Of course, Oshibo’s touch is really, hehe~ first-rate!

Qian Jingfuyu’s smile was extremely rippling.

If it weren’t for Xiaolan, Sonoko, Aoko, Hongzi, Naoko and other beautiful girl groups coming in one after another,

Oshibo would still want to monopolize him.

“Dongshu-kun, let’s give you a bath~”

Not to mention the pretty faces of the girls who were all red and excited and expectant.

Koizumi Hongzi was even more excited and laughed like a queen.

“Let me, a humble maid, offer the master the most delicate, tender and soft enjoyment!”

Witch beauty foot massage~~

I guarantee that the master will say it’s good after using it!

Koizumi Hongzi couldn’t peek at Qian Jing Dongshu.

She thought that the most troublesome problem for men now was that the hardware couldn’t keep up.

But for such a small matter, her magic could just help~!

Little”San Si Qi” Quan Hongzi rubbed her hands, her beautiful eyes full of eagerness

“Sa~ Master Dongshu, let me help you relieve your depression first!”

Seeing Qian Jing Dongshu had no resistance, and even being pulled into the jade room by the women,

Miyano Shiho couldn’t help but curl his lips and snorted

“It’s a good thing for him. Even if he has no intention, he is surrounded by so many beautiful girls.……”

“Wait, he can’t get angry, he can’t be anemic!”

She suddenly thought of a possibility and hurried back to her room.

She had to quickly prepare a medicine to clear away heat and reduce fire!

At this time, Miyano Shiho never expected that once the door was closed, the girls would scream one after another.

It took most of the day to make a scene.

Only Qian Jingfushu came out happily.

“Hehe, how could the fat lambs come to my door on their own initiative?”

“He really only remembers to eat but not to be beaten.”

“Today, I will show my husband’s authority!”

No matter how small a husband is, he is still a husband!

How dare he not treat Dashu as a great man?

Qian Jing Dongshu did not forget that when he just came home, there was someone who was too short-sighted to recognize him.

“”Eri~ Hum!”

Fei Eri shuddered inexplicably in the law firm!

Because of Anada, she was famous and even many cases from other places were piled up on her desk.

Even if she had to temporarily avoid the limelight, these tasks had to be handed over to her subordinates.

“Teacher Uchi, is Fuyuki-kun really okay?”

Kuriyama Midori and Shiratori Sara were both worried.

They are also Fuyuki-kun’s women!

How could they not care about him?

If they hadn’t seen the news and knew that Teacher Hime must be more sad than them, they would have come to greet him.


Hibiki looked around and suddenly waved to them

“Green sauce, Sara sauce, I’m telling you this because of our sisters.”

“Dongshu-kun is fine, he has even turned into a child!”

“”Ah!? A little kid!?”

Kuriyama Midori and Shiratori Sara looked at each other.

Both of them were in disbelief.

“Is it as big as Conan?”


Speaking of this child who was a little too mature in everything, the beautiful eyes under the glasses of Kisaragi suddenly became sharp.

The ambiguous words that Fuyuki-kun said flashed through her mind.

“Maybe there will be such an example soon?”

At that time, Elena had just taken the wrong medicine and became bigger. She was wondering why Anada said this.


Fei Yingli was so angry that she slammed the table!

“Good, this little pervert with bad intentions!”

She didn’t forget that when Conan first appeared, he kept staring at Xiaolan everywhere!

There was only one guy who disappeared recently.

Kudo Shinichi!!

Kisaki Eri called Xiaolan on the spot.

But Xiaolan was so swollen and swollen at this time, how could she answer the phone? She couldn’t help but moan when she moved her fingers.

Xiaolan didn’t answer the phone, probably because she didn’t hear it, or her phone was charging.

Kisaki Eri didn’t take it to heart. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She shot a sharp look in the direction of the Maori Detective Agency

“Humph, I wonder if that bastard Maori knows Conan’s identity”

“If she knew, she would still indulge him! Xiaolan said she would never live with that fool!”


She will personally decide to move Xiaolan today! No one can say anything! []

In the rage of Eri Kisaki, the queen is in full swing.

When Qian Jingfuyushu came in, he saw this domineering wife.

“Yo Yingli, who made you angry?”

“Tell your husband, I will help you deal with him!”


When Hibiki saw him coming, she was surprised and flustered.

She quickly went over to close the door.

“Why are you here? Aren’t you afraid of being seen??”

“I saw it, so why should I not be able to see it?”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s red eyes flashed with mischievous light……

“Or, Yingli, are you afraid that others will say that I am your illegitimate child?~”

“Yadda~ Fuyuki-kun is such a joker!”

How could she have such a cute child like Fuyuki-kun.

Even if she did, humph, with Fuyuki-kun’s possessiveness, he would never let her get close to the child. For a moment, Kisaragi covered her hot cheeks and let her imagination run wild.

Qian Jing Fuyuki was unhappy.

He just stood there, who was his woman thinking about?

“Eri! You didn’t recognize me at first sight today, and I haven’t punished you yet!”

Qian Jing Dongshu climbed up by holding on to the black silk legs of Eri Kisaki, his little hands firmly holding her bra, and said with a serious face.

His look made Eri Kisaki’s maternal love burst out!

A natural maternal instinct was completely awakened, and the love was surging!

“mo~ Dongshu-kun, you are so cute!!”

How can a woman refuse her sweetheart?

She wanted to hug him tightly, and hold him like a conjoined kangaroo wherever she went, and never let go.

“”It smells so good~”

Qian Jing Dongshu didn’t expect that Kisaragi was so self-aware, and he obediently gave her a snowball-like gift. He took a deep sniff and swallowed it like a storm!

Kisaragi’s pretty face was instantly covered with red clouds, and she collapsed on the office chair and couldn’t move.

Kuriyama Midori and Shiratori Sara were curious about the shrunken Qian Jing Dongshu. They took a sneak peek and were shocked to the point of blushing and heartbeating.

“Teacher Fei is so beautiful”

“As expected, Fuyuki-kun is Fuyuki-kun 0.0. Only he can make the teacher show such an expression!”

When Qian Jing Fuyuki walked away, Fei Yingli’s eyes were as charming as silk, and she could only look at her with a reproachful look.

“”Dongshu-kun, you are too impulsive.”

This is so cruel that even the best foundation can’t cover it up.

“Hehe, it’s because Eri is so charming, it’s not my fault.”

Qian Jing Dongshu shrugged happily.

“I won’t say any more. I’ll be back at 12:00 tonight. Please give a message to Yukiko and Curacao.”

“Ah, what about Xiaolan and the others?”

Hiki Eri asked casually.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at her with a smile and left.

Hiiki Eri understood, and the burning heat rushed from her neck to her forehead.

“This Dongshu-kun!”

She spat, but on her face was a charming smile of a happy woman who was fully nourished.

She went home happily.

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