What did she see!

Although she was blocked by Dongshu Jun, the dazzling white was reflected in her eyes!

Hattori Shizuka was so shocked that she couldn’t say a word, her cheeks flushed, and she ran away! The sharp-eyed Pu Siqinglan found that she was also very embarrassed, but she was really too busy to take care of herself at the moment.

“Mr. Dongshu, I really know I was wrong. Please forgive me this time, sir!”

The beautiful scorpion Shi Kaobing even knelt down to beg Qian Jing Dongshu for mercy.

Qian Jing Dongshu still spared her life because she was sensible in the end and handed over the treasures of the Romanov dynasty that she had plundered for so many years.

“I’ll take you back to my room to rest, and let the police search this place.”

He put the ring on the devil’s horns.

He hugged the man and walked out with big strides.

“Dong Shujun……”

Hattori Shizuka was outside with her head steaming and she hadn’t recovered yet.

When she saw them, she felt so guilty.

“Did I bother you? I’m so sorry.……”

“It’s nothing, Jinghua, you can tell it’s work-related.

Qian Jing Dongshu raised his eyebrows at her happily.

Thanks to her for alerting the enemy, Shi Kaobing almost jumped up, which made him feel even more comfortable.

After Qian Jing Dongshu and the other person left, Hattori Jinghua saw with her own eyes that they were in disheveled clothes and could not possibly carry guns or anything.

She immediately asked people to search Pu Siqinglan’s room and all the places she had been to thoroughly.

“Huh! ? How could there be none! ?”

Where are the gun and the ring?

Considering the cold-blooded killer like Scoobing’s reliance on guns and his obsession with Romanov dynasty antiques, it is impossible to just throw them into the sea.

Is there a mistake in the reasoning? It shouldn’t be!

Hattori Shizuka was puzzled and completely stunned!

Kuroba Kaito was also secretly staring at Pu Siqinglan.

Her identity as Scoobing could be hidden from others, but not from him.

But who would have thought that before he could find a chance to approach this woman, Qian Jing Dongshu appeared.

“Are you still pretending? Do I need to call all the police and security guards here right now?

Qian Jingdong smiled without any smile, and Kuroba Kaito was numb.

“Brother, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have attacked the Egg of Memory!”

“But listen to me, I have reasons why I have to do this!”

“Who knows if the treasure of the phantom dream is another Pandora’s box!”

He originally wanted to steal the egg of memory so that no one could find out the secret behind it.

Let those bad guys keep an eye on him. Anyway

, he doesn’t have to worry about too much debt.

After a long time, with the help of Grandpa Terai and Aunt Terai, he can walk his dog around the world and spread a bunch of false news.

But he was so busy planning that he forgot that the egg of memory belonged to Qian Jing Dongshu!!

He was shot in the right eye last night. Even if it was blocked by the lens, his head is still buzzing.

Seeing that the owner finally lost his temper, he smiled again and again.

“No matter what you do now, the Egg of Memory and the Bellagio will definitely appear~”

“You stole my treasure once, and I want you to do something to make up for it.

Qian Jingdongshu looked at him with a smile.

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

Looking at Qian Jingfuyushu’s attitude, I know that he wants to protect Shi Kaobing. Beautiful women are popular.

Kuroba Kaito can only secretly curse his bad luck and pray madly that he won’t make things too difficult for him this time.

“I’ll lend you my Kaito Kid dummy.”

Kuroba Kaito:???!

Let him take the blame for murder? He doesn’t want it!

Ten minutes later. After being beaten up, Kuroba Kaito had dark circles under his eyes and let go of his dummy with tears streaming down his face.

“It’s over… After those embarrassing photos of me making faces, my reputation is completely ruined”

“Qian Jing Dong Shu!! I swear I will avoid you next time I see you, or I will be a puppy!!”

“Kaito Kidd!!!”

Above the yacht, they were surprised to see Kaito Kidd escaping on a hang glider.

Hattori Shizuka shouted angrily and led the team to fire into the air, but failed to intercept him.

“Damn it, no wonder I couldn’t find the ring anywhere, he must have stolen it!”

“They were able to survive under the gun of the Scott soldiers and even faked their death to deceive the police. Maybe they are accomplices!!”

The reputation of the victim, Kuroba Kaito, was wearing a white bird skin and facing the gaze of Qian Jing Fuyuki. He dared not say a word and could only cry in his heart.

Seeing the people flying farther and farther away, Inspector Megure was as worried as a bucket.

“Now we have to find people from the Second Investigation Division to catch Kidd.”

“The information about Shi Kaobing from Interpol also needs to be re-investigated and updated.”

Qian Jingdongshu looked at the magnificent castle Bellagio not far from the shore and smiled relaxedly:

“It doesn’t matter, we are about to reach the destination, let’s go see what the hidden treasure is.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s enthusiasm was mobilized.

The haze of Hanchuan Long’s murder dissipated, and everyone now has only one goal!

The real egg of memories! The treasure of the dream phantom!

Everyone who devoted themselves to the next treasure hunt did not notice that many robots appeared in the forest near the castle.

