Is Xiaolan in trouble?

Qian Jing Dongshu was stunned, and suddenly slapped his forehead, remembering what he had forgotten.

Mermaid Tail!!

Didn’t Xiaolan have enough to eat when she got home! ?

“”Sharon, I’m going back first. Call me if you need anything!”

Qian Jingdongshu said and opened the door.

Unexpectedly, Fei Yingli kept knocking on the door.

She pressed Qian Jingdongshu with her hand and rushed to the door.

“Ahem, Eri, don’t be so anxious, tell me slowly what happened.”

Hiki Eri glanced at the yoga studio, but didn’t see the supposedly graceful proprietress.

She blushed and said worriedly,”I don’t know either. Xiaolan came over in the middle of the night last night and locked herself in the room.”

“No matter how Elena and I knocked on the door, she didn’t respond. Something must have happened to the child.”

As he spoke, Qian Jingdongshu ran upstairs with her.

As soon as he entered the door, duang~

Qian Jingdongshu felt that he had hit a wall of water head-on.

“Ah, husband, help me up.~!”

Elena lost her balance and screamed that she was about to fall.

The ball was too big, and no matter how long it took, she still couldn’t get used to it.

Qian Jing Dongshu accepted her kiss with a smile and hurriedly pulled her back.

“Elena, how is Xiaolan?”

“Still refuses to come out! But I just checked the surveillance.”

Elena said worriedly,”When Lan Sang came over, he was emitting a special blue light.”

“Her legs seemed to be in discomfort and she was staggering when she walked!”

“Oh, yes, I found this when Eri-san and I were mopping the floor early this morning!”

She stretched out her hand, and in her fair and delicate palm was a scale with azure blue edges and a glittering glow!

“I understand, Eri, you take Elena out first.

Qian Jing Dongshu rubbed his forehead.

The sequelae of the mermaid tail, gluttony and bloodthirstiness, will have a strong dependence on the partner identified, and will be particularly prone to rage when hungry.

In order to avoid accidental injury, it is better to let the two women hide first.


Elena and Hibiki looked at each other, and although they were surprised, they did not disobey Qian Jingdongshu’s intention.

As soon as the door was closed, Qian Jingdongshu immediately walked towards where Xiaolan was.

“Xiaolan, I’m Dongshu, are we coming in?”

“Dong, Dong Shujun? Don’t come in yet!”

Xiaolan’s weak voice came from inside. If you listen carefully, there is a kind of ethereal and tempting feeling in the panic.

“But Xiaolan, you are not feeling well, I really can’t just sit there and watch, it’s rude.”

Qian Jing Dongshu was not affected by the system props themselves. When he heard that she was really in a bad state, he turned the handle and walked in.


As soon as she entered the room, the light shone, and Xiaolan screamed out in reflex.

Her inhuman pupils shrank.

This sound was not a heavenly sound, but like a dolphin’s cry.

“”Dame, Dongshu-kun, don’t look at me… I’ve become very strange!”

Qian Jing Dongshu slightly widened his eyes, but was amazed by Xiaolan’s current appearance!

The long black hair was scattered all over the body as if it had life, and huge peaks and mountains were revealed in the shadows.

What was even more domineering and filled the entire eyeball, giving people a strong sense of impact, was the long blue fish tail that was completely transformed from the legs.

Extremely sexy and weird.

The gauze-like tail fin moved slightly, and there was silence for a moment. Xiaolan didn’t wait for Qian Jing Dongshu’s reply, and her heart became more uneasy, and even a little resentful.

God knows how uncomfortable she is enduring at this moment.

Since her legs were strangely stinging in the middle of the night yesterday, and she felt like walking on the tip of a knife when she walked, her feet have been itchy and unbearable, as if thirsty from the bones.

Now that she has seen the real owner she has been thinking about, Xiaolan’s eyes are filled with rice-colored smoke, and the predator’s side is finally revealed without reservation. A difficult, dangerous and morbid voice sounded

“Dongshu-kun, although it is offensive, I want to ask… Can I eat you now?”

The small throat rolled unbearably, and the Xiaolan fish tail rose with boiling heat. The eyes, which belonged to the suppressed side of human nature, were completely fading.

Instead, it was replaced by the bright red hunting desire.

The body was supported by the fish tail, and it stood up straight, with long hair dancing wildly. The shadows on the ground were dark and intertwined, like a giant monster with bared fangs and claws.

“I am so hungry……”

She wanted to devour all the people and things that made her feel hungry.

The ethereal, fragile, yet cool and charming voice of the mermaid entered her mind from all directions, just like intercepting a lost traveler on the sea to ask for food.

Seeing that Xiaolan was completely affected by the mermaid tail and lost her mind, Qian Jingdongshu frowned, pulled open his collar, and moved his wrist.

At this point, what else can be done?

Xiaolan like this can only be suppressed violently!

He rushed up and subdued her with force!.

Bang, bang!

Hibiki Eri and Elena were at the law firm.

Hearing the loud noises upstairs, they became more and more worried.

“Xiaolan is still not feeling well, don’t make her sick, Fuyuki.”

“My husband is such a fool. How can he not be gentle with women?”

Elena thought for a moment and went back to her research institute to prepare the ointment for bruises.

Fei Yingli saw her struggling to stand up with the help of the table, shaking three times in a frightening way.

A touch of sympathy and a hint of envy flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Who wouldn’t want to have such a proud capital? Besides, women dress up to please themselves.

She looked down at herself, and her cheeks suddenly flushed when she remembered the scene of Fuyuki-kun burying his head.

“Elena, can I ask you for a favor?”

“Eh? If you need anything, Eri-san, feel free to tell me. We are a family after all.

Elena smiled.

“Well…it’s nothing actually.”

Fei Yingli turned away embarrassedly, her face getting even redder.

“Didn’t Dongshu Jun say before that my hands hurt from typing too much? Is there a suitable mouse pad?”

“Just… the kind of material that makes anime characters stand out and is very special, you understand.”

“I don’t mean anything else, I just want Fuyuki-kun to feel better.”

Mouse pad? Anime characters? Boys like it?

A light bulb lit up above Elena’s head, and she suddenly realized it. She smiled secretly in her heart, Eri-san is really shy, in fact, there is no need to beat around the bush.

She winked playfully and quickly gave Kisaki Eri an OK, I understand expression

“Don’t worry, Eri-san, I’ll take care of it~”

I’ll follow my example and prepare a special enlargement potion for Eri-san when I get back~

Elena hummed a little tune happily and left.

Ding ding ding……

【Xiaolan is hungry, resentful, bloodthirsty, frightened, tired + emotional value 1000!】

【Hibiki Eri is flustered, shy, and embarrassed + emotion value 500!】

【Elena is surprised, cunning, and happy + emotion value 500!】

【Together with the emotional settlement of Vermouth, you can exchange it for two ordinary blind boxes. Do you want to exchange them?】


Upstairs, it was not what Feiying had imagined.

Large pieces of furniture were knocked over, there were scary scratches on the walls, and the floor was cracked everywhere, just like a tornado swept through the scene.

Looking at Xiaolan who was exhausted from fighting, she finally got rid of the negative influence of the mermaid tail, and the scales disappeared without a trace.

Qian Jing Dongshu sighed, put her on the only intact sofa, and covered her with a blanket.

The mermaid’s view on mate selection is a bit scary. He collects beautiful women, not like humans and beasts. It’s really not worth it.

Let’s give Xiaolan a wonderful first experience.

Well, he is really a good man who cherishes women.

Qian Jing Dongshu returned to his room to accept the reward.

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