"Jingle Bell——"

A strange call!

With many years of experience as a killer, Mu Ze You Yu instantly became alert.

After answering the call, he did not rush to speak.

A few seconds later... a voice of agreement appeared on the other end of the line.


"Is this Yu-kun?"

"I am Suzuki Sonoko!"

It must be said that the Suzuki Group is still something.

He was found by Suzuki Sonoko even though he did not leave any contact information.

"It's me!"

He was relieved when he heard that the person on the other end of the phone was Suzuki Sonoko

"There is Yu-kun!"

"Are you free this Sunday?"

Love Garden is online!

This little girl was finally defeated in a moment of entanglement in the sports warehouse.

Come to the door obediently!


"You are free every Sunday."If a girl invites you, there is no reason not to go.

If a wealthy woman like Suzuki Sonoko can help him trigger the system reward eight or ten times, then it is not a big deal.

"There is an event at Beihu Shopping Mall today"

"Can you…can you go out with me for a walk?"


He glanced at the time...

Oh my god!

It turns out that today is Sunday.

This date really came out of the blue.

"Wait for me!"

Mu Ze You Yu has heard the ecstatic voice on the other end of the phone.

She must be eager to get his favor!


Because of the holiday, the Beihu Shopping Mall was particularly busy today.

People who were out and about were not affected by the bombing two days ago.

The sound of the waves was still there!

Her date with Suzuki Sonoko was just as ordinary as she had imagined.

They were high school students!

How could they have any bad intentions?

It was nothing more than shopping, eating, watching movies, and serving someone in a dark corner.

"Youyu-kun... let's... stop it."

She's still a high school student!

What a bad influence it would have if someone saw her doing this in the underground parking lot. It was only a kiss!

But five minutes later, she had no clothes on her upper body.

She was freezing!

If Kizawa Youyu had five more minutes, she might not be able to guard her own door.

"Jingle Bell——"

The crisp ringing of the phone came just in time.

It saved her life! As soon as the phone was connected, Xiaolan's complaining voice came.

"Yuanzi, why are you answering the phone now?"

"Where are you now?"

"We agreed to go shopping at Beihu Mall together this weekend. I called you more than ten times but you didn't answer."

Suzuki Sonoko recalled carefully...it seemed like that happened.

But she had forgotten about it long ago. She even forgot about the more than ten calls from Xiaolan.

"Xiao...Xiao Lan"

"I have something urgent to do today, so I can't go for the time being"


No choice!

Things have come to this point and I can only choose to sacrifice my best friend.

Who made Mu Ze You Yu more tempting to her?

"Eh... Garden?"

"Why is your voice wrong?"

"Are you sick?"

Xiaolan asked with concern.


"I'm sick today and I'm having a doctor check up on me."

Sonoko took the opportunity to quickly hang up the phone.

What a close call!

Xiaolan's guess gave her an inspiration to make up a lie.

It was just a kiss!

If she went in... today's phone call would give her away.

"You Yujun"

"Let's... let's go back!"

Suzuki Sonoko was scared!

This was fundamentally different from the date she had imagined.

If they stayed any longer, things would really get out of control.

"I'll take you there!"

Mu Ze You Yu had no further plans.

It seemed unlikely that he could stab Suzuki Sonoko to death in one go.

Today's date sounded a wake-up call for him!

He now has 1 billion yen on him!

It's time to reward himself and buy a car and a house.

Just like today's situation!

If he had a car, wouldn't the two of them be able to have sex in the car?

When it gets dark, they can also invite her to go home for the night...

The kitchen, the living room, the large balcony... can all become their battlefields!

Suzuki Sonoko felt empty in her heart the moment she walked out of the underground parking lot.

Although she was a little afraid that she couldn't hold the door just now, she felt a sense of loss after she walked out safely.

The emotions were complicated!

She herself didn't know whether she wanted it or not

"There is Yu-kun!"

"Have you heard of Kaito Kid?"

Suzuki Sonoko forced a change of subject.

She had a special liking for Kaito Kid, and this feeling was different from that for her boyfriend.

It could only be considered an obsession with an idol!

"I know!"

The Black Organization had noticed the kid who stole the gems.

They had planned to bring Kaito Kidd into the organization so that it would be convenient to steal some things.

But this was strongly opposed by Vermouth!

The reason was simple!

It was because Vermouth had been a disciple of the first generation of Kaito Kidd.

Later, the organization found out that Kaito Kidd was a kid who did things according to his mood, so they canceled the plan.

"Kaito Kidd issued a challenge to the Suzuki Corporation yesterday"

"He said he was going to steal the Emerald Emperor, the Emerald that my uncle had just obtained, at eight o'clock on the evening of three days."

"Now my uncle has taken up the challenge!"

"At that time, the media, police and people from all walks of life will gather"


Suzuki Sonoko said so much, how could he not understand

"Do not worry!"

"I will definitely be there."

In order to see the legendary Kaito Kidd, and to make Suzuki Sonoko surrender to him.


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