The group took the VIP elevator to A.

Tokiwa Mio’s voice was as elegant as a violin.

Qian Jingfuyuki nonchalantly helped Yukiko massage the lumps on her vulva.

Suddenly, he asked,”Well, Mio, a president like you should have an assistant secretary, right?”

“Why don’t I see anyone?”

“Assistant Secretary?”

Tokiwa Mio was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes blinked.

“Oh~ Xiaoshu, you are talking about Sawaguchi Chinami, right?”

“The main reason is that she is usually too reckless and clumsy, and I am afraid of bumping into you.”

Little tree?

He doesn’t like this name.

Obviously, if he wants, he can be a tree that can support the sky.

All the women have seen it.

Qian Jing Dongshu sighed and looked at Tokiwa Mio deeply. He stared at the beautiful female president with her beautiful eyes, and her beautiful legs under the black silk stockings looked inexplicably old.

She hurriedly covered her blushing face

“Wow, I’ll call Chi Nami over now!”

Soon after, the reckless assistant Chi Nami Sawaguchi came with the characters including Hara Yoshiaki.

“President, you called me?”

Sawaguchi Chinami was wearing a standard OL suit, but it was hard to hide her graceful figure and tall legs. She had a cute and charming face with a pair of watery eyes.

Her cherry mouth was slightly open, tempting to find something to seal her mouth. Her slender legs were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, and her knees were round and cute just right. At first glance, they were so tender that they had never been wiped on the ground.

She seemed to have chewed peach-flavored gum before coming out. When she swallowed and spit out, a peach-like pure and seductive fragrance came out.

“Chi Nami, these are the distinguished guests who must not be neglected at the ribbon-cutting ceremony later.”

Tokiwa Mio hurriedly introduced them to her. She focused on giving a direct look to Zeni Ichiki.

“Especially this little gentleman, you must not neglect him, the future of the Changpan Group depends on his light.”

“Qian Jing? Ah, could this Shu Jun be the next heir of the Suzuki Group!”

Zekouchi Chi Nami immediately bowed in fear and trepidation, and bent down ninety degrees!

Otherwise, how could she be called reckless. She simply bowed, but her ankle twisted, and she cried out and rushed to Yukiko.

“”Chi Nami-san? Are you okay?”

Yukiko was startled and instinctively wanted to help her up.

Qian Jingfuyuki was still sitting on her arms. In this position, he slid onto Sawaguchi Chi Nami’s body. Her little hands instinctively opened.

Her face was stuffed tightly.


Maori Kogoro and the other characters haven’t gotten to know each other yet.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

“Oh my god, this guy is so lucky!”

Mouri Kogoro was so envious and jealous that he wanted to tear off the small Qian Jing Fuyuki himself!

Of course, that was absolutely impossible.


Sawaguchi Chinami reacted immediately and screamed in panic.

At this moment, I don’t know if my brain short-circuited or what, but I actually took Qian Jing Fuyuki down and stuffed him under his skirt


This time, even Tokiwa Mio

‘s face was blank and confused. She looked at her assistant with an extremely complicated look.

“Chi Nami-san, what are you doing?”

“Slurp, white……”

Qian Jing Dongshu’s face was blocked, so he could only look up to breathe.

He stared straight ahead, and a few curly and naughty black lines actually popped out.

“Chi Nami-san, the quality of your stockings doesn’t seem to be very good”

“Look, the thread is all broken.”

Qian Jingfuyu pointed upwards.

Sawaguchi Chinami shuddered again and screamed.

Her face flushed, and she hurriedly pulled it out for him.

“”Si, Si Mi Masai!! I’ll go to the bathroom to clean up!”

But after walking a few steps, there was another bang! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This time, the pear god fell, all thanks to the beautiful legs that carried Qian Jingdongshu away!

“Ah! Dong… Shu-kun!”

Yukiko watched Qian Jing Dong Shu’s face lift up the skirt and fly over, and she was so scared that she rushed over to hug him back.

Qian Jing Dong Shu had been baptized by the kisses of Kiyori and Elena, but he had never been touched by the beauty’s back.

For a moment, his brain also buzzed, and he exploded.[]

So soft, so flexible, so elastic…

Damn, how could she just miss it!!

Such a good opportunity, wasted it!

Because Qian Jingfuyuki was blocking it, no one saw anything.

Sawaguchi Chinami was also frightened and ran away after apologizing repeatedly.

“Hey!!! This kid!!! His luck is a bit too good!!!”

Maori Kogoro looked at the beauty and howled excitedly.

Looking at the dumbfounded Qian Jing Fuyuki, his fists were stiff.

Damn! This is a benefit that all men in the world dare not even think about!

He, this kid actually enjoyed it three times in a row with the advantage of being a child!!

Ah, how can this be repaired!!

Conan couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

Silently swallowing the tears of envy

“Why does it feel like the romantic encounters have become more exaggerated after the boss became smaller?”

“I took drug A as well, is it because I took it the wrong way?!”

The men looked at each other for a long time, laughed awkwardly, and then introduced themselves again.

“I am Hidehiko Kazama, an architectural designer, and I am here to observe the design of the twin-tower skyscraper.”

“‘It is said that this is the posthumous work of the genius Qian Jingfuyushu. Oh, God is jealous of his talent.’

Feng Jianying shook his head.

In this kind of occasion, no one would say that his teacher was Moriya Teiji.

“Humph, how can a dead person be called a genius?”

“Soon, Qian Jingdongshu’s halo will be shattered like the divided inheritance.”

A drunken, greasy middle-aged man with a Mediterranean appearance burped and said with disdain on his face

“What? You actually said that to Brother Fuyuki!”

Sanxiao was annoyed.

Maori Kogoro also frowned.

“Why are you so arrogant? Where are you from?”

“I am a member of the Nishitama City Council, Oki Iwamatsu!”

Mediterranean proudly puffed out his beer belly.

“Hehe, to be honest, after Qian Jingdongshu’s death, some people immediately couldn’t wait to pull him down from the altar.”

“For example, the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the twin-tower skyscraper, right, Mio-san?”

Mio Tokiwa’s face suddenly turned ugly, and when she saw Qian Jingfuyu glanced at her lightly, she was secretly relieved. (Oh my God) She forced a smile and said,”Councilman Oki is joking.”

At this time, a white-haired old man with a sullen face, a slightly hunched figure, wearing a kimono and leaning on a cane snorted coldly.

“What a mess! Mio, I’m leaving first!”

Tokiwa Mio was shocked and hurried to see her off.

“Wait, Mr. Kisaragi, please be careful on the steps.……”

“Ah, that old gentleman, could it be the national treasure-level master of painting in Japan, Ruyue Fengshui, whose classic representative works are those of Mount Fuji…”

Mouri Kogoro just remembered.

His words immediately reminded Qian Jingfuyuki.

Without his interference, the beautiful president Mio-san will definitely not die, but the old man will still act according to the plot, even if he fails, he will have to go to jail.

Then he must resell his paintings and make a lot of money while he is still famous. It would be even better if he could unlock his studio on the top of Mount Fuji with the best view and the property rights of Mount Fuji. Just as he thought about it, the system dinged twice in his ears!

Trigger today’s wish come true!.

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