The Shinkansen was speeding.

When Gin brought the vodka over, Qian Jingfuyu and Yamamoto Minaru had just finished a round of poker.

“Master Qian Jing, they are here.”

Yamamoto immediately sat up straight and pulled his messy red suit.

But the charming look in her eyes and eyebrows could not be deceived.

It was her first time, and the master was really merciless.

Qian Jing Dongshu directly told her to wait in the back room.

“I saw Mount Fuji. I wonder if its eruption will be as spectacular as Minar?”

“Yada~ Lord Qian Jing is really not serious, I will take my leave first.”

Yamamoto covered his face and walked away with weak legs and feet.

Gin hadn’t entered yet, and his face darkened when he heard the voice inside.

But he didn’t say anything. He had seen too many unreliable people and things when it came to transactions.

Qian Jing Fuyuki only had the title of the organization’s son-in-law, but he didn’t have the power of a son-in-law for the time being. Gin snorted coldly and put down the black leather suitcase.

When he opened it, it was full of rice banknotes, estimated to be 30 million, worth more than 200 million soft currency

“Qian Jing Dongshu, I want to know about a woman named Elena, and the mysterious sniper who killed Dino Cabana with one shot from a distance of one kilometer.”

The latter was his selfish desire. How could such a talent not be used by the organization!

“Kneel down and talk.”

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t even raise his head and drank a cup of tea.


Gin’s pupils shrank, and he was about to pull out his gun with murderous intent.



A knife was so fast that it cut through most of his face in an instant, and it was nailed to the wall with blood. The end of the knife trembled wildly, and then the wall burst into dense cracks.

As for the muzzle of the gun, it was completely shattered by the terrible force emanating from the blade before it could even be raised.

Gin and Vodka were shocked at the same time.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him with a smile,”Get it clear, I’m not notifying you”

“It’s commanding you”

“Anyway, you should all know the relationship between me and Vermouth, right?”

“A dog that doesn’t know its own identity and still raises its proud head towards its master, killing you is too easy.”!!!

Vodka’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn’t see clearly how he made the move!

Such a powerful brother was suppressed in a single encounter!?

Gin’s pupils shook violently, and he felt even more!

At this moment, the aura emanating from Qian Jing Dongshu, who looked contemptuous, pressed down on his shoulders like a mountain.

It seemed that he could kill him in seconds with just a slight move of a finger!

A terrifying and powerful man that cannot be surpassed or defeated!

“I’ve received 30 million USD, and I’ll give you two words about the information.”

“Elena is dead, no need to look for her”

“That mysterious sniper is not someone you can mess with.”

What’s the difference between this and buying nonsense with money!

Vodka dared not speak, and looked at Gin.

“Big Brother……”

Gin stared at Qian Jing Dong Shu, his heart was like a mountain torrent and tsunami, the earth cracked and the sky collapsed.

He seriously underestimated the danger of Qian Jing Dong Shu! He must go back and report to the boss for a decision!

“Let’s go!”

Gin stood up in frustration. It was the first time in his forty years of life that he bowed his head to someone other than the boss.

Even Rum and Vermouth could only make him snort.

And the disfigured face… just take it as a warning to himself.

Gin took a deep look at Qian Jingdongshu’s shadow on the ground from the corner of his eye and left quickly.

The next stop is Nagoya. He will take a helicopter back to the headquarters to report to the boss!

Qian Jingdongshu looked at his hands and was still a little dissatisfied.

“The sword energy is too obvious, be more restrained next time.”

The news of Elena’s death spread through Gin’s mouth. If the winery dares to look for someone again, he will have to help them cut their claws.

“System, anchoring the plot”

【Locking on target, 5 meters below the host, Shinkansen dining car】

【Available characters: 1】

【Key people and things in the plot: Yamamoto Minaru (signed in for full-level finance), 10s high-performance shock explosives]

At the same time, in the ordinary cabin below.

Xiaolan frowned and glanced at Dr. Agasa and Conan next to her, and complained to Maori Kogoro with dissatisfaction.

“Oh Dao-san, it’s very rude to attend someone’s wedding while hungover!”

“Have another drink!” Maori Kogoro was obviously still drunk.

Xiaolan was so angry that she crossed her chest and said,”Mo~ How could this happen? It’s so hateful!”

If she had known that she would be bullied after coming out, she might as well have stayed in Beika Street to help Fuyuki settle the accounts.

“”Don’t be angry, Ranai-chan. It’s not good for your health! I’m here with you, hehe.”

Conan tried to act cute so that Ran would look at him more.

Ran was in a bad mood and ignored him. She propped her chin with one hand and looked at the scenery passing by.

“I don’t know what Fuyuki is doing now.”

“What kind of magic potion did that guy give Xiaolan?”

Conan gritted his teeth secretly, and suddenly caught a sentence

“……As long as that person touches a certain place at the right time and place, even if it is a slight vibration, after 10 seconds, the entire Shinkansen will be blown up, haha.”

Conan’s pupils shrank instantly, and he looked at the two black-clad men in front who looked like Gin and Vodka.

“It’s them! No, their temperament and eyes are not the same!”

The criminal duo had no idea that a primary school student was staring at them, and they talked about their crime plans.

Conan went crazy and hurriedly used the limited clues to search everywhere.

But there were too many people with black suitcases in the carriage.

“But whoosh, how can I find it by myself?”

Just then, Qian Jing Dongshu appeared.

“Hey, Conan, you’re here too, what a coincidence”

“Qian Jing! Why are you here too?”

Conan was surprised, then ecstatic.

“Please help me call the train crew and ask them to stop the Shinkansen immediately! There is a bomb here and it is about to explode!”

“Don’t worry,” Qian Jing Dongshu said leisurely,”Tell me the clues first.”

Conan hurriedly told what he knew.

“You’d better hurry up, otherwise these few clues alone won’t be enough!”

“Those two people came out of the dining car, but this dining car was having a free dessert giveaway, and there were too many people to tell them apart!”

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows.

Of course you can’t tell them apart, because I was the one who suggested this activity to Yamamoto Minaru.

Gin also meant the same thing, the more people there are, the more confusing it will be.

“By the way, I just closed a deal with a big client who was very wealthy and happened to be carrying a black suitcase.”

“The gold information you mentioned, which is worth 100 million, is related to him, right?

Qian Jingdongshu used Xiao Li’s flying knife to completely pin the name of the knife killer on Gin.

In case he is too lazy to clean up the scene of the incident in the future, you can weld the pot on yourself, Gin.

“What does your big client look like?”

Conan asked hurriedly

“Dressed in black, with long silver hair, he looks like someone who doesn’t like you.”

“He came up to show off his knife skills to me, but I fought back fiercely.

Qian Jingdongshu smiled slightly and lied without blinking.

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