Early in the morning!

The first ray of sunshine shines down.

This bustling city has not yet woken up.

Kizawa Yuu stands in front of the window, looking at Haibara Ai who fell asleep last night due to overwork.

No noise or noise!

Life is so beautiful at this moment.

It's true!

Since discussing the true meaning of life with Haibara Ai, the lives of the two have gradually become smooth and harmonious.

It seems... that's how they live!


The vibration of his cell phone pulled Kizawa Yuu's thoughts back to reality from his fantasy.

The call was connected!

"Kiichiro Numamoto appears in Tokyo"

"The organization ordered him to be killed!"

Vermouth's voice always sounded so leisurely, even the urgent tasks within the organization could not change her attitude.

It made people feel that this slutty woman wanted the organization to be destroyed!

"I am a police officer!"

"I don't have the time or the opportunity to do this kind of thing."

What a joke!

He didn't want to expose his identity because of an insignificant task.

He now felt that this nine-to-five life seemed pretty good.

Of course!

The premise of being good was that he could constantly trigger the system rewards.

"You can let Gin... Chianti do this kind of thing."

Suddenly I realized that Gin used to be in charge of all the dirty work in the organization.

This guy can't die!

"They all have their own things"

"The organization did not ask you to kill Kiichiro Numamoto yourself, but wanted you to use your police identity to provide convenience."

"Someone will solve his problem!"

This sounds like a human saying!

Hearing this, Mu Ze You Yu slowly said:"Wait for my news."

As soon as he hung up the phone, he saw Huiyuan Ai curled up in the corner.

Her face was full of fear!

How could she not recognize the voice of the members of the organization?

The one just now was the absinthe that was highly appreciated by the gentleman in the organization.

"Kiichiro Numagen!"

"He... The organization once took a fancy to his skills and wanted to train him to be a grassroots killer."

"But later we found out that he was not suitable for the organization, so we were going to send him to me some time ago to serve as a guinea pig for drug experiments."

"Half...he ran away halfway!"

"They will not let go of anyone who escapes from the organization."

Habara Ai trembled as she spoke of the past that she did not want to recall. She seemed to have seen her end in Kiichiro Numagen.

She collapsed!

"Ding Ling Ling——"

Miwako Sato called at this time

"Already working!"

"Received a call, a murder occurred on a suburban mountain road"

"Come down quickly!"

"I'm downstairs from you now."


Could it be Numagen Kiichirō?

Kizawa Yuu originally planned to press Haibara Ai on the sofa to relieve his blocked mood.

Now it seems that there is no time!

"The organization will not let any traitor go."

"But even before you die, don't you want to see your sister?"

Huihara Ai's pupils suddenly widened!

Then she clenched her hands! Even if she died, she wanted to see her sister again before that.

Kizawa Yu hurried downstairs!

The Metropolitan Police Department and the Black Organization have similar goals.

They both need to work hard to get the recognition and attention of the leaders.

"Aren't you going to drive?"

The whole investigation class knows that Kisawa Yuu bought a car and a house.

Because of this, everyone is still talking behind Kisawa Yuu's back about why he is so rich.

"Take your seat!"

The mountains are high and the roads are long.

It is really unnecessary to drive two cars.

He can even touch Sato's thigh while sitting in the passenger seat.


A young woman's body was lying on the side of the road in the suburbs.

It couldn't be quieter at the moment!

From her neat clothes and face, it was clear that she had not been sexually assaulted.

A cut throat!

The clean and neat method showed that she was a repeat offender.

"I was on the mountain road!"

"A man was seen jumping from a tree onto the hood of the car, forcing it to stop."

"Then the man pulled the woman out of the cab and killed her with a knife, stole the car and ran away."

The person who reported the case was a middle-aged uncle with a flat head.

Facts have proved that in places without Conan, murders will happen from time to time in the island country.

"Did you see clearly what the suspect looks like?"Kizawa Yu asked

"This...I didn’t see it clearly!"

"I was standing right below"

"But this man is very thin and has long hair."

Kizawa Yuu understood!

From the description of the person who reported the case, it can be guessed that it is most likely Numagen Kiichiro.

He knew Numagen Kiichiro appeared in Tokyo before the police.

The organization is still something!

"Now we can conclude that this is a robbery and murder case."

He agreed with Sato Miwako's conclusion.

Without Conan present, handling the case becomes much simpler.

Regardless of whether it is Numagen Kiichiro or not, it is right to pin the blame on this bastard.

How can handling a case be that complicated!

Who hasn't wrongly accused a few good people ?


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