There was a lot of noise outside.

Qian Jingdongshu came to the quiet classroom alone, carrying his schoolbag as before.

A tall figure was about to cover him with excitement.……

“Irish liquor, Pisco’s adopted son?”

“You are so bold to offend me.”

Qian Jing Dongshu threw his schoolbag away and turned back with a fake smile.

Ireland was so shocked that he stopped moving suddenly!

“How do you know?”

Seeing that there was no one around and Qian Jingdongshu had no weapons, he quickly calmed down and sneered.

“As expected of you, Qian Jing Dongshu, but what if you find me?”

“Now, if I let you use one hand, you can hardly hit my vital points even if you jump up!”

Ireland looked at him with contempt.

“”How can a loser like you have the right to be arrogant to me?”

Qian Jing Dongshu sneered, his red eyes arrogant.

He raised his chin and hooked his finger like calling a dog.

“Come, let grandpa teach you how to be a man”

“What the hell! Are you looking for death!”

Without Gin, Qian Jing Dongshu has no chance of turning the tables!

Ireland looked ferocious, and rushed forward with the drugged handkerchief and rope.

But he didn’t even see Qian Jing Dongshu’s movements clearly!

The child in front of him suddenly flashed and appeared in front of him.

The little hand pressed his big hand hard, and slammed the entire drugged handkerchief on his face!!!!

Ireland’s pupils widened, and he struggled in horror!

But even if he used all his strength, his veins bulged, he was like a drop in the ocean, and couldn’t shake Qian Jing Dongshu at all!

“What kind of monster is this kid!”

“How come he is still so strong even though he has become smaller?!”

“Masaka! He deceived everyone! His strength is not affected by his body size at all!”

Ireland realized this with a chill, but it was already too late!

He prepared a powerful drug with his own hands, but he never expected that he would be used on himself without even the strength to resist!

“JOKER, we have the machine you mentioned.”

Gin arrived and saw such a shocking scene.

A child barely reached his knee height, with one hand behind his back, and with the other hand he was holding a tall and strong man who was as strong as an iron tower to his knees, unable to move.

The scene was as magical as an ant knocking down a dinosaur!

Gin was stunned for a moment and then accepted it well.

JOKER was terribly powerful, and only such an arrogant and invincible leader was worthy of his loyal following!

Fanatical admiration and awe flashed in his eyes, and he took off his hat and bowed slightly.

“Gin! ~”

Ireland’s pupils trembled, and he was full of disbelief until the last moment before he fainted!

That man who was as arrogant as a wolf actually lowered his head to Qian Jing Dongshu!

“You’re just in time. Tie him up and throw him on the brainwashing machine.

Qian Jingdongshu has already walked to the machine and set it up.

When Gin has tied the man up like a dead pig and thrown him on it, the brainwashing will begin.

“Two hours later, Ireland is my loyal subordinate”

“Bourbon and him will help you by then, and you should know how to do the rest.”

Gin replied respectfully.

He watched JOKER finish his instructions and leave like a hands-off boss.

Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t expect to run into Xiaolan as soon as he left the house.

“Xiaolan? Why are you here?”

“It’s because I just remembered that today is Teitan Elementary School’s anniversary.”

Xiaolan went from Teitan Elementary School to high school, and she is very familiar with her alma mater.

When she saw the wrong date at home, she hurried to pick her up.

“Fuyuki-kun, Maya-san and Aoran-san all said it’s dangerous outside now.”

“Today is the school anniversary, many people from outside the school have come to join in the fun, for safety we should go home first!”

This is also the reason why all the girls agreed to Xiaolan coming out, no one can change the decision made by Dongshu Jun.

He is the only one who is so nice to Xiaolan.

“So, let’s go back directly.

Qian Jingdongshu raised his eyebrows playfully.

“Anyway, there’s nothing fun to do at the school celebration, why don’t you guys play with me?~”

“mo~ Dongshu-kun, you are not serious again.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xiaolan blushed and said something but did not refute.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and took her hand and walked home

“Mazi sister? Mazi sister, where are you? Fumino can’t find you!”

At this time, a pretty little girl with a weak appearance timidly appeared in front of the two of them.

Xiaolan saw that she was alone here, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask[]

“Little sister, why are you alone? Where are your family members?”

“Wuwu… Sister Mazi took me to see a magic show, but we got separated by accident.”

Kujiu Fumino rubbed her eyes and couldn’t help crying in fear.

As the apple of the eye of the famous Neon magician Kujiu Motoyasu, the little girl is used to having adults around her.

Once she gets separated from an adult, she panics.

“”Mr. Dongshu, this child looks so pitiful. How about you help her find that Mazi-san?”

Xiaolan just wanted Dongshu to move his fingers and help locate the person.

If the matter was very troublesome, she would definitely not ask for this.

“OK, let me see.……”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at this little Lolita and remembered the relevant plot.

After killing Jiujiu Yuankang to avenge his brother, he wanted to kill his daughter, but he couldn’t bear it and chose to surrender.

It’s still a beautiful magician with a smooth figure~

The originally boring school celebration has become interesting

“Hey, Fuyuki? Isn’t this classmate Fuyuki’s son, Qianjingshu?”

Kujiku Fumino’s timid and curious voice sounded.

Xiaolan froze!

Oh no!

I forgot there was a little girl next to me!

Xiaolan is really too naive.

Qianjing Fuyuki shook his head with amusement, while quickly searching for the target with his mobile phone and sending messages to people.

He pulled Kujiku Fumino over and kissed her little face directly.

“Forget what you just heard, this is a secret between adults!”


Jiujiu Fumino was stunned on the spot!

She looked at Qian Jingfuyu’s flawless face, which was even cuter and more delicate than a girl’s.

She covered her cheeks and blushed.

“”Shu, Shu-kun! How can you kiss a girl casually!”

She had already joined Fuyuki-kun’s Jiazi fan club, and wanted to grow up to be Fuyuki-kun’s woman.

Now, she was kissed by Fuyuki-kun’s son, Xiaoshu!

What should she do~! So embarrassing!

Now she can only marry Xiaoshu when she grows up!

Jiujiu Wenno’s watery eyes flickered, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki (No Li Hao) suddenly became different!

【Received 99 Wenno shocked, shy, tangled, admiring, + 2000! 】

Qian Jing Dongshu heard this notification sound and swiped past it without changing his expression.

What does a little loli know?

If she really likes him and this feeling can last for a long time, she can be raised like Ayumi.

Anyway, he can wait

“Fumino! I was so scared. Fortunately, I found you. Otherwise, how could I explain to my master’s wife?”

An anxious voice sounded.

It was Sanhao Mazi who arrived.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at her carefully, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

He saw a beautiful girl with fair and tender skin like a girl.

Under the slim-fitting and personalized suit, she had a plump figure and long legs. Even in the crowd, she was the most dazzling existence.

At this time, she didn’t know how many places she had looked.

Her hair was wet and kept dripping down. The skirt below was also wet with sweat and stuck to her body, showing her curvy figure to the fullest!

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