“Daddy! You have to give me a reasonable explanation for this matter!”

Xiaolan is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

Lan’s iron fist is ready to go.

Maori Kogoro and Conan are instantly shrouded in the shadow of Queen Lan’s burning anger.!!!

The two were so scared that their hair stood on end and goose bumps appeared all over their bodies!

Their faces were one after another, brilliant and exciting.

“Lan! Listen to me explain!”

“Conan and I are innocent, there is absolutely no way we have the slightest blood relationship!”

Maori Kogoro grabbed his hair frantically, and he wished he could dig out his heart in public to verify the authenticity!

Although he didn’t really want to adopt Xiaolan at the beginning, he got used to the days of father and daughter relying on each other!

Suddenly there is an illegitimate child, isn’t that a stab in the heart of the well-behaved and sensible adopted daughter! Only a fool would do such a thing!

At this moment, he even regretted listening to Conan’s nonsense!

This unlucky little star, no matter what treasure he takes out, just kick him out!

Being glared at fiercely by Maori Kogoro with gritted teeth, Xiaolan also… Strange looks were given to them.

Conan was completely shut in.

He made a zipper-like motion with his mouth, and curled up in a corner with his back to everyone, not saying a word.

How embarrassing!

Let him find a quiet place and die naturally!

If the people who knew him before knew that he had spoken in public and took the initiative to acknowledge the unreliable Uncle Mori as his father…

Conan, who had been kneeling with a blank expression, suddenly ORZed and silently shed tears.

At this moment, he swore that he would keep the identity of Kudo Shinichi a secret even if he died!

Otherwise, his reputation would be ruined!.


Vermouth waited for a while, but Fuyuki didn’t come back. The useless cops were still unaware of the great danger that was about to come, and they were digging deep into the ground to catch Kidd, which made them even more anxious.

After thinking it over, she hurriedly found


When she saw Qian Jingdongshu, she quickly looked him up and down, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was safe.

It was the first time for Inspector Megure and others to see Vermouth, and they were all shocked by her beauty.

“This Fuyuki-kun is really popular with women.”

Xiaolan was still pulling Maori Kogoro’s ears and scolding him, and didn’t notice this side.

Qian Jing Fuyuki retracted his gaze, remembering his character, and didn’t smile at Vermouth.

He just asked in a polite tone:”Mrs. Sharon, why did you come here?”

“Landlord, come closer and I’ll tell you……”

Vermouth tied up her long hair and flirted with him.

Qian Jingdongshu curled his lips and moved closer, pretending to be puzzled.

A pair of soft hands immediately grabbed his hands and tickled them with their fingertips. Qian Jingdongshu’s eyes changed when he looked at Vermouth. Sister Bei has thought about how to atone for her sins?

He still needs to confirm it again.

“Mrs. Sharon, I don’t understand what you mean.”

“You must understand, Landlord-san.”

Vermouth’s cheeks flushed, and she looked around hurriedly, glaring at Qian Jing Dongshu, with nervousness hidden in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

Dongshu-kun, if you knew there was a bomb in the art gallery, would you choose to drop everything and go with her?

Definitely not.

He looked like a sunny person, with an upright and responsible nature, otherwise he would not have actively participated in catching Kid and solving the case.

But she was different. Her selfish heart could only accommodate him.

Even if the world suddenly exploded now, she hoped that he would be the only one to survive in the end.

Vermouth looked at Qian Jing Dongshu’s handsome profile with obsession. She made a decision in her heart that she would use her most shameful beauty trap to coax him out first.

“Landlord, didn’t I tell you that I hope to have a good talk with you about art?”

Vermouth’s voice gradually became inaudible, like a hook with a charming aftertaste.

“My yoga studio has already put up a sign saying it is closed, and I just want you to come and give me some advice.”

When Qian Jing Dongshu heard this, his eyes darkened instantly.

So impatient? Then he naturally didn’t want to disappoint the beauty.

So let’s be frank and have a long talk.

“Mrs. Sharon, you are such a good boss.”

“If every shop owner is as self-aware as you, I can just sit back and wait for the rent.”

“”Then, landlord-san, are you willing to give me this opportunity to teach you privately?”

Vermouth held his hand tightly, her beautiful eyes full of hope.”

Mr. Fuyuki, you must agree to go with me, otherwise it will be too late.

Just as Qian Jing Fuyuki was about to answer, Maori Kogoro coughed heavily.

He couldn’t stand it anymore!

This kid has such a good sense of reason, but he is still flirting with other girls out there.

A full man does not know the hunger of a hungry man.

Maori Kogoro curled his lips and said sarcastically:”Mr. Qian Jing Fuyuki, aren’t you in a hurry to collect the rent from this beautiful lady?”

“Help the police solve the case as soon as possible, and you can leave.

Qian Jingdongshu glanced at the time. The bomb was about to explode in half an hour.

“Well, let me solve this bizarre and complicated case.

“Fuyuki-kun, did you know who the criminal was from the beginning?”

Conan turned his head suddenly and looked at him in disbelief.

“Of course.”

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled carelessly and pointed at Kubota, whose eyes widened and panicked instantly.

“The criminal who killed Mr. Manaka is you, Mr. Kubota.”

Then, without waiting for Kubota to protest, Qian Jingfuyuki held Vermouth’s hand and said calmly:

“Before we reason, Officer Megure, I would like the police to search his room.”

“Maybe there will be some unexpected discovery.”

Inspector Megure immediately winked at his officers.

Soon they returned with a full load of surprise.

“”Inspector Megure! Look!”

There were a dazzling array of theft and modification tools in large and small packages, covering the ground.

The most eye-catching one was a cardboard box filled with large foam bags, which was obviously used to store valuable items.

Reporters took photos on the spot.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Kubota was a habitual thief who specialized in reselling art from art galleries.

“Kubota, were all the artworks that were stolen from the museum stolen by you and sold?!”

Director Ochiai knew this long ago. He looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki, blushed and yelled in a pretended angry manner.

Kubota broke out in a cold sweat.

He shouted in panic:”No, no! I stole things, but I didn’t kill anyone! Mr. Manaka’s death has nothing to do with me!”

“After he left, you all saw me, I accidentally peed my pants……”

Qian Jing Dongshu said coldly:”Mr. Kubota, please wait a moment.”

“Because I was interested in the property rights of the museum, I looked up Mr. Manaka and found something interesting.”

“You and Mr. Manaka actually have a large debt, and you two are also involved in reselling and washing art in the museum.”

Iijima, who had been invisible all this time, suddenly shouted

“Oh, yes! I did run into Kubota and Manaka arguing in the museum once!”

“Mr. Manaka threatened Kubota, saying that without him, Kubota wouldn’t be where he is today, and that he’d better pay off the debt quickly, otherwise he would send Kubota to jail!”

Kubota went crazy,” I do owe Manaka money, but there’s no need for me to kill him!”

“What if he ordered you to steal my painting, and you had a fight over the uneven distribution of the loot?”

“What? He wants to steal the painting?”

The topic jumped too quickly, and everyone’s brains were unable to get around it. They all froze!


The plot line has been sorted out, and as compensation, an additional update will be added today. Please rest assured, dear readers, Sister Bei will definitely be able to get married in a decent manner!

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