"Let's go!"

Before leaving, Mu Ze You Yu placed a time bomb in the room.

It was too easy for an important member of the black organization like him to get a few bombs.

Miyano Akemi looked back!

For her, everything here would be reduced to ashes with an explosion in half an hour.

Including any traces of her life!

"After you get the money, go to the agreed place and wait for me."

The two of them had a clear division of labor!

He got into Miyano Akemi's red private car. Through the rearview mirror, he could see Miyano Akemi standing on the road, watching the direction he was speeding.

Could it be that... Miyano Akemi had been completely conquered last night?

Mu Ze Youyu smiled!


This woman must be afraid that if he died, no one would rescue Miyano Shiho.

At this moment!

There was another 'Miyano Akemi' sitting in the co-pilot seat. A

100% realistic inflatable doll!

Mu Ze Youyu couldn't help but pinch it gently.

It's true!

In terms of the feel, it's almost exactly the same as Miyano Akemi last night.

But fake is fake!

Things without souls can't arouse his desire after all.

Mu Ze Youyu gathered his mind and rushed out with a foot on the accelerator.……


On the other side, two men in black wearing sunglasses were hiding in the corner of the agreed location.

"Big brother!"

"We have killed the other two people, will that woman come again?"

The short and strong Vodka asked from the side.

Miyano Akemi must have guessed that they killed the other two.

If it was him... he wouldn't come!

"She will definitely come!"

Gin is very confident!

His tone of voice is as unruly as his silver hair fluttering in the wind.

Everything Miyano Akemi does is for her sister Shirley.

Before she sees Shirley, this stupid woman will never run away.

"Here it comes!"

Gin's mouth slightly raised, and a confident smile appeared under his side bangs.

He...had heard the roar of the engine!

It was getting closer and closer……


As the roar of the engine grew louder, Gin realized that danger was approaching him rapidly.

"Get out of the way!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he saw a red light rushing towards him at lightning speed.

Like a galloping beast, it was in front of him in an instant!


The red car crashed into the wall and exploded with a loud bang.

The entire old factory building shook violently at this moment.

"Big…Big Brother."

Vodka was sweating profusely, and a feeling of surviving a disaster came to him.

If it weren’t for Gin’s timely reminder, he would have been smashed together with the wall of the old factory.

""Brother, it's Akemi Miyano!"

Vodka saw Akemi Miyano sitting in the cab had fainted due to the violent collision.

Just as his brother said!

This stupid woman did come.

But he didn't expect her to appear in front of them in this way.

Gin's eyes flashed with murderous intent!

This result was also unexpected for him.

He couldn't figure out what the meaning of Akemi Miyano's behavior was?

Not saving his sister?

Just when he was about to go forward to check whether Akemi Miyano was still alive, a greater sense of crisis came over him.

This time he didn't even have the chance to remind Vodka, he turned over and jumped to the other side of the wall.


The explosion was like a landslide, and a thick smoke rose from the corner of the old factory.

Not far from the old factory, Mu Ze Youyu was observing all this.

He put the remote control into his personal space and turned away from the crime scene.


In the ruins!

A man in a black windbreaker pushed away the rubble and climbed up with difficulty.

It was Gin!

His eyes had lost their original sharpness.

His silver hair was all burnt by the high temperature generated by the explosion.

Blood was constantly oozing out of his lower abdomen and thighs...

Crazy woman! This was his first miscalculation. He didn't expect that Miyano Akemi was so determined to die with him.



Gin found Vodka who was unconscious in another corner of the explosion.

The powerful explosion tore his shoulder to pieces! It was hard to say whether he could survive!

Fortunately, he used the wall as a cover, otherwise the current situation would definitely be worse than Vodka's.

Gin was a very qualified big brother. Even in such a difficult situation, he still did not abandon Vodka whose life or death was uncertain.

The two stumbled into the Porsche.

Gin pressed hard on his wound to keep himself awake.

Then he started the car and sped away from the crime scene.


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