“But whoosh! That Kidd guy!!”

The Japanese police were all furious.

Why did he do it at this time!!

Let them collectively make a fool of themselves in front of the Queen!

Qian Jingfuyushu smiled

“Don’t worry, it’s just a little magic trick.

He put on his magic gloves and snapped his fingers.

The same smoke appeared, and a new Easter egg appeared there.

“It’s so scary! Fuyuki, you can even joke about this?”Mouri

Kogoro couldn’t help but stare at him.

However, when people walked out of the art gallery with the empress, talking and laughing,

Qian Jingfuyu glanced at all the policemen who breathed a sigh of relief with a half-smile.

“Are you kidding? Let’s take action now.”

“The new one was specially made for me to prepare for Kidd and other thieves.”

“Nani! ? ?”

“So, Kid has really made his move?”

Chaki Shintaro and Nakamori Ginzo looked at each other in horror!

A group of policemen immediately felt their scalps tingling, and they hurriedly went to catch Kid.

The characters who had been following Suzuki Shiro also changed their expressions and went out to make phone calls.

Qian Jingfuyu’s phone was even more annoying, as more than 60 customers were calling him.

His intelligent AI conscientiously created the corresponding personality and was more than enough to handle it.

Qian Jingfuyu took Kosaka Natsumi to the Queen’s appointment.

State Guesthouse.

Let Kosaka Natsumi wait upstairs first. When Qian Jingfuyu saw Maria, she immediately rushed over enthusiastically.

“Mr. Fuyuki~I haven’t seen you for 80 years. I miss you so much.”

“If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t know what faith I had to rely on to support myself.

Qian Jing Dongshu hugged her voluptuous body and kissed her as a reward.

“After all the hardships, you have finally come to me, haven’t you?”

“If you want to see me in the future, I can just ask the maid to open the portal”

“”Master Fuyuki~”

Maria couldn’t hold back her passion and hugged him.

“My God, my great Lord, I am your most loyal servant.”

“I beg for your grace today……”

Qian Jingdongshu listened to her whispering devoutly in his ear, and his red eyes gradually deepened.

“Maria, you are much bolder than before”

“Anna, the little one, can drink your champagne. If it were me, I would be able to drink a few glasses, not to mention… I can even get used to drinking.”

Maria had taken off her disguise at this time, revealing her true appearance.

Her cheeks were flushed, but her beautiful eyes were brave and bright. She gently touched her abdomen. Her gray pupils were filled with the love that had been suppressed for eighty years and suddenly burst out.

“My heart and my heart miss you so much.

Seeing Maria begging so humbly, how could Qian Jingdongshu not give her a reward?

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the shadows were swaying.

It was a joy to meet an old friend again, but Qian Jingdongshu also didn’t forget Kosaka Natsumi.

He was a fair man, and if you took something from him, you would have to pay for it.


The door opened, and Natsumi Kosaka looked at Qian Jingfuyuki, who had a ruddy face and a lazy aura.

For some reason, her pretty face turned red.

Facing the most famous landlord in Neon at such a close distance, she found that she had underestimated the man’s charm.

“Please come in soon.”

Sitting on the sofa, Kosaka Natsumi felt a little awkward.

In fact, she was one of the few people in the art gallery who could tell at a glance that the eggs behind were not genuine.

She couldn’t help but look at Qian Jingfuyu worriedly.

“Mr. Fuyuki, will the Egg of Memories be okay?”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. Since I was a kid, people have always looked at me strangely and called me Pandora.”

“I may be the witch who opened the ominous box in the legend without knowing it.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She laughed at herself sadly and lowered her head.

Now she changed her woolen coat and wore casual clothes provided by Japan.

The JK sailor suit she wore outlined her graceful body, and her white skin was faintly visible.

It made the baby face as big as a palm more delicate and tender.

Qian Jing Dongshu smiled and comforted her[]

“No, Kidd’s notice was sent out early.”

“That thief always wants to create chaos.”

“”Red Bean?”

Kosaka Natsumi looked up.

Her innocent and charming face was blushing with nervousness and anticipation, like a flower waiting to be picked.

The girl looked youthful and charming, and her slender legs were covered with white cotton stockings, which was very tempting.

Qian Jingfushu approached with a wicked smile.

“Of course, how could I lie to a beautiful woman?”

“There is also the question of the ownership of the Egg of Memory. Let’s talk about it.……”

“Dong, Dongshu-kun… um!”

Natsumi Kosaka’s gray eyes trembled, rippling, and then she closed her beautiful eyes and fell into it.

It was another busy night.

Qian Jing Dongshu helped the sleeping Natsumi Kosaka cover the quilt and took out his mobile phone.

Turning on the surveillance, the whole Osaka Castle was under his sight.

As expected, those bandits who wanted to fish in troubled waters were chased away by mechanical security and energetic police detectives.

Kaito Kid had the help of Terai Huangnosuke and Kuroba Chikage, so he blew up the substation and escaped the layers of siege without danger.

Soon, he will fly over Kyoto Bay as the plot shows.

“‘Neon Police are as useless as ever”

“But Kidd did well this time.”

It’s understandable that others can’t get any benefits from the woman he has enchanted.

Qian Jing Dongshu summoned the hovercraft and headed straight for Kyoto Bay at maximum speed.

The Supreme Black Mamba, which already had smooth lines, now blended into the night, leaving only an afterimage that was invisible to the human eye.

When he got to the bridge, Qian Jing Dongshu slowly assembled the sniper rifle he designed and modified himself.

The sponsors were urging him, but he was still waiting for the important person to appear.

In front of him, with him as the vertex of the triangle, it extended to the high-rise buildings on both sides.

A specially modified silencer pistol, the red dot was aimed at Kidd’s right eye in the sky.

“”Huh? What’s that?”

Kuroba Kaito was shaken for a moment, and before he could realize what was wrong, whoosh— the bullet hit his monocle, and the impact caused him to scream and fall into the water!


Scoop saw the egg of memory falling and rushed over immediately.

On the other side of the building, Akai Shuichi was just pulled out by James, and after sealing and bandaging, he came to stare at Kidd.

“”Shuichi, are you really okay?”

James looked at Shuichi Akai, who was sweating profusely. He couldn’t imagine how much pain he was in.

Shuichi Akai’s face turned pale, and his scope was still fixed on the Scooper who was running down towards the Egg of Memories.

“This is the only chance. While everyone in Neon is paying attention to Kidd and the bandits,”

“We must get the Egg of Memory!”


Akai Shuichi’s pupils were cold and sharp, and he pressed the trigger decisively!

Unexpectedly, on the other side of the bridge, there was an ultra-long-distance force that he and Shi Kaobing had ignored and never expected.

The cross-sea bridge three kilometers away

“The golden eagle is going to catch the eagle.”

Qian Jingdongshu raised his lips and fired three shots at him!

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