Numagen Kiichiro is dead!

He left this world peacefully without even seeing who shot him.

As the one who killed the murderer and successfully prevented the vehicle from crashing into the town, Kizawa Yuu has become the hero of this case.

On the way back!

Kizawa Yuu and Sato are still driving the red Mazda like when they came.

The only difference is that this time Kizawa Yuu is the driver.

"How did you figure out that the suspect fled in this direction?"

Sato Miwako was dissatisfied.


How could Kisawa Yu figure it out?

She racked her brains but couldn't figure out which link gave Kisawa Yu the clue.

Having such a partner around her made her feel under great pressure.

At the same time!

She felt lucky to have such a partner who was as good at reasoning as a god.

"I guessed it!"

The killer's experience allows him to hunt down his target like a hunter.

This feeling... is hard to explain.


"Don't be so stingy"

"Tell me quickly, what did you find out to deduce this?"

Sato Miwako doesn't believe this!

They chased all the way here, and there were so many forks in the road.


The probability of guessing correctly is enough to win a lottery jackpot.

"What a guess."

No matter what Kizawa Yu said, Sato Miwako couldn't believe it.

What she wanted was an answer!

An answer that convinced her and had scientific basis.

"Want to know?"

"Then go on a date with me!"

Sato Miwako suddenly fell silent, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly changed subtly.

" are not kidding, right?"

Sato Miwako has a strong personality, but she is still a bitch.

Kizawa Yuu has invited her out twice!

If she doesn't take it seriously, she's a fool!

She's not stupid!

There are many people in the Metropolitan Police Department who are interested in her.

Representative figures: Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo.

She has been pretending to know nothing, but she just can't get over Matsuda Jinpei.

The criminals in the previous bombing case were brought to justice, and she has gradually let it go.

Now looking at Kizawa Yuu... he seems to be not bad!


"I know a good restaurant"

"We'll go there now!"

It's better to do it now than to wait for a day!... When it comes to dating, you have to be quick, accurate and ruthless.

"I want to hear how you figured out the direction that Numagen Kiichiro ran away."

Kizawa Yuu turned into the god of driving in Akina Mountain.

The force of stepping on the accelerator represented his desire to get deeper with Sato Miwako.


What are the three steps of a date?

Eat, watch a movie, and get a room!

If you skip the first two steps and go straight to sex, I guess few women will agree.

"Kizawa Yuu!"

"Do you always bring women to places like this?"

On the first date!

Mu Ze Youyu exposed his LSP temperament.

He didn't think about skipping the first two steps, but wanted to enter the third step as soon as possible.

In this way, they have enough time to communicate in depth and learn postures!

"Isn't this place good?"

He deliberately chose a hotel with love suites to add a sense of ceremony.

I heard from that guy Shiratori that this place is good!

If Sato Miwako doesn't like this accent, she can change it.

Anyway, he has plenty of money!

"Officer Sato?"

""What are you doing here?"

It was Conan!

With him were Kogoro Mori and his daughter Ran Mori.

The reason the Death Trio came over was to find out if there was any more tempting corpse. When

Kizawa Yu saw Conan with his hands crossed behind his head, he went up and hit him on the head with all his might:"Hello, little friend!"


""Hiss... Ha!"

Conan covered his head and jumped.

What's wrong with this guy?

Not only does he have the same quirk as the uncle, but he's also very strong!

Mao Lilan next to him had a gloomy face.

Her father hitting Conan was already very annoying, not to mention a strange man

"Officer Kizawa!"

"Conan is still a child, you should be moderate when joking."

Sato Miwako didn't understand why Kisawa Yuu hit Conan's head last time.

But this time she understood!

Conan's appearance ruined Kisawa Yuu's dream of getting a room, but it also helped her out.

Going to bed on the first date was hard for her to accept, okay?

"Why are you here?"

When the incident was mentioned, the drunk Maori Kogoro became excited:"Xiaolan won the first prize in the bar opposite, which gave me the opportunity to drink unlimitedly."

"The beer in this pub is so delicious!"

For Maori Kogoro, even a bottle of beer filled with cat urine is delicious.

"I see!"

"I just happened to drive here, do you want me to take you back?"

No one would refuse Sato Miwako's kindness.

Except for Mu Ze Youyu!

There is a long time to come!

Mu Ze Youyu has plenty of opportunities.

Being with Sato Miwako every day, is there any worry that he won't be able to get a job at the police station in the future?


"Do you think that the relationship between Officer Sato and this officer named Mu Ze is a little unusual?"

Girls are so meticulous. She saw the clues at a glance!

Conan did not answer, but his eyes always stayed on Mu Ze You Yu's back.

This guy... gave him a very dangerous feeling!

It was not because of the two meetings, both of which gave him a brain collapse.

This feeling came from the bottom of his heart!

It made him panic!


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