

He just wanted to use the tranquilizer gun to kill the burly man when he let down his guard.

Then Kizawa Yuu appeared.

This was not the worst!

Now he was firmly locked by the burly man's throat, and there was no angle or opportunity to use the tranquilizer gun.

Why didn't you save him??

"You go ahead and do your work."

Conan's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe that Mu Ze You Yu would say such a thing.

If it weren't for the nervousness shown by the burly man holding him hostage, he would have thought that these people were in the same group.

Is this guy really a policeman?

"There is indeed a lot to do tonight."

The burly man instantly pointed the pistol against Conan's temple at Mu Ze You Yu.

He is not stupid!

He knows who is the most threatening person to him at this time.

After dealing with Mu Ze You Yu, he has ten thousand ways to slowly torture the little brat in front of him.

At the critical moment!

Mu Ze You Yu used his middle finger and thumb to eject the cigarette butt in his hand.

Sparks flew in front of the man's eyes.

Mu Ze You Yu seized the fleeting opportunity, rushed behind the man and took out the revolver in his hand.


One shot to kill him!

Hot blood and brains sprayed on Conan's face.

The famous detective who looked like a child but was smarter than ordinary people was frightened and stood there stupidly.

To be honest!

This guy should have killed Conan first.

At least he could have someone to take the blame.

The sound of the revolver's gunshot resounded in the quiet building, frightening the robbers in the building.

"Why shoot?"

"What the hell is going on with this loser Inuyama?"

"Don't you know that doing this will attract the police nearby?"

Inside the room!

A woman in black clothes and a black wide-brimmed hat has stabilized the situation.

Kojima Genta, Yoshida Ayumi, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, Huihara Ai... all were controlled by the kidnappers.

Just waiting to be disemboweled!

But a gunshot completely disrupted all her plans.


The gunshot just now did not seem to attract the attention of the police station next door.

"Big sister!"

""Oh no!"

Another kidnapper ran in in a panic.

"Inuyama was killed."

It was horrible!

His head exploded!

The scene was extremely bloody.

"Who did it?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Inuyama was killed!

This meant that someone else had fired the gun in the building just now.

"have no idea!"

"Only the surveillance camera showed Inuyama's body lying at the stairs."

This is the most terrifying thing!

He was just distracted for a moment, and when he reacted, the big guy Inuyama was already dead.

At this time!

There were footsteps in the stairwell.

The footsteps were slow!

But they were particularly clear in the quiet corridor.

Everyone knew that it must be the person who killed Inuyama just now.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer...

The kidnappers in the room were also getting more and more nervous.

At this moment, only the eldest sister had a pistol in her hand, and the other three kidnappers could only hold a child in front of them as a human shield.

The invisible pressure made them feel the fear beyond death!


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