The police officers of the Investigation Section 2 were in low spirits.

They all looked like eggplants hit by frost!

Nakamori Ginzo sat on the steps of the building, blaming himself, watching his men being carried into the ambulance one by one.

Kaito Kid had escaped!

The Emerald Emerald Emperor was also stolen by that abominable guy.


This time it was robbed!

What he couldn't accept the most was that a police officer was sacrificed in this operation.

A showdown between the police and the thief.

He was defeated once again!

"Damn it!"

"Kaito Kidd, I must catch you with my own hands."

Suzuki Jirokichi screamed to the sky!

Losing an emerald would not have any impact on him.

He cared more about his own face!

"I don't think Kaito Kidd took the emerald out of the Suzuki Building."

"Because when Kaito Kidd left just now, I didn't see any emerald in his hand."

"And he doesn't look like he can hide gems on his body!"

Conan focused his eyes on Kizawa Yuu.

How strange!

He had dealt with Kaito Kid several times before.

This hateful thief was indeed very resourceful, but he had never hurt anyone in previous incidents.

It was even more impossible for him to shoot the police with a gun!

At this moment!

She had a bold guess!

"Are you saying that the Emeralds have not been taken away from the Suzuki Building by Kaito Kidd?"

Suzuki Jirokichi's spirit suddenly perked up!

This kid was touted by the media as the nemesis of Kaito Kidd, so what he said could be considered.

"I'm just guessing"

"Didn't Kaito Kid have accomplices before?"

Conan crossed his hands behind his head and pretended to be a child.


"Gather at the lobby on the first floor."

Nakamori Ginzo cheered up.

If it was true what the kid said, whoever had the emerald on him would be Kaito Kid's accomplice.

This was a chance to catch Kaito Kid!


Under the command of Officer Nakamori and Suzuki Jiro, everyone went to the hall to be tested by high-tech equipment.

Suzuki Jiro himself was no exception!

Because everyone knew that Kaito Kidd could disguise himself as anyone.

"How abominable!"

"Kaito Kid actually disguised himself as you and committed a crime."

Suzuki Sonoko was very angry!

Not only because Kaito Kid disguised himself as her boyfriend, but also because Kaito Kid killed someone!

In the past, she did regard Kaito Kid as an idol like many people.

But now she can't be a fan of a murderer at all!

"Do not worry!"

"The police will definitely arrest that guy!"

The two chatted as they walked past the testing equipment smoothly without making any unusual noise.

Conan was not calm!

How could it be?

He had been staring at Mu Ze You Yu and his eyes had never left.

Could it be that... there was something wrong with his guess?!

"Officer Kizawa!"

"When Kaito Kid stole the Emerald Emperor just now, where were you?"

Conan went over and asked directly!

He wanted to see if he could find other flaws from Kizawa Yu's answer.

Or... was he really wrong?

"Are you doubting me?"

Conan was frightened and stepped back.

The sequelae of brain collapse suddenly worsened at this time.

"Conan? ?!"

Suzuki Sonoko stared at him with her hands on her hips.

"No, no!"

Conan smiled like a child, and said:"I'm just curious, Kaito Kid was clearly on the seventh floor at the time, how could he suddenly reach the top floor? It's impossible even if he used a hang glider."


"Don't go too far."

"We have all been tested just now."

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to hit Conan on the head.


Does the man who dared to doubt her, Suzuki Sonoko, want to die?

"I chased Kaito Kidd all the way to the first floor!"

"When I heard the intercom saying that Kaito Kidd appeared on the top floor, I immediately took a helicopter up."

"Someone can testify to this!"

"If I really took the emerald, you should have seen me hiding it."

Kizawa Yuu looked at Conan.

Yes... that's right!

The person who can prove his innocence is Conan.

At that time, the two of them were on that helicopter chasing Kaito Kidd all the way.


"What else do you have to say? ? ?"

I was so angry!

If it weren't for Xiaolan's sake, I would have taught this brat a lesson today.

"I... I'm just a kid"

"It's just a casual talk!"

Conan's desire to survive was extremely strong at this time.

Suzuki Jirokichi ordered people to search the entire building inside and out.


The Emerald Emperor was taken away by Kaito Kidd, which was a fact!

"Little devil!"

"You have fooled everyone with just one piece of bullshit."

Kizawa Yuu took advantage of Conan's inattention and gave him an ultimate brain-smashing blow.

So comfortable!

The brat dared to suspect him, he really didn't want to live.

Xiaolan looked at Conan who was bullied again, and she just frowned...

She said before that she would stand up for Conan next time Officer Kizawa hits him, but this time she really didn't know how to stand up.


Underground Parking Lot!

"There is Yu-kun!"

"I'm very sorry that you have been suspected."

Suzuki Sonoko felt guilty!

Their second date was a bit of a failure.

Mu Ze Youyu put his right hand around Suzuki Sonoko's neck and kissed her without saying anything.

He moistened Suzuki Sonoko's sexy little lips and then pressed them down domineeringly.

He was very angry now!


A new world has been opened up for Suzuki Sonoko... it turns out love can be like this!

"Ding Ling Ling……"

The cell phone is ringing!

"Yuanzi, where are you?"

"We are ready to go!"

Xiao Lan's voice was on the other end of the line.

"Xiao...Xiao Lan"

"I'm very busy now, so I don't have time to take you there."

"We'll see you at school tomorrow!"

Her mouth was numb!


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