
How did he know she was here?

At this moment, Shimabukuro Kimie was not only nervous and panicked because her crime was discovered. She was also embarrassed and in a complicated mood because of Qian Jingfuyuki’s meticulous dragon grip.

“In fact, I discovered this when I was giving you the compression treatment on your lower body.”

“Before coming here, I specifically checked Kadowaki Saori online and found that her latest medical insurance purchase record was for toothache medicine.

Qian Jingfuyushu said with his hands behind his back.

“But what is strange is that even though they have to take toothache medication that is addictive, they can still resist going to the dentist.”

“On the contrary, Ms. Kimie, who is Saori Kadowaki’s best friend, had her medical insurance card used at a dental clinic and had a minor surgery.”

“Miss Junhui couldn’t help but scream during the treatment, revealing her clean gums with no signs of recent dental surgery.”

“So it is conceivable that the person who used your medical insurance card for surgery must be Kadowaki Saori who ran away from home to find you again.”

Shimabukuro-kun’s beautiful eyes trembled, and it turned out that her teeth were exposed!?

The scary Fuyuki-kun, he really sees everything, and his hacking skills are even more advantageous in solving cases!

“Fuyuki-kun is really amazing. I admit defeat.

Shimabukuro-kun smiled sadly.

“But I really can’t accept that the three executioners who set fire to my mother many years ago are still alive.”

“Not only did he not repent, he also intended to dig up my mother’s bones, just because of the illusory mermaid legend!!”

With tears in her eyes, she told Qian Jing Dongshu what happened that year.

Qian Jing Dongshu knew the plot, so he listened silently.

“……After hearing that Kadowaki Saori wanted to be immortal and free from pain because of toothache, she ground mermaid bones into powder and drank it.”

“The hatred that erupted in my heart at that moment finally turned me into a devil”

“Kadowaki Saori is not dead yet. I knocked her out and put her in the warehouse that was rebuilt after my mother’s death. I also want her to die in the sea of fire.”

“I used the medical insurance card to confuse the detectives and police who solved the case later, hoping to fake my own death and get away, to get revenge perfectly, and then get away from this place.”

After saying this, Shimabukuro Kimie finally felt relieved.

She pursed her lips and stretched out her trembling white hands.

“But now that you have discovered me right after I killed Ebihara Sumi, you should just arrest me and hand me over to the police!”

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at her, but smiled and shook his head.

“Miss Junhui misunderstood. I am not a moralist.”

“Tit for tat, they killed your mother and dug up her grave, you can’t stand it anymore, it’s only natural to avenge your mother.”

Shimabukuro Kimie’s heart suddenly hit.

Unbelievable, a light like a willow willow flower brightened her face

“What about you, Dongshu-kun?”

“I can keep the information to myself, but I can also help Miss Jun Hui.”

“Anyway, it’s mutually beneficial. I don’t like this corrupt dugong sacrifice stained with human blood. I want to abolish it before acquiring Mermaid Island.”

“But before that, you have to pay a little hush money.”

Dongdong, Dongdong…

What does Dongshu mean is that as long as she gives it to him, it will still be okay!?

Shimabukuro Junhui suddenly felt dry in the mouth. Somehow, she was not surprised at all by Dongshu Jun’s request.

Perhaps from the moment he touched her most private part, everything about her was tacitly opened to him.

“If Fuyuki-kun is willing to keep silent and help me with revenge, I am willing to give everything..”

Even if it was the devil’s temptation, she accepted it!

Qian Jingfuyushu used the god-level prayer for the first time in the shrine, holding Shimabukuro Kimie.

The original dance posture of the great god was perfectly performed with the addition of the dance god and invincible physical skills.

With 100% attribute bonus, Shimabukuro Kimie fully accepted the baptism of God.

It was only because of Qian Jingfuyushu’s rational Sanmi water that she did not faint and could remain calm.

Shimabukuro Kimie’s face was full of seductive blush. At this moment, only by being closely connected with Qian Jingfuyushu’s performance could she feel the power of the system buff.

“A dream? What is this?”

The god-level blessing given by Masami at the sign-in shrine not only enhances the attributes comprehensively.

After praying once, you will get a random buff that will last for 24 hours.

Qian Jingdongshu spawned something similar to the cult’s fascinating mind.

It radiates the entire island, and after evoking the deepest evil desires in people’s hearts, a small spark can magnify it infinitely.

“Junhui, you will say this at the Dugong Festival.……”

Qian Jing Dongshu taught her word by word.

Shimabukuro Kimie nodded her head repeatedly.

When the ceremony began, she hunched her back and pretended to be a longevity woman, announcing the number in public and giving out the dugong arrow.

Shimabukuro Kimie looked at Qian Jing Dongshu in the crowd and nodded, and smiled mysteriously at everyone on the island.

“This Dugong Festival is different~”

“If the people who master the dugong arrows kill each other, they will be punished by the mermaids.”

“The raging waves on the sea will never stop, and all the travelers who come here with high hopes will be driven back by the huge waves, and the island will no longer enjoy the joy of a good harvest.”

“If the person who brought the disaster is not eliminated in the most cruel way, the dugong arrow will completely lose its immortality effect, and the prosperous mermaid island will also usher in the end.”

Why did the longevity lady suddenly leave such an ominous prophecy?

The islanders who knew the truth looked at each other in bewilderment.

