“Xiaolan, have you seen enough?”

“Saliva is about to drip”

“If you really like to see me, wait and come home with me, there is plenty of time to watch slowly.

Qian Jing Dongshu said with a smile

“Ah! I’m sorry!”

Xiaolan blushed instantly.

She quickly looked away, her heart still pounding like a deer.

No, even if she tried to give up a little, she would feel heartbroken.

Aunt Fei, please forgive my greed, I still want to stay with Dongshu-kun, even if it’s just to see him more.

“Xiaolan? Is her real name Xiaolan?”Kuroba Kaito asked with a trembling voice

“Ah? What’s going on?”

Xiaolan was confused, and then she noticed that there were many living people around her.

Especially this strange man in white, Kaito Kidd?

Are there really people in the world who look so much like him?

Their expressions are very similar, and they look like brothers at first glance.

“And you kid, don’t think I won’t beat you just because you look like Kudo Shinichi!”

Qian Jingfuyu kicked Kuroba Kaito against the wall.

Conan arrived behind him, saw this scene, and felt pain on his face after hearing these words.

Was it his illusion?

Why did he feel like he was being beaten when he saw Kidd being beaten?

It really hurts my teeth, but this guy looks so weird!

Did he disguise himself as him on purpose to avenge the last time?

Damn, he almost ruined my reputation in front of Xiaolan! Qian Jingfuyu beat him well! Nakamori Ginzo raised handcuffs and rushed out with great momentum

“Kidd, I’ve caught you now!”

But just as he was handcuffing one side of the handcuffs, he turned his head and saw Xiaolan



“I’m sorry, Officer Nakamori, but I have an important reason not to be arrested!”

Nakamori’s momentary shock and trance gave Kuroba Kaito an opportunity.

He quickly twisted his joints in an inhuman way, dislocated his fingers, and broke free from the handcuffs!

“Oh my, it’s really unwise to act rashly. I can only do it next time.……”

Kuroba Kaito’s face turned pale. He took advantage of Fuyuki’s explosive kick to get the bag and was about to leave.

A hand patted his back, and he turned his head subconsciously.

He saw a fresh fish , as if it had just been taken out of the water, with layers of scales and its tail fin still slightly contracting and swaying.……

“”Fish, fish!!!!”

Hei Yu was so exaggerated that his tears and snot came out, and he jumped up and down, and his soul was scared!

Everyone was stunned and looked at Kidd crying and going crazy.

Qian Jing Dongshu’s actions were too fast, and it was only a flash. No one could see what he had just done.

They thought Kidd was nervous. Qian Jing Dongshu just walked over and this guy was scared crazy by him.

“As expected, it’s Fuyuki-kun!”

“This is the first time I see Kaito Kidd in such a mess!”

“Quick! Take a picture! The world-class thief was chased insane by the landlord of Beihua Street!”

Nakamori Ginzo looked at Xiaolan closely and made a dereliction of duty for the first time except catching Kidd.

“If it’s not Aoko, who are you? You, Fuyuki-kun just called you Xiaolan, right?”

He was so excited.

After twelve years of absence, there was little hope of finding his little daughter, who was almost thought to have met with misfortune!

By chance, she was found in the Nakadashi Art Museum!

“Xiaolan, I’m your father. My name is Nakamori Ginzo. Do you remember? You have a sister named Nakamori Aoko.”

“You were so small when you were five years old. We were playing in this medieval art museum when a fire alarm suddenly occurred and we were separated in the chaos.”

“For twelve whole years, we have been waiting for you to come home! Xiaolan!”

“If Aoko wasn’t out of town and it wasn’t convenient, she would have been able to fly over here if she knew, so you can have a good look at her!”

Everyone was shocked.

Qian Jing Dongshu had a calm face.

He had heard about Xiaolan’s life story from Kisaki Eri a long time ago, and he only felt that the butterfly’s wings were so big that it gave Xiaolan a sister.

And it happened to be Nakamori Aoko.

What a coincidence, she picked two lotus flowers with two stems, and they bloomed twice!

“Wait, you said you are my dad?”

Xiaolan was shocked, her mind went blank, she was distracted and extremely panicked.

She was hit on the head when she was five years old and she couldn’t remember anything from her childhood.

If her biological family took her back, what would she do in an unfamiliar environment?

She didn’t want to go back!

Dong Shujun was in Mihua Street, she couldn’t imagine a life without Dong Shujun!

“Dong Shujun……”

Xiaolan reflexively looked at Qian Jing Dongshu for help, with a fragile look, and deep in her pure eyes was trust in him.

As long as Dongshu said a word, no matter whether it made sense or not, she would stay even if she was branded as unfilial!

“Xiaolan, I will always stand behind you and support your choice unconditionally.

Qian Jingdongshu used a trick to throw back the words and pursue the victory.

“Dong Shujun……”Xiaolan’s eyes were filled with tears.

Qian Jingfuyushu directly hugged her. Nakamori Ginzo was shocked, but because of his preconceived good impression, he did not stop her. He just looked at Xiaolan who seemed to be frightened with worry.

Conan, Conan was so jealous that he almost exploded!

He actually hugged Xiaolan in front of Officer Nakamori!!

Qian Jingfuyushu, this cunning and scheming guy!!

Conan’s heart was beating like crazy.

It was the first time in history that he prayed

“If anything happens, it would be good to divert the attention of Xiaolan and Officer Nakamori!”

Just in the next second


“Someone is dead!”

“Mr. Manaka! Call the police!!!”

Maori Kogoro’s miserable screams were repeated in the corridor, scaring everyone!

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