Maori Kogoro doesn’t know how to read people’s expressions

“Inspector Megure, what I said is clearly one thing!”

“I, the knight, will crucify you, the devil who is at large!”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows and smiled helplessly.

“Maori-san, I can understand that you just got divorced and you are sad and desperate to find someone to vent your anger on.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, I’m really not the murderer.”

Divorce again!? You’re so great that you seduced Eri!

Maori Kogoro was hit in the sore spot, and he rolled up his sleeves in anger.

“How can I repair it! I say you are such an annoying guy, I have really tolerated you for a long time!”

“Hey, Maori-kun, this is not the place for you to make a scene!”

Inspector Megure stopped Maori Kogoro and warned him with his eyes.

“”Inspector Megure!” Maori was glared at and felt aggrieved.

Conan’s mouth twitched.

That’s enough, Uncle Maori. Who can’t tell that you are smuggling something?

This teammate is really hard to lead.

He wandered around looking for clues.

Xiaolan walked to Qian Jingfuyuki with guilt.

“I’m so sorry Dongshu-kun, my dad……”

“It’s nothing. I won’t argue with a resentful husband. But Conan, do you think he looks like a little mouse that has been abandoned?”

Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t let Xiaolan think too much, pointing at Conan and laughing.

Xiaolan looked and saw that Conan was sticking his butt out and drilling into the armor one by one.

Although it felt a bit unfair, she couldn’t help but cover her lips and burst into laughter.

“Yeah, it’s a little funny.”

Qian Jing Dongshu called Conan

“Conan, are you looking for my armor? It should have been put away by Director Ochiai.”


The people from the museum were brought in by the police. When Director Ochiai was called, he was stunned.

But he quickly calmed down and looked down at Qian Jingdongshu.

“Indeed, Qian Jingjun’s collection is very valuable. I was afraid that others would damage it, so I put it in the room after the performance and no one touched it.”

“Ah, if the landlord’s armor is so valuable, why not send it back home or to the safe, but keep it with Director Ochiai? It doesn’t make sense!”

Conan asked innocently, looking up at his little face.

“That’s because I talked to the director about the property rights of the museum, and we just happened to have the same interests.

Qian Jingfushu helped Ochiai prove

“Oh, yes, it was Qian Jingjun who helped to come up with the idea of the Punishment Knight.”

Director Ochiai pretended to have a bad memory and said,”Then where were you as museum staff at around 2:40 when the crime happened?”

No one asked Qian Jingfuyuki, because Mao Li did a process of elimination right away.

Everyone also agreed that although Fuyuki had a motive, he had no time or opportunity to commit the crime in public.

“I was acting as a tour guide, but I happened to go to the bathroom.

“I… I peed my pants! It’s such an embarrassing thing, of course I went back to take a shower and change clothes!” Kubota looked irritable

“As for me, I only remember that Qian Jingjun drew a picture and Mr. Manaka seemed angry. I chased him when I saw him leaving, but when I only followed him to the corridor, he told me to get out in annoyance. I went back to the venue without paying attention to the time.”

Director Ochiai sighed.

Classic three choices.

Qian Jingfuyuki suddenly said at this time:”Since Mr. Manaka was killed in the underground exhibition room, didn’t the surveillance camera capture passers-by?” Officer Megure looked at his other men, and one policeman shook his head.

“The surveillance cameras were either broken or removed. There were so many people in the museum today that we couldn’t identify the suspect.”

“By the way, Inspector Megure, just now, because of Lan-san’s reminder, we re-checked the museum’s line and found that the telephone line was deliberately cut, and an additional signal blocking device was placed there.”

“What? Only an insider could do that!”

Inspector Megure’s eyes narrowed, and the others looked at Ochiai and the other two without hiding their intentions.

Iijima was a little flustered, Kubota’s eyes were darting around, and Ochiai also frowned.

Qian Jingfuyu went to the monitoring room again and took a look.

“Although Mr. Maori’s words are not careful and his actions are rash and impulsive, he is at least right about one thing.”

“The only person who could move freely while wearing heavy armor and fiercely kill a well-built man like Mr. Manaka could only be a young and strong man.”


Everyone stared at Iijima and Kubota more sharply.

Inspector Megure nodded in appreciation.

“As expected of Fuyuki-kun, let’s investigate in this direction. The alibis of others still need to be re-collected!”

Maori Kogoro pursed his lips.

“Tsk, how come he gets praised even though I’m wrong? Inspector Megure has indeed been bribed by that guy.”

See if anyone will listen to you?

This Mori, just listen to half of what he says from now on.”

“Hey, whatever you say is right.”

Inspector Megure waved his hand perfunctorily.


Conan narrowed his eyes and stared at Qian Jingfuyu closely, and couldn’t help but suspect that this matter was indeed related to him.

The direction of the words was deliberately misleading too obviously.

Because he was always staring at this guy unhappily, and saw with his own eyes that after Ochiai left, Qian Jingfuyu glanced at his watch.

“Nene, Dongshu brother~”

Conan ran over with his short legs and called out in a particularly affectionate manner

“Why did you look at the watch? When did you meet Director Ochiai??”

“Of course it’s because I have prepared a program.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him and smiled meaningfully.

“Because the art museum is going to be demolished, we want to give everyone a happy memory, so we specially prepared a grand fireworks show after the press conference.”

“When the time comes, it will be a bright fireworks display during the day.”

