Miwako Sato suddenly began to admire Yuu Kisawa.

Just as that guy said!

She really found the blaster holding a telescope on the overpass not far from Teitan High School.

"Where is the person?"

Sato Miwako chased to the rooftop of a high-rise building and suddenly found that she had lost the trace of the criminal.

Just as she was puzzled, she felt a gust of wind behind her.


Years of experience made her realize that she was about to be ambushed.

The situation took a turn for the worse and she had no time to deal with it.

The next second, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and fell straight down. The revolver in her hand also fell out of her hand, fell to the ground and slid several meters away.

In a trance... he saw a long-haired man bending down to pick up her pistol.

It was still too hasty!

She had been thinking about arresting the explosion maniac herself and avenging the death of Matsuda Jinpei.

In the end, her impulse made her pay a painful price.

""Hello, officer?"

The blaster pointed his revolver at Sato Miwako's head and laughed sinisterly.

At this moment,

Kisawa Yuu rushed over.

In this state, the blaster remained highly alert.

After hearing the noise, he immediately strangled Sato's neck with his arm and forcibly pulled her up from the ground.

"do not come!"

"Don't come over here!"

"If you come over again, I will shoot her to death."

Although the gangster's bomb was professionally made, he was not a big shot. His shaking hands and timid eyes had magnified his inner fear infinitely.

Facing this thug, Mu Ze Youyu raised his arm and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The accurate shot went straight into the thug's forehead, and then exploded from the back of his head.

The powerful recoil caused the thug and Sato Miwako to fall off the rooftop.

At the critical moment!

Kizawa Yu grabbed Sato's arm.

"Officer Kizawa...……"

Miwako Sato gradually came to her senses.

After experiencing the test of life and death, she suddenly felt that this little brother under her was so great.

"Inspector Megure!"

"The blaster has been shot dead and fell from the rooftop."

"The location is across from Teitan High School, please send someone to support us."

Mission accomplished!

Let those good-for-nothings clean up the rest of the mess.

"It hurts so much!"

Sato Miwako squatted on the ground and rubbed her neck.

Fortunately, the criminal had no weapons in his hands when he attacked, otherwise she would probably be lying on the ground now.


"I saved you, how are you going to repay me?"

Kizawa Yuu showed a playful smile.

Survived a disaster!

Killed the criminals who had already committed a terrorist attack, I wonder what kind of reward the Metropolitan Police Department will give him next.


Sato Miwako just stood up and was about to express her dissatisfaction.

Suddenly, the world in front of her eyes was spinning again.


The sequelae of the sneak attack have not disappeared yet.

Mu Ze Youyu was quick and stepped forward to hug Sato.

The two looked at each other, and the wind on the rooftop seemed to stop.

The atmosphere was so quiet that you could hear Sato Miwako's heartbeat.

"Jingle Bell——"

At this time, Miwako Sato's cell phone rang at an inopportune time.

He naturally took the phone out of his pocket and pressed the answer button.


"The culprit who caused the explosion has been arrested. Are you going to come to the party I mentioned to you before?"

The voice of Yumi Miyamoto from the Traffic Department was on the other end of the line.


Another trick by these idiots who wanted to carry Miwako Sato's legs on their shoulders.

"Feel sorry!"

"Officer Sato will be very busy tonight and will not have time to attend your social gathering."

After saying that!

Kisawa Yuu hung up the phone.

Sato Miwako did not show any aversion to Kisawa Yuu making a decision for her without authorization.

On the contrary... she felt that he had helped her a lot!

She did not like to attend such boring social gatherings in the first place. It would be more enjoyable for her to lie down at home and watch TV series after work.

"How did you know that the last bomb was at Teitan High School?"

Very confused!

Is this really the conclusion drawn by reasoning?

If so, Kizawa Yu's brain thinking must be several levels ahead of normal people, right?

"The fax told me."

Sato Miwako felt that her head didn't hurt anymore. Her expression was full of surprise!

Although she had guessed this possibility, it was a different feeling to hear it from Kizawa Yuu.

Is this guy... still human?

"How did you deduce this?"


"Tell me now"

"If you date me once, I'll tell you"


Miwako Sato masturbated for a long time but didn't get what she wanted from Yuu Kizawa


PS: Please give me flowers and data support!

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