Early in the morning!

Kizawa Yuu received a text message from Kisaki Eri: I'm pregnant!

He sat up in shock from his dying illness, and soared to the sky!

What a fucking surprise!

He himself didn't expect that the first person to get pregnant would be the landlord's wife.

The magic of a young woman... Anyone who uses it knows.

Is this the legendary physique that is easy to get pregnant?

Love it!

Kisaki Eri's pregnancy also shows another important thing.

There is nothing wrong with him!

The problem is that woman Miyano Akemi.

"Little Sorrow, I……"

Kisawa Yuu searched the bed for a long time, could it be that he had done it to her under the bed?

Finally, he found Haibara Ai on the sofa in the living room!

Looking at Haibara Ai sleeping on the sofa, his thoughts instantly went back to yesterday.

That... stormy night!

He was full of energy last night, and he left Haibara Ai on the sofa and went to rest.

Perhaps Haibara Ai fell into a coma before reaching the end.

"Xiao Ai, I have something to go out for."

"There's breakfast in the kitchen!"

Huihara Ai snorted in response.

It was unclear whether she was awake or not, but she was definitely tired!


No. 207, Beido-cho!

At this moment, Hibiki Eri was sitting on the sofa.

She, who had always lived an orderly life, was now experiencing severe anxiety. She even started smoking!

The undefeated queen of the legal world now had a child in her belly, and her heart was already in a mess.

She was panicked when she first detected that there was a child in her belly. Her first thought was to abort the child!

But she was well-known in the legal world, and even appeared in the Tokyo Daily several times.

If she went to the hospital to buy abortion pills, she would most likely be recognized.

Even if she was not recognized at the time, it would definitely be a hidden danger in the future.

She didn't want to take risks!

Even if the probability was only one in ten thousand!

She didn't want to make her future life a mess because of this incident.

After thinking about it... she still sent a text message to Kizawa Yuu!

The two of them did it!

Now that there is a child, no one can escape.


"Are you really pregnant?!"

Kizawa Yuu turned into the driving god of Akina Mountain. He drove all the way here!

He didn't even go to Kisaki Eri's law firm.

He knew that after Kisaki Eri got pregnant, it would be impossible for her to continue working.

The child is a big deal now!

"Look for yourself!"

Hibiki Eri threw the test results on the table.

There was blame in her sharp eyes, as if saying: Look at what you have done!

If this child had not appeared, she and Kisawa Youyu would no longer have any intersection.

Although she blamed Kisawa Youyu, she condemned herself more in her heart.

It was all her fault that she drank too much that night!

She drank and went to bed.

After Kisawa Youyu moved out, the two broke up.

Who will know who in the future?

She shouldn't have let Kisawa Youyu in when she was so overwhelmed.

"Go to the hospital and buy me abortion pills."

This is why Hibiki Eri asked Kisawa Yuu to come here.

She is also a semi-famous lawyer!

Now Maori Kogoro is famous for his sleeper reasoning, so she has received more attention than before. I

'm really afraid of being recognized!

Once the matter is exposed, she dare not think about it.


"You are crazy!"

"We must give birth to this child."

He, Mu Ze You Yu, has not triggered the system reward in these few days of traveling.

It's already embarrassing, okay!

Now you want to abort his child?

"I think you are crazy!"

Give birth?

Hibiki Eri had never thought of this possibility.

She had never thought that Kisawa Yuu would say such a thing.

Yesterday, Huiyuan Ai's words made her dispel her prejudice against Kisawa Yuu.

In fact, she was wrong!

This guy is not only perverted, but also has puzzling quirks.

"born to!"

"I will give you a house anywhere in Tokyo"

"I will help you double the size of your law firm."

He is not a beast!

If a woman gives birth to his child, he will not mistreat her.

"Are you serious?"

Hiki Eri thought this was a joke from a pervert who just wanted to satisfy his weird inner needs.

She was wrong again!

Mu Ze Youyu's excited expression had already given her the answer.

This lunatic really wanted her to have a baby!

"I tell you"

"Absolutely not!"

Does she need money? She really doesn't care about a house in Tokyo.

If she wants to double the size of the law firm, her current funds are more than enough.


Madam, you don't want Xiaolan to know about your pregnancy, right?

As he said that,

Kizawa Yuu already had the evidence of pregnancy in his hand.

He has always advocated liberalism!

But special cases should be treated specially.

If Hibari wanted to get rid of his child, she could only resort to unconventional means.

He... was also forced!

PS: Please give me flowers, votes, and all data support!

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