Qian Jing Dongshu retracted his gaze and smiled playfully.

Since it is coming to an end, of course, those potential troublemakers have to be deterred a little.

For example, set off a large firework to celebrate.

Except for Pu Siqinglan, who was cruelly harmed by Dongshu and could not get up, everyone entered the castle one after another

“Mina, follow me closely. There are many traps in the castle to prevent theft.”

Natsumi Kosaka led the way.

As General Qian looked at the magnificent castle with a long history, he immediately became greedy.

This castle has traps, and it is obvious that Phantom has hidden the treasure inside!

Only a fool would not leave the group! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

His eyes rolled, and suddenly he held his stomach and shouted

“I suddenly have to go to the bathroom, where is it?”

Kosaka Natsumi said without a doubt.

“It’s at the corner of the corridor. Do you want me to ask the butler to take you there?”

“No no, I’ll be right back!”[]

Qian Jiang was so happy that he jogged along.

As soon as he knocked on the wall, he found a secret behind a hanging oil painting. He was about to take out the master key that was hidden the deepest and not searched by the police from his inner pocket.

In the darkness, two red lights flashed!

Qian Jiang’s eyes bulged!

He covered his neck that was shot by the laser gun and died on the spot!

“”If you find garbage, clean it up.”

Katyusha appeared and took care of the aftermath.

She pressed the button and disposed of Qian Jiangyi’s body just like the gold diggers who had trespassed into the castle before.

At the same time, everyone walked to the workshop of Kosaka Natsumi’s great-grandfather, Kiichi.

“If my great-grandfather left any clues to another egg, I guess this is the only place.”

“Fortunately, the castle owner has asked us to keep it as it is and not to clean it casually.”

After hearing that Kosaka Natsumi could not give any more clues, everyone dispersed to search.

Qian Jingfuyu opened the Eye of Insight and easily found the entrance to the underground passage.

“Here, there is a combination lock.”

A piece of inconspicuous floor was lifted up, and a damp and gloomy air wafted out.

Sergei was immediately excited when he saw that it was the words of the fighting nation.

“I want to try entering”Hi”?”


“What about Kosaka Natsumi?”


“Egg of memories?”

Still wrong.

After asking Kosaka Natsumi, even Kiichi and her great-grandmother’s birthday, anniversary and death date were entered.

“‘Looking at the display, it seems that there is only one last chance left.’

Qian Jingfuyu looked at the password board and pointed to the 9/10 mark under the narrow electronic screen.

Everyone’s face suddenly became solemn.

They dared not try again. What if the password board was blocked, the treasure would be sealed forever before they could find it!

Kuroba Kaito was even more secretly happy. It would be best if he couldn’t find it, so that he could rest assured.

“The magician of the end of the century.”

Maria suddenly said.

Everyone looked at her immediately after hearing this, and Kuroba Kaito froze.

How did Her Majesty know? Could it be that she and that great-grandmother really were!!

Qian Jingdongshu was also curious,”Because of Mr. Kiichi’s previous title?”

“No, everyone knows that in those three days, the giant thief who shocked the whole of Europe and even the whole world”

“He flew his dream plane, plundered the wealth of the entire European royal family while chatting and laughing, as if he had performed a grand magic show for everyone, and then calmly left the stage under the attention of the world, and disappeared for a full eighty years.”

“Many people admired him, worshipped him, and secretly gave him a nickname, the magician of the end of the century.

Maria’s beautiful eyes were full of love, and she looked at Qian Jingdongshu intoxicatedly.

“No one can surpass him, and Xiyi himself knows that he does not deserve this title.”

“The owner of this castle is indeed related to the phantom of the dream from eighty years ago!”

Everyone looked at the code board again, their expressions became extremely hot again!

They all knew that they were only one step away from the amazing treasure!

Sergey entered the code (Zhao Hao Zhao) with trembling hands


The password is correct.



The rolling mechanism is activated!

Under the shocked gaze of the plot people and the police, the floor retreats, revealing a long dark passage.

“I’ll go check it out first.

Qian Jingdongshu has a full-level poison technique, an immortal body, and is not afraid of marsh gas and mold.

He turned on his lighter and walked down the stairs.

“Wait, Fuyuki-kun! Be careful!!”

Hattori Shizuka was so nervous that she didn’t even have time to call him.

As Qian Jingfuyuki passed by, layers of fire appeared on the walls on both sides, illuminating the entire passage!

Everyone was shocked.

“Could an agency from sixty years ago be capable of this?”

“It’s just like those movies about treasure hunting in a cave deep in the desert.

Qian Jingdongshu felt it.

“The air here is flowing. Except for the smell of rusty machinery and something rotting, everything is fine. Come down.”

Everyone looked at each other, and now they had no scruples and walked forward excitedly.

Until Song came to a door.

Looking at the double-headed eagle with a crown on its head that occupied the entire wall, it was guarding a huge snow-capped tree in front of its chest with fanatical eyes, and bowed its head devoutly.

At first glance, it seemed that it wanted to worship the crown shining with gems.

This strange and inexplicably terrifying huge mural instantly captured everyone’s heart.

It made their bodies shrink!

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