Because Elena escaped, Xiao Ai, the last disciple, was given a mission and his status in the organization was elevated.

Although the identity of the boss is unknown, based on the information copied from the core of the organization, it can be roughly guessed that the organization originally belonged to a family.

“Dusk Villa: According to legend, the Karasuma family has a huge treasure hidden in it. Over the past hundred years, countless people have come here and died mysteriously.”

“It is called”Neon’s cursed ominous place, where only the messenger of death, the black crow, will descend.””

“Because of the chaos in the organization, when I was taken away by Gin, I heard them say that the boss seemed to be planning to move the headquarters in the near future.”

“He sent his confidant to temporarily transfer some information, saying that it would be sent to the Twilight Annex for temporary storage, so I put the USB drive in it.”

I see.

Qian Jing Dongshu nodded, and at the same time a ding sound rang in his ears.

【Congratulations to the host for unlocking the hidden special property”Twilight Villa”】

【Conditions: 1. Learn about the existence of Twilight Villa through the mouths of plot characters, triggering the plot.

2. Maori Kogoro’s reputation becomes a household name (positive and negative impacts are acceptable)

3. Seven famous detectives are present, and the host personally solves the secret of Golden Villa

4. Karasuma Renya’s approval]


Qian Jingfuyu frowned, and suddenly felt that things were not simple.

The first three conditions can be understood, but they are just following the plot. 303

Maori Kogoro’s reputation is a problem, but if the negative reputation is bad enough, solving cases will slap him in the face.

The last one is Karasuma Renya’s approval?

Qian Jingfuyu felt that if he appeared in front of this old man now, he might scare him into a real fight before a proper negotiation.

“It’s really a problem for people.”

Qian Jing Dongshu pinched his chin and thought for a while, then sneered and didn’t take it seriously.

Anyway, he still had to go through a few more cases to wipe out the negative reputation of Maori Kogoro.

During this period, it should be enough for Dr. Agasa to pull out a decent mechanical army.

“Qian Jing Dongshu, aren’t you worried at all?”

Xiao Ai looked at him nervously.

The crucial USB flash drive is in the real lair of the organization!

If it is discovered, they will all be finished. The organization will never allow such an important secret to be leaked.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked up, his face tense, and Xiao Ai, who was fidgeting, burst into laughter.

“How can you be so cute?”

He pinched the delicate little face with his big hand.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows confidently.

“Don’t worry, those black crows will be too busy to explore the Dusk Villa.”

Even if they want to, it depends on whether he allows it!

Qian Jingdongshu took out his notebook, tapped a few times, and found a few big troubles for the Black Organization in a short period of time. Then he took out Itakura Taku’s diary disk.

Erase those anti-tracking and self-destruct programs, and handed it to Xiao Ai.

“What is this?” Xiao Ai was stunned.

Her calm and clear eyes blinked, a little confused.

“Itakura Taku, who previously wrote software for the organization, is dead, but his stuff is still there”

“I have built a program that can run biomedical models in the background and improve formulas. It is not a problem for you to do research alone.”

Xiao Ai’s eyes trembled, and she couldn’t believe what he said.

“You, just tap a few keys on the keyboard and build such a huge program! ? ?”

What kind of super brain is this?

And the organization uses the world’s most advanced supercomputer!

“Ah, this is still considered slow.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at his computer with disdain.

“I will go back to ask Dr. Agasa to upgrade the hardware materials, and then I will assemble a new one myself, so that the program can run faster.”

“Well, it is more than 20 times faster than the most advanced ones on the market. Although it cannot catch up with artificial intelligence for the time being, it still has room for self-evolution.”

Ai opened her mouth wider and wider, as if she was listening to a foreign language, which was difficult to understand.

If all this is true, then does the organization know how terrifying they have provoked! No matter how many troops there are, they cannot withstand two taps on the Internet by this person… He can change the world and cover the sky with one hand, which is nothing more than that.

Ai felt that she had a bit of organizational phobia, but when she saw Qian Jingdongshu exuding strong self-confidence, as if he didn’t care about anything.

She stared at him for a while, and her little mouth suddenly curled up into a sweet and relaxed smile.

This man is really a freak, in a positive sense.

Let her stay by his side and take a good look at what earth-shaking changes this genius who was born out of nowhere will bring to the whole world.

It must be very interesting.

Less than two hours later, Xiao Ai looked so blank that she wanted to take back what she had just said.

The two stood hand in hand at the entrance of Teitan Elementary School.

Xiao Ai looked up and looked at Qian Jingdongshu with a half-mooned look.

“I understand the logic, why do I have to go back to elementary school?”

“Isn’t that guy Kudo Shinichi still alive and studying here disguised as an elementary school student?”

“He is in the first grade, and my IQ is not reduced, so why can’t I skip a grade?”

Of course I hope that you can integrate into Ayumi and the others, and trigger the plot smoothly.

Qian Jingfuyu smiled and rubbed her brown hair.

“Am I not doing this to make up for your childhood regrets, Xiao Ai?”

“Even if you are a child prodigy, you must have very few friends.”

“Go ahead. Since you’ve become smaller, just live your life again. And help me keep an eye on Conan.”

“What regrets… I have no regrets as long as my sister is here. I don’t need friends either. You are enough for me.”

Xiao Ai muttered softly.

“But I reluctantly accepted the latter reason. As long as you need me, I will do it.

She straightened her body modestly, grabbed the strap of her schoolbag and

“Don’t forget to pick me up after school”

“”I’m leaving.”

She waved her hand and turned around with a smile on her lips.

What her sister said was true. Someone cares about everything, and cares about the past that you don’t care about like a spring breeze and drizzle.

This feeling is really great, and it makes people want to take advantage of the favor and want to… secretly test whether he will treat her better.

“What a little kitty who only speaks from the heart.

Qian Jingdongshu also smiled, thinking back to the gun he had maliciously stuffed into Xiao Ai before preparing something for her.

“If Conan was here, he would be so scared that he would lose control of his bladder. He couldn’t wait to see the elementary school student who was the god of death make a fool of himself.

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