Kuroba Kaito couldn’t remember how he spent that day.

He only remembered the black smoke. Oh, his magic trick failed.

Ding-ling-ling – the rapid sound of the fire alarm was as urgent as a life-threatening sound.

The Medieval Art Museum was quite fashionable at that time, and it was equipped with a fully automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system.

There were already a lot of people, and now they were all scared.

Screams of people fleeing in panic were everywhere.

The three children accidentally did something bad, and they felt guilty, flustered, anxious and wanted to cry.

However, the situation was so bad that they went from supporting each other to looking for their parents, but somehow they got separated and let go of each other’s hands.

Then… it was twelve years of suffocation and nightmare.

Because Xiaolan was missing.

The Nakamori family exploded.

Aoko returned home and stayed indoors for three whole days, almost starving herself to death. She was tormented by self-blame every day, which made her hate herself, and even resented him, ignoring him for twelve whole years.

“Kuroba Kaito, it’s you who separated us sisters. If Xiaolan doesn’t come back, I will never forgive you.”

“Of course, I, as your elder sister, also have a lot of responsibility.”

“If God opens his eyes and allows me to reunite with Xiaolan one day, I, as her sister, will always follow her footsteps, never separate, and stay together even when we get married.”

Kaito Kuroba feels guilty towards Nakamori Aoko and Nakamori Ran.

So he is ashamed to see Officer Nakamori, and as Kaito Kid, he will quickly put back the stolen jewelry.

In the past twelve years, except for the time when he and his aunt Chikage Kuroba searched all over the world because of his father’s disappearance, there was not a single day that he didn’t want to work hard to find any clues about Xiaolan. Kaito Kuroba ended his memories.

He let out a long breath, and his eyes became naughty and sharp again.

He looked at the glass window where things had changed but people hadn’t, and smiled arrogantly.

“So, how can we just tear down something that’s twenty years old and represents the memories of so many people?”

“If it is dismantled casually, how will Xiaolan from the Nakamori family return home?”

【Mr. Manaka, right?

I heard you have a famous painting called Heaven’s Punishment.

It’s mine.


I was not in the mood to play word puzzles, and I did not want my pure childhood memories to be tainted by any shadow.

Kuroba Kaito took a deep look at the pastoral painting, blew bubbles, and left with his hands in his pockets.

“Time is running out, I have to prepare quickly and give you a unique magic show”

“Hey, won’t some nitpicking critic come out to mess things up this time~”

Immersed in the dark memories, Kuroba Kaito didn’t notice. Just around the corner of the wall, there was a sunflower that looked like Van Gogh’s, with a green light flashing on the core.

A faint beeping sound was ringing..

Vermouth wore a black kimono today and tied her hair in an elegant bun. She was as beautiful as a painting even when she stood there quietly.

There were crowds of people around her, but because of her mysterious temperament, no one dared to approach her.

“Hey~ Landlord, why are you here just now? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“If the press conference had started a little later, I would have thought you would have stood me up.

Seeing Qian Jingdongshu coming, Vermouth quickly stepped forward.

With a gentle smile, the aura of aloofness on her body instantly dissipated into the sky.

“Mrs. Sharon, you are so punctual.”

“Fortunately, I figured out that you women are prone to being late, so I came on time.

Seeing Vermouth’s eyebrows twitching, as if she had something to say,

Qian Jing Dongshu immediately changed the subject and said humorously:

“Of course, how could I bear to let such a beautiful yoga studio owner stand up? Of course I have to hold her in my hands.”

Vermouth’s cheeks were burning

“Landlord Sang is such a joke”

“Let’s go in quickly, everyone said the warm-up performance is about to begin.”

She naturally took Qian Jing Dongshu’s arm.

From an outsider’s point of view, they looked like a perfect match.


Want to take the initiative?

Qian Jing Dongshu took the initiative and directly held the Thousand Faces Witch’s fragrant and soft hands tightly.

Vermouth was stunned.

No matter how she tried to show her charming side, she learned it for Qian Jing Dongshu.

In the past, relying on her status as the granddaughter of the boss, who dared not respect her?

That mysterious temperament was naturally the effect of taking the A drug, plus the natural charm.

Over time, people thought she was a veteran.

But God knows that every time she went on a mission, she just moved her mouth to command others to run errands, and she has never touched a man!

This guy……

“Landlord Sang……”

Qian Jingdongshu naturally put one hand on Vermouth’s shoulder

“Mrs. Sharon, relax, you seem too nervous”

“Look, everyone is looking at you.”

“Such a beautiful lady, smile?”

He said so, but his action was overbearing, making Vermouth’s face only face him.

Poor witch Beijie, you have never experienced love. No matter how exquisitely you imitate, your walking posture and subtle changes in joints will betray you.

You bumped into my hand today.

If you want to help me, then help me to the end.

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