Teng teng!

Tani Morifan knelt down to Qian Jingdongshu on the spot

“Landlord! Please show mercy!!”

He gnashed his teeth in his heart.

Damn Mao Li, if I ask this guy to solve the problem myself, it will only cause him a big problem!

Aso Butler saw that the situation was not good, he hurriedly said:

“Landlord, sir, the young lady is still missing, let’s find a solution quickly!”

“The kidnappers said that we cannot call the police until we see the 300 million!”

Qian Jing Dongshu glanced at the old housekeeper.

He remembered the plot here, it was an insider acting.

But the plot went wrong, the old and the young were really known, and the fake became real.

Qian Jing Dongshu looked around and pointed at the dog in the corner who was anxious.

“Don’t you have a dog at home? Let it go out and look for it.”

“No, no! There’s something wrong with the giant’s nose!”

The old housekeeper panicked immediately.

How could a dog raised by his family not be familiar with the smell of the young lady! If he really let it out, it would be exposed!

Gu Morishi’s suppressed anger could no longer be controlled and burst out.

“Useless things! You fail at the critical moment. What’s the point of keeping you good-for-nothings!”

At this time, a maid ran in hurriedly.

“Sir! There is a beggar woman outside who said she saw the young lady!”

“Female beggar? I don’t have the time to give alms, tell her to get out!”

Tani Morifa roared in annoyance.

Qian Jingdongshu’s heart moved.

Female beggar? A variable outside the plot, it seems to be her

“Let her in!”

“I want to see how there are still beggars in Rice Flower Street, where the people are simple and the families are rich.

Qian Jingdongshu snorted coldly, crossed his chest and pretended to be dissatisfied.

Gu Senshige was afraid of him, fearing that the rent issue would be mentioned again.

“Didn’t you hear what the landlord said?! Hurry up and invite that woman in!!”

The person was brought in very quickly.

He was wearing dirty clothes, as if he had rolled through the dirtiest sewer.

He exuded a strange smell of mixed medicine.

Tani Mori Shigeru and others all retreated three feet away in disgust.

Only Qian Jing Dongshu’s eyes suddenly burst into a huge light!

【Sign in with Elena and get rewarded with maximum medical skills!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting in touch with the key plot character of the butterfly and winning the mysterious grand prize, the formula of medicine A!】

【This formula includes all the derivatives of the current research and development progress. Even if the Black Organization and the characters in the plot continue their research, it will be automatically updated here for you!】

【New anti-cancer drugs, elixir of life (defective version), shrinking drug (poison) are now available! 】 He won the grand prize again!

He bumped into the angel in hell!

All his luck in his previous life has expanded a hundred times with him in the science school!

Qian Jingdongshu is really laughing this time. With all the formulas of drug A in hand, he is the big winner in science!

Conan, Ai, Bayonetta, and Mary… control them as you like!

Elena didn’t know who the young man in front of her was.

Maybe he was the Messiah of salvation.

Otherwise, how could there be such a handsome and perfect man like a god in the world.

The red eyes, high above, reveal a light of compassion.

It was the hope she dreamed of grasping when she was forced to sink into the darkness.

Unfortunately, she is now starving and is about to faint from hunger.

The long and exhausting escape has also caused her, who often experiments on herself, to have multiple complications break out at the same time. Her face was covered with sweat and her head was almost hot and smoking.

She bit her tongue hard and barely squeezed out a trace of clarity from her drowsiness.

“The lady… was locked up in the grocery store at the end of the street, facing the huge chimney.”

“Go save her quickly, it will be too late.”

After Elena finished speaking, the tight string in her heart broke.

As soon as the breath was released, the whole person fell limply.

“”Akiko!! Come on!!”

Tani Morishi immediately rushed out with his bodyguards.

Qian Jingfushu reached out to catch Elena, and was shocked by her thin body. He also understood the source of her strange smell. She often did drug experiments and tested drugs on herself, so she had this pungent smell that was very unbearable for men.

No wonder she was still a virgin when she touched her physiological structure.

“The body is like a devil, but the face is as white as a fairy”

“Let her take care of herself before eating.”

Since she was at Mihua Street, no matter how she came, she was regarded as his property.

He ordered the maid to carry Elena to the Fei Law Firm.

There was a lounge where the gate guard lived.

The hosting system, the territory he had marked out, would not have any security issues.

Then, Qian Jingdongshu followed Gu Mori Shigeru and the others.

Just kidding, he was so stingy that he had to get back the rent owed to him, including the principal and interest.

Not to mention the celestial being descending to the earth, even if all the ladies on Mihua Street dressed coolly to block him.

He rushed to people and the female Bodhisattva Qi Nu Bodhisattva, he still couldn’t take advantage of him even a dime!!

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