Qian Jing Dongshu rarely looked at his attribute panel.

Because it was too long, he only remembered the important ones.

Now it was time to open it.

【Host: Qian Jingfuyushu

Level: LV2 (increases with the value of the host’s real estate map, no actual numerical significance)

Basic real estate: Beika Street

Expanded real estate: Jiaohong Chamber of Commerce, Medieval Art Museum, Kyoto Black Market (special)

Real estate to be unlocked: Sumida Canal Bridge (2/3)

Charm value: MAX (You are popular with women, so you have to be careful when walking alone outside!)

Trust value: 100 (The upper limit has been reached. The tenants of Beika Street trust you very much. When encountering problems, they will want to find a reliable landlord for help)

Safety: 100 (The upper limit has been reached. The tenants living in the host’s real estate feel very safe and their happiness has increased)

Social influence: Kyoto’s millions of people

Radiation range: communities, police, protagonist camp, netizens who like the host’s appearance and are loyal to the host’s talent

The host currently has skills:…

The host currently has props:……】

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t read the rest.

He thought he had found the reason why he was so popular all of a sudden.

“Hey, Mina-san, good morning!”

When he spoke, there were excited responses from women in all directions!

“Fuyuki-san Oh ha yo!”

“Ah, the landlord is indeed as handsome as he appears on TV!”

“Protect the most handsome and brave landlord in the world~”

“Landlord-san really wants to marry you when she is 20 years younger!!!”

The tenants’ wives and the young unmarried girls in Yunying looked at Qian Jingdongshu and said that he was so beautiful that they couldn’t walk.

Ah, why didn’t they realize before that there was such a handsome guy next to them!

What Kimura Takuzai, Osawa Shun, Yokobin Meteor, Mi Jin Genshi, Ji Zeliang…

The good-looking ones are not as handsome as the landlord!

The melancholy ones are not as beautiful as the landlord!

The too thin ones are not as strong as the landlord!

Even if all the advantages are gathered together, they are not as good as the landlord who is young, handsome and has a house on a big street!!

What a pity, how good it would be if they met the landlord earlier?

But it’s not too late now, they are willing to be the original fans of the landlord, crazy for him, and bang their heads against the wall for him!

Qian Jingdongshu looked at this scene of cheering and tsunami, and was really ashamed.

If he was surrounded by beautiful women, he would certainly be very happy.

Those with ordinary faces, short and fat, all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates, and even 70 or 80-year-old aunts… You should rest as soon as possible.

“I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!”

The best strategy is to run away!

Without waiting for the overly enthusiastic female tenants to fall strategically, throw their wallets, and pounce on them.

Qian Jing Dongshu quickly put the oil on his feet, let the system continue to filter the information, and set a���Certainly

“From now on, don’t remind me of anything other than the rent of beautiful women, bad debts that can’t be collected due to accidents, or large sums of money.”

【Ding, recorded. 】

He continued to rush to the research institute.

As the underground black market in Kyoto was unlocked, the property owner automatically changed.

There was one more main seat at the core round table, and it was Qian Jingfuyuki who caused a big fuss yesterday. For the first time in history, both the black and white worlds acquiesced and were happy to see it happen.

Vodka was abroad and couldn’t believe the call he received.

“What? You said Vermouth is dating Qian Jingfuyuki?”

“So the organization is going to have a new son-in-law?”

Gin shot and killed a sneak who was following Shirley, and with a dark face, he wanted to punish his subordinates who were messing around in Japan.

He was just carrying out a mission, why are all his subordinates like brainless huskies? Are they all good-for-nothings?

When he returns, he will be scolded by the boss and have to clean up the mess.

“You bunch of idiots, you should be thankful that Qian Jing Dongshu’s brilliance is so great that he has overshadowed your existence!”

“If the existence of the organization is exposed in a high-profile manner and affects the boss’s plan, you will all become sinners!”

Vodka was worried

“Big brother, Qian Jingdongshu has mechanical warriors under his command, and now he is also connected with Vermouth. If the boss finds out, will it affect your position?”

As everyone knows, Rum is the second in command, Vermouth is the boss’s granddaughter and is very much loved, with a transcendent status, and Gin is the third in command.

If a strong guy is newly parachuted into the core leadership because of an outside marriage, wouldn’t the big brother be miserable?

Gin was silent.

For a long time, he stared at the cold girl Shirley in the villa, who was wearing a white coat, and sneered.

“It doesn’t matter, I already have a trump card.”

The boss’s most important thing is never anything else. Whoever can control the organization’s researchers is the boss’s most capable arm!

And from an angle that Gin couldn’t see.

Miyano Shiho looked through the list of people who had taken drug A.

“Kudo Shinichi, life or death unknown.

His delicate eyebrows suddenly frowned.

“As expected, the batch of drug A developed by Teacher Elena was put into production before the organization had time to test it, and it still had major flaws.”

I was about to return to Neon.

She found a tablet of drugs and put it in her pocket.

“I’ll do another test after I go back and see my sister.”


It will be on the shelves tomorrow. I will try my best to update it and strive for 20,000 a day. I hope readers can continue to support it!

Flowers and evaluation tickets are not too much. Thank you!

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