But because of the presence of guests like Qian Jingdongshu and other tourists, it was difficult to raise questions.

Conan felt more and more uneasy when he heard this.

“Then, the fireworks ceremony officially begins——”

As the longevity woman left the stage,

Shimabukuro Kimie appeared in a white shrine maiden costume, with delicate makeup and a serious expression as she shouted loudly.

Fukuyama Rokuro and other young men beat the drums vigorously, moved the venue, and fireworks burst into life!

“Ah! That’s it!”

Under the brilliant light of the fireworks, the body of Sumi Ebihara hanging on the waterfall was discovered!

Conan and the others changed their faces and rushed over like crazy.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the screams of Kimie Shimabukuro were heard from the other direction!

“”Ahhh! Naoko, you and Saori are so mean to your grandmother!!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Conan almost ran to the waterfall, but he braked suddenly.

Together with some confused islanders, he rushed back.

“What happened to Grandma!?”

“And Miss Naoko and Saori-san!”

Everyone rushed to the warehouse and was shocked to see the bloody scene in front of them! []

Kadowaki Saori fell to the ground with a hideous and horrified face, holding a dugong arrow in her hand.

The short longevity woman also fell to the ground, and her walking stick flew far away.

It seemed that the arrow had just been pulled out from her back, and the wound was horrifyingly rolled up, and blood was gushing out.

Only Kuroe Naoko was fine. She looked at the dugong arrow in her hand stained with scarlet blood in horror.

Seeing everyone rushing over, she was so scared that she threw it away.

She screamed and explained

“I, I was hit by an arrow, but I wasn’t the one who stabbed Saori!”

“Just now, someone who looked very much like Saori was chasing me with an arrow and trying to stab me!”

“I, I just fought back instinctively, who knew I would stab the longevity woman!”

Kadowaki Benzo wailed, rushed over and picked up Kadowaki Saori

“Saori! My daughter! You actually killed her!”

“Why, even though she was hit by an arrow last year, you have been hit by one too now! You shouldn’t be too jealous!”

“The prophecy of the longevity lady actually came true!!”

The islanders looked at Shimabukuro Kimie, who was standing by in a shrine maiden costume with a sad face, in horror.

Then they looked at the longevity lady who fell to the ground.

Their brains were not enough.


They all knew that the longevity lady and the mermaid legend were specialties that attracted foreign tourists.

Three years ago, there was a fire in the warehouse. Junhui’s mother, who was playing the longevity lady with her legs tied, had her leg bones crushed by the collapsed beams. Only the upper body bones were dug out, which led to the news that the news media reported the mermaid legend on the island.

In order to inherit her mother’s will and maintain the prosperity of this small island, Junhui continued to play the longevity lady.

And all of them who knew about it did not expose it for their own interests and unwillingness.

So Shimabukuro Kimie and the longevity lady cannot appear at the same time?

Then who is the one falling to the ground??!

“”Longevity lady! She really is the immortal longevity lady!””

“She must have eaten mermaid flesh, and the dead Jun Hui’s mother was her imitator!!”

“So, we were so stupid that we actually watched a centenarian die right before our eyes!”

“It was all caused by these two sword-wielding women holding dugong arrows!!”

“For the sake of peace on the whole island, to calm the anger of the mermaids, kill the culprit!!”

A few angry voices suddenly burst out from the crowd.

Qian Jingfushu’s Thousand Changes of Disguise, the Voice of Heaven was activated.

He randomly disguised the voices of a few islanders and played with the emotions of all the islanders who came to participate in the Dugong Festival.

The dream bubble buff began to take effect.

The people who were originally shocked by the sight of Ebihara Sumi’s corpse and began to enter hallucinations without knowing it.

Once again stimulated by the fake scene of mutual slaughter, they thought that the legend of the longevity lady and the mermaid really existed, but they were destroyed before their eyes.

Everyone was completely furious.

“Swordman!! Return the life of a long-lived woman!!”

“Can the (huge) loss of the entire island be compensated just because of you two?!”

“Eliminate the culprit, rush into the waves to wash away the sins!”

Greed, superstition, delusion, blind obedience… evil desires from various interest angles are constantly magnified.

The scene began to get out of control.

Conan stared at this scene in amazement, realizing that Naoko Kuroe was in a bad situation, but it was too late to stop it!

“Wait, you can’t do this! If she really kills Grandma and Saori-san, there will be legal consequences!”

“You can’t resort to lynching! Hey!!”

He was so anxious that he jumped up and down, and wanted to find the boss, but he saw Qian Jingdongshu had gone to comfort Shimabukuro Junhui.

“Damn it! Why did it become like this!!”

In Conan’s horrified eyes, he frantically called the police and tried to use the police’s presence to intimidate everyone.

In the end, he was slapped and flew away, hitting the reef and fainting.���The child was finally drowned by the crazy crowd on the island.

The screams continued for a long time.

Even the body of Kadowaki Saori was not spared.

Only when the waves washed away the remaining human blood and the blood on people’s bodies did people realize what had happened.

“You, you are just like savages in a wilderness!”

“Too cruel!!”

Conan woke up and saw it, and his worldview was shattered!

When the Fukui Prefecture police arrived, they were dumbfounded to learn that there were two victims, and the perpetrators were all fishermen on the island except for the children.

“How can I catch this!”

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