True or false? Conan looked suspicious.

Qian Jingfuyu’s expression was sincere and perfect.

If he put on a mask with his acting skills, it would be too scary.

Xiaolan pursed her lips and looked at Conan.

“Conan, are you still doubting Fuyuki? We met Director Ochiai yesterday afternoon. We had never met him before.���

Seeing Xiaolan’s gloomy face, it seemed that she was about to get angry.

Conan, no matter how slow he was, hurriedly laughed it off.

“Oh, then what Rannai said must be correct. I’ll go find the surveillance camera again! Qian

Jingdongshu looked at the small figure with a playful look.

It would be fun if he didn’t go.

He specially prepared two gifts, waiting to give them to this elementary school student of the god of death.

“Police brother! Inspector Megure is calling you!”

Conan used the child’s tender face to successfully trick the police and get in.

“Evidence…timeline…the key logic that connects them all together!”

“Found it! Qian Jing Dongshu, he really came to the art museum early in the morning! That’s why he specifically asked about the surveillance just now! He was feeling guilty!”

“What did he talk about with Director Ochiai? The murder weapon… If it was really that armor, and it was so stained with blood, then they definitely couldn’t get rid of it!”

He quickly checked the past surveillance records. He saw that the director had been furious because Kubota Mitsuru touched the artwork.

He also personally lifted up an ancient giant stone sculpture.

He was pointed at in the nose and scolded like a dog by Manaka in public.

Looking at the old director’s muscle lines that did not match his actual age

“We have the motive and the ability to commit the crime! Now, it’s all about the armor!”

Conan’s eyes lit up, and he went to find Officer Megure.

Maori was pestering him to check the surveillance too.

“Inspector Megure! It doesn’t make sense for that guy to just go wherever he wants. As a detective, I don’t even have that much authority!”

“Besides, he is a suspect, so he should avoid suspicion at this time. How can he just walk around and prove himself!”

Inspector Megure glanced at Conan who was running over

“Didn’t Conan sneak in just now?”

Don’t you really take this old policeman seriously?

He knew everything when he saw the two rookie policemen hesitating.

But this time Conan only watched the surveillance and didn’t touch the body like last time. He turned a blind eye and didn’t bother with the kids.

“Hey! Conan! You, can’t you be more honest?”

Mouri was slapped in the face again, and glared at Conan in shame and anger.

What a pig teammate!

“Hey hey……”Conan laughed dryly and scratched the back of his head.

Seeing Qian Jingfuyu and Xiaolan coming over, he hurriedly said loudly to Maori Kogoro:

“But Uncle Maori, it’s actually very easy for you to identify the murderer, right?”

“Aren’t there surveillance cameras? It would be difficult to get rid of such heavy armor in a short time!”

“If you are afraid of accidentally hurting innocent people, just search out all the armors in the museum and compare them one by one!”

Zen Jing Dongshu paused and looked stunned.

Conan was delighted.

Sure enough, the murderous armor was the one that Qian Jing Dongshu wore!

The murderer… was none other than Director Ochiai, who seemed the most unlikely!

Unless it was a trap!

Otherwise, in this museum, Director Ochiai had at least one helper who helped him commit perjury!

No one else had this condition, except Qian Jing Dongshu, this mysterious man who he could not understand to some extent!

“No matter why you helped Director Ochiai to this extent, killing is killing, and I can’t let you commit a crime.���the way!”

“Qian Jing Dongshu, this time I will make you surrender to the law!”

Conan’s eyes were full of confidence!

He deliberately walked in front of Director Ochiai with his hands behind his back.

“By the way, Director Ochiai, I seem to have seen your employee Mr. Kubota tell others through surveillance that Fuyuki-nii’s armor is real.”

“How much is it worth?”

He asked curiously, his glasses reflecting the light.

Finally got the key?

Qian Jingfuyu smiled.

The old director’s Achilles’ heel is his concern for works of art. If you grasp this line and pursue it relentlessly, you will definitely gain something.

He has been waiting for Conan to ask since just now.

How can the protagonist’s emotional value fluctuate without twists and turns?

He replied lazily,”That’s the armor of the Knights of the Round Table, authentic, and priceless.”!!!

Director Ochiai was shocked all over!

Isn’t that fake?

He thought it was a high-tech product that was indistinguishable from the real thing, so he tried it specially.

Grease, hair, and fingerprints will not be left behind.

Even if there are large stains of blood, it will be absorbed by itself if given time.

Then, then hasn’t he polluted such a precious treasure!!

Director Ochiai was stunned and looked at Fuyuki tremblingly.

Seeing that Qian Jingfuyu was still”forcing himself to be calm” at this moment, Conan snorted and chuckled

“Brother Dongshu, you have a really good attitude”

“If my precious armor is covered with dirt, I will be sad.”

Fuyuki was fine, but Director Ochiai was stabbed in the heart again. He was angry and anxious, trembling all over, and felt uncomfortable.

At this time, other people also found something wrong.


“Officer Megure, the armor has been taken from Director Ochiai’s room, but……”

“”Let me see!”

Conan’s eyes lit up and he rushed over first.

The moment he saw the armor, he was stunned!


I didn’t realize it when I was constructing the plot before… There seemed to be a little too many details foreshadowing, and I had to look for the beginning everywhere. I will try to finish three chapters, and try not to write too convolutedly in the future!

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