“You are Dongshu-kun’s son, Xiaoshu?”

Kobayashi Sumiko received a notice from the principal to take Qian Jing Dongshu.

At first glance at this child, she was stunned.

This child looks too much like that man.

Although that guy was very bad, the punishment method made her ashamed to speak.

That time the teaching stick was used on her, and it was hot and spicy.

But after all, he gave her supreme happiness, and she was very reluctant to let him go suddenly.

Under the effect of empathy, Kobayashi Sumiko couldn’t help but pay more attention to the little Qian Jingshu.

“Hmm~ Teacher Kobayashi, please give me more guidance these two days.

Qian Jingdongshu’s red eyes flashed and he smiled brightly.

Seeing his smile, the wound on Kobayashi Sumiko’s body that had healed suddenly began to feel numb again. Her white and clean little face was inexplicably covered with a layer of blush.

“Uh, can you give me some advice?”

Ding Dong Ding Dong – the bell rang, saving the bewildered beautiful teacher.

“It’s time for extracurricular activities~ Shu Jun, let’s go!”

Ayumi Sanxiao got to know Qian Jing Dongshu again in the Twin Towers skyscraper yesterday.

They all thought he had just lost his father, and with sympathy, they hurriedly pulled him to play.

Ayumi was full of maternal love and looked after him with pity.

Qian Jing Dongshu enjoyed the care of his future concubine.

He lazily glanced around to see what plot he could run into and brush up his emotional points.

The result was this?

The school was quiet.

Are the Death God elementary school students still on holiday today?

He looked at Conan with disgust and contempt.

Conan sneezed suddenly and didn’t dare to turn his head back

“Hey, I didn’t do anything.”

“Why is the boss looking at me like that? It really makes my scalp tingle”

“”Tree! Conan! We can’t push this sand cart, come and help!”

When they arrived at the playground, Mitsuhiko Motoa enthusiastically went to help.

In the end, even with all his strength, he couldn’t push the cart full of sand.

“You guys really know how to make trouble for yourselves!”

Conan looked at the huge cart and curled his lips.

“There’s really no way……”

He was about to start.

Qian Jing Dongshu caught a glimpse of Kobayashi Sumiko secretly looking down at him from the upstairs window.

The corners of his mouth immediately rose.

If there is no emotional value, then make it!

“”Stop wasting time, get out of the way!”


Qian Jingdongshu kicked the entire sand truck far away.

The sand exploded all over the heads and faces of the elementary school students. All the children were stunned.

The next second, the crying was deafening!

“Wow! Qian Jingshu is bullying people!”

“We need to tell Mr. Kobayashi!!”

A group of children ran to complain, crying.

Conan was too late to stop them.

Not long after, Kobayashi Sumiko called Qian Jingdongshu to her office with a headache.

“Shujun, you are a new student, I know you are not used to it”

“But we are all children, we need to learn to get along with others!”

“If you bully everyone like this, no one will dare to play with you after a while.

Qian Jing Dongshu said confidently.

“I don’t even bother playing with kids. Don’t you have a teacher here?”

“Eh? Me?”

Playing with the teacher!?

Is that what she understood!?

That shouldn’t be it!

Kobayashi Sumiko’s beautiful eyes trembled, and her whole body turned red with embarrassment.

It was all Qian Jing Dongshu’s fault. Her thoughts were tainted with impurities.

How could children nowadays be so precocious!

Suddenly, Qian Jing Dongshu’s malicious voice came to my ears again. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Besides, you adults actually put such a heavy sand cart outside and let the children pull it.”

“Like Teacher Kobayashi, don’t you have to lead by example?”

“What do you mean by leading by example? How do you do it?”

Kobayashi Sumiko felt that she was a novice teacher and there were still many things she didn’t understand.

She was about to ask[]


The curtains were drawn

“Eh?! Classmate Shu, what are you doing?”

Kobayashi Sumiko had an animal’s instinct and felt the danger approaching!

Looking at Qian Jingshu, who was smiling and walking slowly towards her.!!!

She actually felt the same oppression from this child as Qian Jing Dongshu?!

“What on earth is going on?

People were panicking.


The sound of cloth tearing.

Kobayashi Sumiko’s body and pupils trembled.

Her voice was filled with shock and shame.

“Tree, Tree-kun! Are you playing a prank on me?”

“Didn’t the teacher ask me to play with him? Children’s games are so unscrupulous~”

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and kept his word.

Soon, Xiaolin Chengzi was in a daze, and only the child’s voice and Qian Jing Dongshu’s devilish temptation were left in her ears.

“Teacher Kobayashi, you have to keep going and stay strong. Don’t let me fall~”

Ding Ding Ding –

5,000 emotion points were credited.

As expected, Teacher Kobayashi’s emotions are as rich as flowing love.

Qian Jingfuyu came out to ask for leave for Kobayashi Sumiko, and also considerately asked Miyamoto Yumi to help

“Fuyuki-kun~~ That’s great, you’re okay!!”Yumi

Miyamoto was so worried when she saw the news yesterday, and cried all night at home after work.

Now that she sees that he is fine, except that he has become smaller, she can’t help but rush up to him and hug him!

“Wow~ Fuyuki is so cute!!”

“No wonder no one wanted to come out when there was a lot of speculation.”

“If I could see such a cute and mini Fuyuki-kun, I would kiss you to death.~~”

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and patted her uniform.

“So I’m really fine. You can tell Miwako when you get home so she won’t worry.”

Miyamoto Yumi cried so hard that her eyes looked like peaches.

The heroic Sato-san, please don’t make your face swollen from crying.”

“Yeah~Don’t worry, Dongshu-kun!”

“I will send this teacher Kobayashi home, and Miwako will also say hello~”

Miyamoto Yumi said, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone and took pictures of Qian Jingfuyushu

“Hey, take a few more pictures.~”

“If Miwako knew that I had hugged the super cute Fuyuki-kun, she would be so envious that she would cry!

Qian Jing Fuyuki smiled at her teasingly.

“It doesn’t matter. If Miwako wants to see it, I’ll show it to her later!”

A woman should be spoiled, as long as she doesn’t get bullied and cry~


【A terrible explosion occurred in Nishitama City. This was a crazy crime targeting important city government officials!】

【All units are requested to pay high attention to this! Strictly check every checkpoint and strengthen vigilance!】

【Repeat! Strictly check all checkpoints and strengthen vigilance! 】

In Miyamoto Yumi’s police car, a serious internal police report suddenly came.

“mo~ Such a rampant criminal actually appeared in Neon”

“As expected, as soon as the news of Dongshu’s disappearance came out, everything went haywire.

She turned off the alarm and looked at Qian Jing Dongshu worriedly.

“Dongshu-kun, you are so young now, and your appearance is so obvious, you must be more careful when you go out”

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