Black Organization Headquarters.

Karasuma Renya gets furious when he hears that Rum was killed.

“Who dares to touch the second in command of the organization, the confidant of my Karasuma family?”

Immediately, someone delivered the special alarm device of Rum’s heart, and the attached micro-eavesdropping device. The entire organization has only one.

This was planted by the previous generation of Rum before his death to show his loyalty.

Who knew it would be used at this time?

So Karasuma Renye heard the voice of Qian Jingfuyushu


“Who is this young man? How does he know so much?!”

The subordinate said in fear and trepidation:”Not long after the incident, the FBI arrived at the scene.”

“Because Amanda was assassinated, the top US officials were furious. It was not easy to get back Lord Rum’s body.”

“In this case……”

Karasuma Renya’s eyes were dim, and he stroked the top of his cane.

“Dig out Rum’s eye for me!”

The strange eye of his most trusted subordinate was extraordinary. If he got it, maybe he could find the kid next time!

“Also, order Elena to speed up the research on the elixir of life!”

He felt an urgency, as if if he didn’t get immortality as soon as possible, he would lose everything he had now!.

“Why do you bring this woman with you?”

Asaka had a sour face and was full of opinions about Yukiko.

After three intimate touches, she loved Qian Jingfuyu, but that didn’t mean she could tolerate any sand in her eyes.

Her adoptive mother was assassinated, and because of the death message left by Haneda Hiroshi, she had been regarded as the murderer.

Yukiko, whose whereabouts were a mystery, also became a suspect. They were hiding from the FBI and heading to Neon!

According to Asaka’s thinking, Qian Jingfuyu is very powerful, and with her, she will be even more powerful. There is no need to care about this burden!

Qian Jingfuyu grinned at her.

“But Asaka, you have to understand, I’m here for Yukiko!”

“If he hides for a while longer, this matter will become a mystery.”

In fact, he has to wait until he takes Yukiko in today or tomorrow and puts her in custody.

“I’m going out to buy something and get some information. You guys stay in the hotel.

Qian Jing Dongshu said, and took out the gun and rope from the Black Crow in the winery.

If you don’t pay attention, the”willing rope” will be mixed in and brought out.

“These are for your self-defense. If you see any bad guys, just open fire. I will take responsibility for the consequences.”

“You two should get along well! I’m going out first.”

Zen Jing Dongshu knew that Kuroda Bei would definitely be targeted by the organization.

A Japanese, a policeman of the National Police Agency, with a secret order to approach Amanda, and who had been in and out of the hotel after Rum’s death, he would not be able to avoid the car accident sooner or later.

Qian Jing Dongshu went there just to admire him before he fell into a coma and became a vegetable. As soon as he left, Yukiko looked at Asaka curiously and pityingly.

“I’ve heard what happened at the hotel.”

“At that time, I was also targeted by those terrorists and confused. I am very sorry about Mrs. Amanda.”

“But don’t be afraid, Ms. Asaka. Fuyuki-kun will definitely protect us.”

After all, Qian Jingfuyuki had just rescued her from the clutches of the organization. In this foreign land in the United States, this mysterious and powerful man, with the bond of Kisaki Eri, gave Yukiko a strong sense of security.

She was willing to trust him, and in her heart, she was even more grateful for being taken in and not being treated as a prisoner by the FBI because she was panic-stricken. Gradually, a fierce and passionate love was born.

“Shut up, I don’t need your sympathy, you dodder-like woman.”

Qian Xiang said coldly

“But Asaka-san……”Yukiko picked up the bread and wanted to ask Asaka if she wanted to eat it.

Asaka was already emotionally unstable after her adoptive mother passed away and she became a pariah.

In anger, seeing that she still refused to cooperate, she grabbed a rope and tied her up.

She also took the cloth flower on her belt and stuffed it into her mouth.

“Be honest!”


How rude!

Yukiko opened her beautiful eyes innocently.

The next second, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated uncontrollably.

The willing rope effect came out, and the hot blood in her body, as if summoned by something, flowed rapidly.

In this situation, facing Asaka, Yukiko’s mind was full of Qian Jingfuyuki


How great it would be if it was Fuyuki who tied her up now.

She thought she would be willing to do anything for him.

Yukiko’s face flushed and her body was numb.

At first glance, it makes people blush and their hearts beat fast, and it is easy to imagine evil things.

· ·······Request flowers··· ·······

Young novelist Yusaku Kudo was invited by an acquaintance from the FBI to investigate Amanda’s case.

Based on clues, he quickly deduced that Yukiko was innocent, Asaka might not be at the scene, but there were two other people who were relatively suspicious.

After unraveling the mystery, based on the clues provided by acquaintances, they screened out a small range of hotels where Yukiko might be hiding, and they split up to investigate.

As soon as Yusaku Kudo arrived at the hotel, he looked up casually and saw Yukiko tied up upstairs.

At that moment, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The goddess he had secretly loved since high school, the princess of Teitan, was actually tied up…

Even if the person was dressed neatly, the expression was too imaginative!

What are they doing! ?


Kudo Yusaku’s brain suddenly went blank!

At this moment, his expression was exactly the same as Conan’s 17 years later.

He doubted his life and his worldview exploded!

“Yukiko…my goddess…is actually being taken by another man!”.

【Kudo Yusaku is shocked, overwhelmed, and grief-stricken, +emotion value 5000! 】

Qian Jingfuyu’s eyebrows jumped and he suddenly stopped.

He hasn’t seen this guy yet, why is he adding drama.

Could it be that Kudo Yusaku has already seen Yukiko?

A useless man who is impotent and can only have test tubes to continue the family line, why is he shocked and overwhelmed for no reason. Qian Jingfuyu’s mind flashed with the information of the black market investigation, and he sneered and didn’t care.

He looked at Kuroda Beiwei who was being stared at in front of him and was unaware of it.

“Forget it, let’s solve it as soon as possible and return home as soon as possible to reap the rewards.”

This time, I must make enough money to return home.

So, when Kuroda Beiwei was hit by a car, Qian Jingfuyu appeared in front of him.

He stopped the car from rolling him under the wheels and crushing him to death.

“Are you okay? Hey, how can you hit someone to death?”

The bloody Kuroda Bei raised his head with difficulty, and saw Qian Jing Dongshu’s face against the light, trying to defend the injustice.

He excitedly and tried hard to put a chip-like thing in his hand into his hand.

“I met you again… maybe it’s fate… please, be sure to pass it on to the Neon Police Department for me!” After saying that, he fell into a deep coma.

The money he picked up was left in vain. Dongshu Jing looked at the chip and laughed.

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