“Who else would come at this time?”

Fujieda Suka was disheartened and asked the servant to open the door.

Unexpectedly, the person who came in this time was a gorgeous lady who was dressed in gorgeous clothes and showed her brilliance at first glance, making her feel a sense of crisis!

“You, you are not the international superstar Yukiko! ?”

Fujieda Moka and Fujieda Shigeru were both shocked!

“Ah~ Looks like I arrived at the right time”


Yukiko smiled and nodded to them casually.

Then, not to be outdone, she sat on the other side of Qian Jingfuyuki.

Because of the huge presence of Ki Eri, she snorted and grabbed Qian Jingfuyuki’s big hand and held her fingers together.

“Yukiko, Eri, you two……”

Qian Jingfuyu looked at them in surprise.

His eyes immediately fell on Yukiko’s handbag.

“Are these bulging things all bottles?””Three, five, seven”

“Don’t pretend, Fuyuki-kun. You must have known it from Xiaolan Yuanzi.”

Yukiko winked mischievously.

Then, in front of Kisaki Eri, she said slowly:

“But I brought ten at a time. I was full of confidence and determined to return with a full load!”


Hiki Eri was surprised.

She only brought seven or eight. Yukiko was indeed her nemesis. She was really trying too hard!

Wasn’t she afraid of exhaustion?

“In that case, then, Fuyuki-kun, I will also sacrifice my life to accompany you!”

Try to grab Fuyuki-kun’s attention and let him give less to Yukiko!

Crackling –

Queen Teitan VS Princess Teitan.

One is serious and solemn, the other is smiling.

When their eyes meet, it’s like a thunderbolt, a needle against a wheat spike!

In such a tense atmosphere, only Qian Jing Fuyuki enjoys it.

Two gorgeous wives are competing, isn’t he the beauty?


Fujieda Suka interrupted with sweat dripping down her cheeks

“So you all came for Fuyuki-kun?”

He is really as handsome and romantic as the rumors say!

As a man, Fujieda Shigeru couldn’t help but cast a look of envy and jealousy.

It hurts his self-esteem. He has been single for so many years and no women like him.

Fuyuki-kun is surrounded by beautiful mature women with natural beauty.

“I’ll go see why my brother-in-law hasn’t come yet.”

But before he could go over, Fujieda Mikio and Ueki Souhachi came over.

“Yo! Master Fuyuki! Welcome to my Fujieda Mansion”

“I already know about the rent.”

“Please wait a moment, I will let my men transfer the money to you after I figure it out!”

What tricks does the old fox want to play again?

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows.

Fujieda Suhua was stunned for a moment.


He’s crazy!

That’s 2 billion yen!

The key is to transfer it from her account. Her heart is bleeding!

Fujieda Kan’o coughed and looked at her meaningfully.

“Suhua, it’s just right that you come with me.”

He bowed politely to Qian Jing Dongshu, smiled and said goodbye.

Then he quickly led his nominal concubine, but actually his daughter, to the corridor.

“Suhua, there is only one way to save our property now.”

“I’ll create an opportunity for you later, go and hook up with Fuyuki-kun!”

???? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Fujieda Moka was stunned.

Is there such a good thing in the world?!

After reacting, she covered her cheeks that instantly turned red, and she was so happy that she almost flew up!

“Ah~ Master, how can I be so embarrassed? I am still your wife in name only.~”

“Soon not!”[]

You can’t catch a wolf without sacrificing your wife.

Fujieda Kan’ao looked at her deeply.

He was extremely fortunate that he had secretly brought this illegitimate daughter back to his side in the name of marrying a concubine.

Raise a daughter for a thousand days, use her for a moment.

As long as he uses the beauty trap to firmly hook Fuyuki’s heart

, it won’t take much time, even just one night tonight!

He can also find someone to clean up as soon as possible and transfer the huge amount of funds to his overseas accounts in batches!

By then, even if Qian Jing Fuyuki has great magical powers in Japan and has a wide range of connections, he can’t pursue the debt across borders!

Fujieda Kan’ao, who knows nothing about Qian Jing Fuyuki’s actual sphere of influence and his current influence in the world, showed a cunning smile.

“If the master is willing to sign the divorce agreement now, then of course I have no problem~”

No matter how stupid Fujieda Suhua is, she should be more careful when it comes to her own interests.

She was not immediately dazzled by the handsome man and enormous wealth of the landlord Sang.

“Humph, you’re lucky!”

“As compensation, after the divorce agreement is signed, I will deposit 50,000 MiCoins (759,000 yuan/360,000 coins) into your account every month.”

“Just three years, no more, if you marry someone else in advance, the payment will also be terminated……”

Fujieda Kan’ao knew that this illegitimate daughter was stupid, so he deliberately used Japanese currency to deceive her.

Compared with his snowballing debt of more than 2 billion yen with interest compounding, even if he paid Fujieda Soka for three years, it would only be 270 million yen.

When she couldn’t pay back the money, she would have to ask the richest man in Japan to pay for it!

“Eh? 50,000 Mibi, how many Japanese yen is that?……”

As expected, Fujieda Suka stupidly counted on her fingers.

“I will ask Ueki Sohachi to prepare a candlelight dinner and red wine for you.”

“Suhua, please don’t let me down!”

Fujieda Kan’ao smiled sinisterly and went to the study to continue looking at the account book.

“Dear guests, please enjoy the dinner prepared by our master.”

Ueki Kusahachi coughed a few times and warmly invited Qian Jingfuyushu, Kisaki Eri and Yukiko to take a seat.

When Fujieda Soka came back lightly, she saw the red wine on the table.

Her pretty face flushed. Her beautiful eyes looked drunk, and she stared at Qian Jingfuyushu shyly.

Qian Jingfuyushu had hacked the surveillance camera and knew what was going on.

He also took the lead and found out Fujieda Kan’o’s self-righteous dry account.

He blew up all the gold coins of Lao Deng and transferred them to his own account.

He then borrowed from these empty accounts to get loans from major international banks in the world.

Since he had divorced Fujieda Soka and that person was going to die, it would not be too much to provide 5.6 points of excess value if he dared to plot against him.

As for those debts.

Qian Jingfuyushu made a phone call and someone immediately gave it to him intact.���Back to Fujieda Kan’o’s name.

There will be no chance to rely on him through Fujieda Suka, it is destined to be a dead account.

After doing the above operations, Qian Jing Dongshu was in a good mood and didn’t mind flirting with the stupid beauty.

“”Mrs. Suhua, why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?”

Facing his smiling red eyes, Fujieda Suhua’s heart beat as fast as a drum, and she didn’t know what to do with her hands and feet.

“Mojilong~ Dongshujun, you have some red wine on your lips, let me wipe it off for you~ Ah!”

She accidentally knocked over the wine glass

“Simimasa~Dongshu-kun, I am so reckless!”

“Come with me to the guest room, I will help you clean your pants~”

Fujieda Suhua was so nervous that she was trembling, and her excitement was full of anticipation, and her eyes were charming.

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